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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Effing fantastic. Their Sonic one is pretty great too.
  2. AHAHAHA episode 3 is HILARIOUS. What they did with Samus, Capt. Falcon, and Pit is absolutely genius! Can't breathe.
  3. Well. Sounds pretty ambitious, but if they actually manage to make it as cool as they're making it sound, I'll definitely be in line to get a copy.
  4. Haha, that's awesome. Now we just need multiplayer. Also awesome: http://www.tetris1d.org/
  5. This is true to some extent, how ever, I find that a lot of my favorite remixes are from games I've never played. I loved the Chrono Trigger soundtrack long before I played the game, and I love FF7's music even though I got bored with the game after a couple hours. So at least for me, nostalgia is only a small part of it. VG music can encompass all musical styles, but what I think sets it apart and makes it "video game music" rather than just "soundtrack music", is the fact that it is HIGHLY melodic (read: very, very catchy) and intended to be looped ad nauseam with making you feel... nauseam. Even without the nostalgia factor, a well written VG song strives for many of the same things a pop song does: to be played over and over until you actually start to associate good memories with it. I mean, does anyone here actually have nostalgic memories of bad VG songs?
  6. Now that I think about it, most of the people who run circles around me musically are people who are talented and put the work into it. I can't really think of anyone I know (at least in person) who hasn't worked for their success. One just has to turn on the radio to hear that you don't have to have talent to get very far... though I wonder how many of them actually worked for it.
  7. Can someone actually explain to me how 6/8 and 3/4 are different? I understand how they're different notation-wise, but in execution they feel the same to me.
  8. Glad you bumped this. I missed the thread when it was first active. Awesome, awesome soundtrack. I just might actually go out and buy that game now.
  9. Haha when I first saw this thread I assumed Luke posted it too. I actually kinda like Dream Theater though, so it's cool to hear the news.
  10. Ya know, behind closed doors, I've done the same thing while trying to get the hang of a weird time signature. I'm sure most of us have. I'm just smart enough to catch myself and make sure I've got the rhythm ingrained in my head before I do it in public. There are plenty of stupid, unaware people out there, so if this video is real, it doesn't seem too far out of the realm of possibility to me.
  11. And yet, it seems that the talented people always get farther than the hard-working ones. I agree though. I'd rather be that guys who worked hard to get somewhere, than that prick who feels like he deserves to be there.
  12. I think he was saying that God of War used said gratuitous violence as a device to demonstrate the barbaric nature of the character, thus being beneficial to the narrative and making it an exception to his usual rule against "violence for violence's sake".
  13. That's one of my favorite tracks on the album too. Awesome work, Greg. I liked the music a lot. Much different from what I'm used to hearing from you, but great as always. Here's to you getting more publicity and cash doing something you love.
  14. HAHAHAHAHA! Oh god, it hurts. I saw it coming a mile away and it was still hilarious. The best part is that the advice he gives is actually pretty good, and it sounds like he knows what he's talking about... but then he mucks it up anyway.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eat_n_park I had never heard of it either. The article it's one of those old-timey restaurants where the waiters/waitresses come out on rollerskates and serve you in your car.
  16. I'm definitely interested, but I'll have to see how the money/transportation situation works out. I went to the Louisville VGL-meetup last summer, and it was one of the most entertaining concerts I've ever been to. Plus, meeting OCR people IRL is way cool.
  17. Dear god, no.
  18. I've often wondered whether 'penises' or 'penii' is the proper term for the plural of penis. I usually wind up just hoping that whatever it is, I'll never actually have a reason to use it in a sentence. That being said, the movie was great. I've actually had a copy of the novel sitting on my shelf for a while now, but I never actually bothered to pick it up. I think I'm going to now. If the book is even half as deep as the movie is, it should be a good read.
  19. Since I don't know which of the two threads on this movie is going to take off, I'll go ahead and respond to this one as well. I liked the movie very much. It was a lot more intelligent than I expected, though I haven't read the graphic novel yet. The underlying themes were many, and they were pretty deep too. Leaves one with a lot to think about after the credits roll. On top of all of that, it was also just plain entertaining. I imagine I'll be seeing this one a few more times while it's still in theaters. Also, as I subtly alluded to in my post in the other thread, I foresee many, many photoshops of Dr. Manhattan's member in the near future.
  20. lol @ OCR fanfiction. Also, Happy Birthday to both of you. And OCR fanfiction sounds like a brilliant idea.
  21. For years, I've had trouble taking The Hulk seriously. I thought it was hilariously unrealistic how every time he transformed, all his clothes would rip off his body except for a small strategically placed pair of pants covering his presumably massive green schlong. Then I go to see The Watchmen. Good god. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie a lot. It's just that sometimes it seemed that Mr. Manhattan's blue, glowing horse-cock was getting more character development that the Mr. Manhattan himself. Near the end, when he's walking down the stairs you can practically feel the breeze it creates swinging back and forth like a pendulum. It seemed that the only thing missing from the dongitude of this film was a gratuitous close up the damn thing. I think I'm more than ready to go back to Hulk-pants now. I don't want to ever see another colorful superhero dick again.
  22. I don't know if you know about the Nintendo DSi coming out on April 5 in North America, but it's worth checking out for what you're wanting to do. One of the new features is that it has an SD card slot and a media player (can't do MP3's but I'm sure someone will come up with an easy fix for that), as well as a browser, a couple low-res cameras, and a crapload more RAM. Of course, getting a flashcart would be cheaper, but the audio output on the DS isn't really that great. You'd be better off getting a cheap MP3 player IMO.
  23. Remaking a movie so it's closer to the book doesn't seem to work for most people. Look at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: it's way closer to the book than Willy Wonka was, but all the people I talk to say that they like the original better than the new one.
  24. Ah. I see. Out of curiosity, what were the reasons for unbanning and then rebanning?
  25. This may not actually be a bug, but according to this, Protricity was making posts back in Feb 2008. I remember him getting banned long before that date. Is this an issue with post dates on the forums, or am I just going senile?
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