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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. I'm having trouble believing the second quote. Sounds like just another chain email.
  2. Living 500 miles away from these little get-togethers is starting to suck. I'll make one of 'em one of these days though.
  3. No, he has no feet.
  4. Well, looks like I'll be eating ramen noodles for the next few weeks.
  5. In regards to the OCR-tan game... what exactly would all the judgebots powers be? NOVERRIDE-beams? Banhammers? Heh. Pretzelman, Lionman, Jigginman, Pixieman... owait. Props to all of the OCR-tan art so far.
  6. I never thought the day would come where I would want to buy a Microsoft version of a product because it was the better choice...
  7. Man... there goes another 50 bucks outta my pocket....
  8. Who's Arthur C. Clarke? Sum n00b?
  9. This is all just a part of his master plan.
  10. fixed. 10char
  11. I was under the impression that Nintendo made a whole crapload of Wiis, and it still wasn't enough.
  12. You're just jealous because you're not cool and insightful.
  13. That was actually quite enjoyable. Your screwups aren't too bad. I've heard much worse mistakes before, and it's really not as big of a deal as you'd think. Just about everyone chalks it up to nerves (which seems to be the case here). I can tell you're a pretty darn good pianist. I've been playing for about the same amount of time as you and I'm not nearly as good.
  14. Ugh. 9/18. I studpidly missed a whole bunch of them too.
  15. I'll second Machinae Supremacy. Freakin' amazing band. They are extremely VG inspired, and even go as far as using a hacked C64 chip (SID station) in most of their songs. Most of their music is about video games, robots taking over the world... that kind of stuff. I have noticed, however, that some people are turned off by the vocalist, but at least he isn't growly. They've got lots of instrumentals if their vox aren't your cup o' tea. Most of their stuff is available for free on their website. Personally, I think their older stuff is their best. Also, I think the band "Epica" is simply brilliant. Kind of Nightwish-esque, but more orchestrally and vocally driven. They do have very occasional growlings, but personally I find that their chior and near pixietricks quality vocals are easily good enough to make up for it. Epica - Feint
  16. Am I the only pervert here who totally read into this the wrong way? In all seriousness though, congrats man. When she's old enough, get her to sing and submit it. She could be the youngest remixer ever.
  17. We should have an annual "Revive a dead thread day"... maybe get some good topics that died prematurely up and running again. This is a simple one that I'm sure everyone has tried. I had one this morning and it was darn tasty, so I figured it might be worth reiterating just in case anyone hasn't made one before. Toasted English Muffin A slice or two of bacon or ham (prepared however you like it; i.e., fried, boiled, etc.) One egg (Again, any way you want. I fried mine, sunny side up) Your favorite cheese It's basically a McDonald's Egg McMuffin, if you've ever had one before, but a lot better IMO. You might want to try a bite and then decide if it needs any salt or pepper. I could also see this working well with katsup and/or peppers. It's worth experimenting with.
  18. Dude. The trolley and the whole little kingdom that it went through was my favorite part of that show. Also, someone should make a "Nice sweater" pic. I'm feeling way too lazy right now to start photoshopping anything myself.
  19. I wouldn't mind trying to get into Brawl competitively. I was one of the better Melee players at my school (which probably means I'm slightly above average). Is there going to be a Clan OCR revival for the release of this? If there is, I'm totally in.
  20. Free is good. This looks like a lot of fun
  21. It would be neat if it was a dropdown box or something besides typing it in. Apparently I knew several of them, but missed them because I didn't use the right iteration of their names.
  22. It's CNN. It's basically the left-leaning version of FOX. Except that at least FOX has reasonable standards for spelling and punctuation. That being said, they at least had their facts straight. It was an interesting read despite its flaws. Hopefully, some people who have never heard of chiptunes will become interested as a result of this article. Gotta give CNN points for trying.
  23. I totally agree. I get sick of hearing musicians bitch and moan about people who play the game (no, not the one that I just lost). I've never seen anyone brag about what a great musician they were because of Guitar Hero or Rock Band. If anything, the games probably cut down on the number of people took two guitar lessons and think they're the shit because they can bang out all 4 chords of a Green Day song. TROLL HARD 3: TROLL HARD WITH A VENGEANCE
  24. Is there a game called "Air Guitar"?
  25. Man. 14%. I consider myself humbled. I only got 3, 9, 10, 13, 39, 43, and 45. Man, do I suck. I recognized most of these, but I couldn't remember from what game. A few of them I was sure of, like the Castlevania ones, but my answer wouldn't take for some reason. AND WHAT IS 35???? IT'S DRIVING ME MAD!!!
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