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Everything posted by MaxFrost

  1. Crab Boss in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. For some stupid reason, it took me like 30 tries to kill that bastard. Even dracula was easier to kill.
  2. as long as it's a metal band, go with the black. The other watch is more if you're into wearing business attire all the time (like if you're a debate student or something) I kinda want another watch nowadays myself...stopped wearing em.
  3. This is good stuff, can't wait for the release.
  4. For Sale: Anything listed in this Album :::N64::: Gex 64 $2 Banjo-Tooie $5 007:The World is not Enough $5 Diddy Kong Racing $8 Wetrix $5 Quest 64 $2 Donkey Kong 64 $5 Knife-Edge:NoseGunner $2 Beetle Adventure Racing $5 Zelda: Majora's Mask (gold holographic cart) (needs expansion pack in N64) $10 Shadowgate64: Trials of the Four Towers $5 :::SNES::: Zelda: A Link to the Past $12 Lagoon $5 Super Empire Strikes Back $5 Final Fantasy 3 $15 The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse $5 Soul Blazer $10 Breath of Fire $10 Breath of Fire 2 $10 Super Mario Kart $10 Lamborghini American Challenge Free Wing Commander Free Super R-Type $2 The Legend of the Mystical Ninja $10 Killer Instinct $5 Chrono Trigger $20 Donkey Kong Country $10 Harley's Humongous Adventures Free The Combatribes Free Super Metroid $20 (Pretty sure there's a low time save on the cart) Race Drivin Free Dragon View $3 Brain Lord $5 Ys 3 $3 BattleToads and Double Dragon $5 :::NES::: Super Mario Bros/DuckHunt (If you don't own this already, I'll give it to you) The Adventures of Link $2 A Boy and his Blob x2 $2 Hogan's Alley $1 (Buy a light gun, I'll throw this or Trickshooting in with it) TrickShooting $1 (Buy a light gun, I'll throw this or Hogan's Alley in with it) CastleQuest $2 Willow $10 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom $2 World Class Track Meet (I'll give this to you if you own a trackpad) Short Order/Egg-Splode (I'll give this to you if you own a trackpad) Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge $1 :::Player's Guides::: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time $2 Mario 64 $2 Super Mario RPG + instruction booklet $2 Non-Nintendo Super Metroid Guide $5 Final Fantasy 1 Strategy Guide $10 NEWLY Found!! :::Consoles::: (all with cables) Black N64 (working) $30 Classic NES (working) $20 NES controller $5 (I have 2) SNES controller $5 (I have 2) N64 controller $5 (I have 2) NES lightguns $5, comes with a game (I have 2) :::NES::: Final Fantasy 1 $15 :::N64::: Super Mario 64 $15 :::SNES::: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island $10 Dungeon Master $2
  5. The anticipation is killing me. I reallllly want to listen to this album. :S
  6. no, not really. I personally started boycotting CN when they took toonami off the air. I don't know about you, but I lived for that 2-3 hour block of over the top anime in the afternoon, and when it went poof, I just wasn't intrested in watching CN anymore, mostly because all the shows I found entertaining kept poofing off the air.
  7. Started and finished the Cleric Quintet by R.A. Salvatore. in my opinion, way better then all the Drizzrt stuff.
  8. I know I still need to get better, but I don't feel too bad because I still haven't logged a whole lot of time on the game yet....hell, I don't even have any of the unlocks yet.
  9. hopefully it plays a lot better then it looks. the gameplay looks stiff, and I hate SHMUPS where I loose track of my ship.
  10. that's not a dev, that's a copy/paste from a blue post from the offical forums.
  11. I just started DMing a 4e campaign myself (first day was today), though I'm currently suffering a lack of players. I've played the games where the people on the other end just wanted to kill stuff, and i've played games where the roleplay was a huge part of the world. I've noticed you need both a good DM who can create the right kind of world and players who can run with what the DM feeds them, and also create their own stuff. Hopefully I can create some conflict in the base town that I've created and give a reason for the rogue to sneak around, or for my NPC to get kicked out, etc. It's my first time DMing, so it's been a learning experience. (figuring out how to track monsters has been a pain, currently using index cards to follow groups, but I need to make my encounters more difficult.) When you just get going, don't expect a whole lot of ultra epic adventures, but once you get rolling, if you're not doing something with some mystique, then your campiagn will probably bore you.
  12. I know I donated 20 bucks! yay for ocr win!
  13. http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=4017.0 Spelunky! It's a combination of platformer and Rogue-like. The formula is win, and I suggest you play it.
  14. Yay bandwagon! In all seriousness, I'm planning on starting my own fitness routine starting next monday, working on upper body and core for the most part. Essentially a military type program that uses a lot of situps and pushups to tone the body. Personally, I'm not that overweight, around 190-200 lbs (need to buy a scale so I know for sure) and at 6', but I need to tone my physique up, mostly so I don't look flabby anymore. program is 6 weeks long, working up to a fairly sizable chunk of pushups-situps a day, 3x a week. I'll be starting the workouts on monday, but I'm putting the program together for myself today, so I have charts and whatnot to follow. Also to-do while I'm doing this...cut soda completely out of my diet, and most fast food, I'm eating way too much of that crap right now.
  15. on the building a remix over time dealy, I would recommend handling it like this guy is with dwarven fortress (ascii game most of you wouldn't care about) http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=5A3D7682BDD48FC2 he's been doing this over 3 months. Basically, whenever something substantial happens, he'll drag up his recording software, and recap what he did/will do/is doing. He shows what then when on, and how to do it. warning, if you end up watching the entire thing, it's around 2.5 hours of 10 minute segments.
  16. I got this back with the castlevania mix when LSD released their 'Uptime' album. Sadly, it's simply titled 'Chrono Trigger'. needless to say, it's still awesome.
  17. I believe windows 7 is an attempt to get away from the windows vista stigma. If vista had performed better in the market place, I would guarantee you that they'd be injecting these features right into it instead of forking windows 7 and working on that instead. UAC was a fantastic idea (I use it all the time) but it needs to be reworked. Once I say okay to let a program do it's thing, I shouldn't have to okay the file copyovers and etc. However, I understand why it does that right now, and that's because there are users who don't always know what they're doing. There's a lot of good UI stuff happening in windows 7 which will help bring it up to par with OSX. Better window management, tossing the sidebar, which is only midly useful. There's also some good optimization being done with the fork, which will mean that there's a good chance that windows 7 will run better on older hardware then vista currently does.
  18. alt, you're way off. A power user is essentially one who wishes to use their machine to it's fullest capabilities. There's a reason why so much art and production is done on Macs. It's not because it's "simple", it's because the best software available is made for mac, and macs put this software to it's best use. If I were to pick a true os for power users, it'd be either Mac or a *unix derivative, not windows. Microsoft has been opening up more and more options, but it still has to serve to the lowest common denominator, which is the happy go lucky user who barely knows how to access email. If you're ragging on OSX's layout, you obviously haven't used it recently at all. It takes a bit of getting used to, but so does linux. And there's far more power user options that are easier to get to in OSX then it's Windows counterparts. Macs have a beauty about their interface because _EVERYTHING_ is standardized, which means the same key combination that works in one program will work THE SAME EXACT WAY in another. You'll find menu options in the same place irregardless of who built the program. Windows is getting better in the UI department, but it still has a ways to go. Vista's start menu is a good example of how it's evolving. Edit: Anywho, this is a thread about Windows 7, stop talking about other OS's, it's trolling
  19. excellent work once again, still listening to the album, but I like what I hear so far. This is going on my ipod right away
  20. I'm waiting for the same thing, I finally bought tf2, still getting setup, but I want to play with you guys : /
  21. depends what kind of person you are. For me, I'd rather just play with those I find in game. Although I've gotten like...10+ people that I personally know to play, I very rarely get to play with them, as my schedule looks nothing like theirs. Hell, my entire family plays, and we're in 3 different guilds for the 4 of us. If you can sync up with your "real friends", it's much easier to play with them. But if you're normally on your own anyways, just go play, and find people ingame that play on the same schedule, and maybe get some more friends.
  22. beat the training hall only using one potion, I could have gone back and cleared it with none, but I was getting tired of restarting due to bad timing. Power seems kinda...lackluster. Doesn't help that I'm a magic addict and have other things I'd rather use.
  23. thanks for the advice, though that wasn't what was kicking my butt. Room 7ish is where I keep getting stuck, though I'm starting to work though that one and getting to the next few.
  24. training room is kicking my arse. Though I probably should finish clearing out the castle first
  25. I have a medal from one boss, when I go though the second time I'll work a bit harder on em. Most of the bosses have a fairly simple pattern, usually pretty easy to avoid.
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