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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Really? I'm not hearing it... I actually thought it was kinda pretty. Man, we're just not getting along today are we?
  2. I've been using Firefox with the NoScript extension and I've had no problem at all... I honestly think people wouldn't have half of these problems if they just switched to Firefox. IE is way to easy to exploit.
  3. I'm a few tracks into the vocal side, and I gotta say that this is pretty great! Good melodies, vocal horomonorinies, and the backing rhythms are very nice. You should consider doing a vocal ocremix in this style.
  4. They're getting up past $3.50 here in Cincinnati, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they broke $4 by summer.
  5. To each their own... it's probably a great song, but I just can't get into it. Then again, this is probably why you're an OCR judge, and I'm not.
  6. I try to remain unbiased towards genres that I don't normally listen to, but ultimately, I vote for the songs that fit my tastes best. Between a good song and a good song that I actually like, I'm gonna vote for the one I like. I wouldn't surprise me much if people were intentionally ragging on black music, but I think that even if they weren't, those genres just wouldn't do as well because OurStage seems to be mostly whities like myself. I agree with you though. Except for "Come Over". It sounds like cheesy porno music, as someone said earlier.
  7. It's not 946 songs, it's 946 "battles". There are 44 songs, and they are each paired up with all the other songs once.
  8. Man... you guys have some stiff competition this month. Voting is taking me forever because I keep wanting to stop and listen to each song completely. Don't worry though. I'm still maintaining my OCR bias just fine.
  9. Awesome. I'm downloading it now. I'll let ya know what I think once I give it a listen..
  10. That was pretty intense. The only thing that really bothered me was that 3:45 sounded like a tribe of dying wookies, and 5:00 sounded like a bunch of mice raping a cat. Still, the carrot flute and the pepper kazoo were friggin' awesome.
  11. Haha! After I flagged SAX & SUNRISE, it gave me a page that says this... The link is sgx's banner. wtf?
  12. There seem to be some fairly knowledgeable people in here. I don't wanna turn into a work-out freak, but I would like to lose my gut and maybe get a little stronger. Can someone give me some advice on what I should be doing? I'm about 270-280ish, and when I was in shape I was 215 (personally, I think the BMI is a load of crap). I've got a pretty nice treadmill in the basement... I'm willing to diet, but nothing crazy. I'm too poor for most health foods, and frankly I like junk food too much to go cold turkey on it... but I can/should cut back on it. What say you?
  13. Well, I've secured access to my parents' car, so I don't need one (unless they get pissy between now and then, which is very possible). However, if it's not terribly out of the way for you, it might be easier for the both of us to split the gas money. Where would you be coming from? EDIT: Sorry for the upcoming double post. Didn't want to confuse bgc.
  14. With music. Just in case you were wondering.
  15. We're meeting for the Louisville showing of Video Games Live on July 18. Big Giant Circles is going to set up a PayPal account with which we are to send him $38 for a ticket (possibly $48 if we all decide to get better seats). We need to have the money to him by May 19, which is a few weeks out from today. Beyond that, nothing is set in stone. By the way, my parents said I could borrow their car, so unless some bizarre circumstances arise, I am absolutely coming to this.
  16. So are we thinking that we might be hanging around Louisville for the whole weekend? Ticket cost, gas money, and even dinner that evening shouldn't be a problem, but anything more will require a little more planning on my part. I'm totally up for pitching in for a hotel and all that, but if that's the plan, how much money should I put aside for this trip? EDIT: If everyone else wants to, I wouldn't mind purchasing better (or best) seats. I'd rather sit with the group though, if someone can't afford it.
  17. Well, money and schedule shouldn't be an issue for me, so the only variable left is transportation. Could someone possibly give me a ride from Cincinnati and back? Help with gas money shouldn't be a problem. If no one can, I still haven't exhausted all my options yet. Worst comes to worst, I could always take the bus. bgc, could you define "very very very soon"? I have a know a few people who might be interested (and could possibly give me a ride), but right now isn't a good time to contact them. I'd also like to figure out my transportation issue before I buy tickets, but if you're talking about purchasing them, like, tomorrow or something, go ahead and get mine and I'll figure out the ride later. There's not a popsickle's chance in Hell I'm missing out on this.
  18. I'll go ahead and get it out there that I weigh around 270lbs, although most people would never guess that I weigh that much just by looking at me. A lot of my weight is from my naturally large build (lots of football players in my family), but a lot of it is still unmistakably excess weight. I'm not sure how much I can take off over the summer, but I could eventually get down to 200-210 (healthily) if I worked out enough. I pretty much feel the way megaphone does. I'm not going to devote my life to this or anything, but it's time for this beer gut to go.
  19. I'm just now seeing this, but I am DEFINITELY interested. I've got some friends who may be interested as well. For now, count me as a "maybe" with a "probably" in parenthesis. I'm going to do everything humanly possible to make it to this. I've been really wanting to check out VGL and attend a meetup, so there's no way I'm missing out on this.
  20. Can you give us a rough ETA of when it'll be on? I don't really want to listen to that other crap all day.
  21. This sounds like a good idea. If this gets going, I'm definitely in. I've been needing a good excuse to get my flabby butt moving. Also, I'm not much of an artist, but let me know if you need any other help getting this thing together.
  22. Ooh more OurStage stuff. I had a lot of fun voting last month, so you can definitely count me in this time. I join everyones' fan clubs... but right now I need to go to bed. I'll vote tomorrow. (Also if anyone wants to take a short break from all the judging, you should check out the video section. They've got some pretty great stuff there, especially in Comedy and Short Films.) DJP... you said that Jared Hudson is in on Prot's little hacker gang? What leads you to believe this? I don't know him all that well, but he always seemed like a pretty great guy. I'm having trouble enough wrapping my head around the idea of Shnabubula pulling that kind of crap.
  23. I'm expecting some good edits of this. Don't let me down people.
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