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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Your voice sounds a lot like the boys from RAPE over at OLR. This song freaking rocks.
  2. Are you still taking remixers? Here's some of my recent music if you are. The Betrayal - RPG Pre-battle music/orchestral Battle with Judas - RPG battle music/orchestral The Day the World Crashed (WIP) - Chrono Trigger Remix/ambient/electronica The Garden (WIP) - Ambient
  3. I think pixietricks might be my first celebrity crush.
  4. Daaaaaaaaaaaaangit. Oh well. I'll try out that time shifting thing, but I'll probably end up just making two separate songs and sticking them together in Audacity or something. What is the best way to set up a song in 6/8 time from the beginning (i.e. without ever intending to go into 4/4)?
  5. That might be the best move... dang this is gunna be more work than I thought. Ok then. I've got another question revolving around the same project. When the song is in 4/4, I've got the tempo at 120 bpm (which is right where I want it). But when I go into 6/8 time, the song feels way too slow at 120. I'm thinkin' 135 or 140 might do the trick, but is there any way to change the tempo in the middle of the song?
  6. In addition you probably want to change the Resolution dial to like 3/8 or 3/16 or something to get the compound feel. How do you do that? The only ones I see are 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/8T, 1/16, 1/16T, etc.
  7. Yay! I just ordered one.
  8. Ok, that does help a bit. I can't change the time sig in the middle of the song. But I've been told that there is a way (supposedly a very tricky way) to program the ReDrum machine to play a loop in compound meter, even with the sequencer going in simple meter. Something having to do with changing the resolution and the number of steps. Specifically I'm going for 6/8 here. Any ideas?
  9. Ok, so I have Reason 3.0 on my laptop, and I use Reason 2.5 in my school's lab pretty often. Is there a way that I can program a redrum in 6/8 time (or compound time in general)? I'm working on a song that starts out in 4/4 time, and I wan't it to switch to 6/8, and eventually back to 4/4. Is there a way to do this?
  10. yes, but... who could ever learn to love... a beast? *pizzacato string* *sustained high strings* *curtain opens on small marketplace at dawn* "Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day, like the one before .... " More like And I would do anything for love, I'd run right into hell and back I would do anything for love, I'll never lie to you and that's a fact But I'll never forget the way you feel right now, oh no, no way And I would do anything for love, but I won't do that, I won't do that Anything for love, oh I would do anything for love I would do anything for love, but I won't do that, oh I won't do that Now you're making me hungry.
  11. Hey Hey, I like this. We really need some more analog synth songs on this site. This baby is a keeper.
  12. This is probably my favorite song on the RotS project. Kind of a rock feel, but not quite. Love how it's hard to tag a genre on it, and yet it flows so smoothly. 9/10
  13. VERY Creative. VERY catchy. I couldn't help but laugh and sing along with this one. One of the easiest 10/10s ever. EDIT: I just listened to it like a billion times now.
  14. wow. I'm seriously at a loss for words... this mix made me teary eyed and I don't even know the source tune. Beautiful. Gotta love Jill's voice. 11/11 ..er... 10/10. (Spending too much time in OLR.)
  15. OH MY GOSH! I love the source tune for this song! I never ever thought it would get remixed! THANK YOU! The remix itself is also much, much more than I expected. Gotta love the guitar playing.
  16. Oh man... haven't looked at this project since it was in gendisc, but all i gotta say is wow. I made a CD of all the stuff avaiable here a while back and it seriously made my jaw drop. Honestly, I didn't think it could get any better. Then just a few minutes ago I saw pixietricks' name right next to rueben kee's and I knew I was wrong. Seriously guys, to say this project is amazing would be a vast understatement. Dont quit or I'll cry.
  17. Hey. I posted this in the ArtRage thread, but I thought you might be interested just to see this too. I was messing around with your cover art and this is what I finally got. Enjoy.
  18. I like this a lot. Might even put it on a sleep CD. The one thing I noticed was that the clanky things in the background kinda sound like Schala's Theme from Chrono Trigger. Not that that's a bad thing. Beautiful when the piano comes in too. 10/10 easily.
  19. I like #2. Make it a deadline a while from now though. A lot of the mixers are probably busy with real-life deadlines, since it's nearing the end of the school year. I imagine that's why the project isn't seeing much progress right now. Best of luck to you guys.
  20. It's right on top of the backwards C. You should see some circles and a wing. I think it looks a bit more like Buzz Lightyear's spaceship than the Epoch...
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