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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17812
  2. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC130
  3. Not to get off topic, but I just got my copy of TruePianos and man, its great. Thanks Nario for piquing my interest in it. Now, to the challenge of setting my votes...
  4. Heh, I just about to mess around with my tracks when you posted. Excellent timing, bro.
  5. ___________________________
  6. oshit I forgot about the Gumby theme. *sheds a tear of nostalgia*
  7. BTW, does anyone know what kind of synth that is, at about 0:39? I need to emulate that sound somehow...
  8. Yeah. I would totally post chapter-by-chapter reviews if you did.
  9. Brahms' Hungarian Dance No.5
  10. The Biolizard theme from Sonic Adventure 2. Not so much because it was "that good", but probably due to extreme lack of sleep I had at the time. A non-video game song? Hm... I think "Sparks" by Overseer had me a little watery the first time I heard it. Made me wanna check out the solo album by the singer, Rachael Gray.
  11. BTW, I added the ORC remixes for convenience.
  12. I've got half a mind to do a Palin-style mix, but I'm too lazy at the moment. I probably shouldn't displace the entry I already submitted, anyway.
  13. I'm sure I'll end up tweaking it a bit before the deadline, but there's still a chance that I'll forget to post this then. BTW I decided to follow ubernym's recommendation by avoiding my "old ideas".
  14. I forgot to thank you for inspiring the funnest 15 minutes in my creative life.
  15. Yay, another games-as-art thread.
  16. I was given a keyboard as a youngling, and I tried to mimic familiar melodies. I think what actually got me into making my own tunes was the music of Daft Punk. Basically it was the notion that you could repeat an idea a million times as long as the idea was interesting (i.e. lent itself to repetition) and if there were some underlying layers that could distract the ear once in a while. My inspiration to make remixes, aside from the hordes of immortal video game composers and compositions, are the remixes from this site. I was particularly motivated by some of analoq's more minimal works. The fact that he is a Daft Punk fan neatly closes the circle.
  17. Hey yeah. At least this time I had some original compositions prepared.
  18. Okay. I'll definitely submit something, so bump.
  19. [/Vegeta]
  20. Longest entry FTW.
  21. *hooks up MIDI controller, eyes clock*
  22. I suppose "competition" would make the most sense...
  23. Oh lol
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