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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. This looks friggin sweet, and I'm not even a big FF fan. Downloading now.
  2. I'm 20 and the Wii is the only current-gen console I own (though I'm saving for an Xbox 360). I'd say I average somewhere around 40 hours a month on it. Older systems that I own are GCN, NES, SNES, DS, GBC, PS2, XBOX, and Sega Master System.
  3. Euphemisms for male genitalia are ALWAYS funny.
  4. I'll third or fourth the comments getting a teacher. Sure, lots of people teach themselves to play, but a lot of them learn to do it wrong and pick up bad habits that are quite difficult to break. Even if money gets in the way of lessons, at least find some instructional videos. Also, try and see if you can learn some simple music theory for guitar. It makes learning a lot easier to learn when you understand what you're playing rather than just hitting notes that sound good. I learned theory in college, but I'm sure someone here could give some good links to help out in that regard.
  5. Right now I'm playing the massively addicting freeware turn-based strategy game Battle for Wesnoth. Whenever I get bored with that, I pop in No More Heroes (I'm at Rank 2) or Geist (about halfway through, I think).
  6. Man. Didn't realize they left. Thanks for all your work guys. Hopefully this'll just free up some more time to make more amazing music.
  7. 4 pages and no jokes about the thread title? You people fail to entertain me. EDIT: I'll answer your questions later tonight in a more serious post.
  8. Yeah I just read it today too. Didn't mean to, but I did anyway. It was very engrossing, which is saying something coming from me who normally has difficulty reading a two page thread before something shiny distracts me. I don't know if I have much to say beyond that. It has definitely been stuck in my thoughts all day, and it has the gears in my head turning for my own stories. Nice work.
  9. I just scanned though the first post and this is the closest thing I could find to rules about submitting art. It doesn't explicitly say that entries should be PM'd to Atma, but it implies that it was probably his original intention. EDIT: ack! nevermind...
  10. Ninja Gaiden has always been all about the combat though. I played the demo at GameStop, and while it isn't nearly the masterpiece that Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox was, I found it to be rather enjoyable. The controls are slightly awkward at first, but they work really well once you get used to them. It's definitely on my backlog of games to buy.
  11. Some of the "modernizations" of SF4 have me a tad concerned too... but after watching all of the interview videos, I'm confident that any departures from oldskool SF titles will be well designed and well though-out. I don't know that'll get me to ever stop playing SF2, but I'll probably still enjoy it. At the very least, that art looks awesome, and it'll be interesting to see all our favorite fighters in 3D.
  12. Just finished watching it. All in all, not bad. The cinematography, editing, location sound and foley were all surprisingly good for a high school movie. Videogame and movie references were nice and nerdy. The Metal Gear part was hysterical. I'm curious: how did shooting take?
  13. Pretty good so far. What's the music at 2:51 on the first vid? Firefly?
  14. I'm cool with more of the same. Looooved Dawn of Sorrow. I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
  15. I'm all for Metal Gear. Though something odd like No More Heroes or Smash Bros. would be amazing to see.
  16. I had a CD of some music recorded like that. It was awesome. I scratched the hell out of it though. jmr, your last.fm sig is awesome. Sigor Ros followed by The Grammar Club? Priceless.
  17. So what exactly can we do about this? There's an option to flag it as "infringes on my copyright" but you know... it isn't exactly my copyright. We could digg it as "Plagarized Portal Remix", but I doubt it would get very far.
  18. Darius Twin was a great game. That's one of my favorite tunes from it too. Good remix.
  19. Fun. The pacing is really good. Never would have guessed this was nearly a 4 minute video.
  20. Are you talking about the movie or the actual event?
  21. Eh. Grow up. This is the first time I've seen this, and I thought it was cool.
  22. Wowza. The Dr. Mario one had me bawling like a baby by the end (partly due to the fact that I'm seriously hopped up on meds right now, and partly because my dog who's been my best friend since I was five died a few weeks ago.) I seriously thought you guys were all just being a bunch of saps. I was wrong. Of course the rest of the songs stand in very stark contrast to that one. This guy is hilarious.
  23. hmm... that's pretty nifty.
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