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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. yeah, torrent clients are completely legit. get uTorrent, it's easily one of the best. it's just like an OS - if you never put anything bad in it, nothing bad comes out. you'll totally be fine =)
  2. how big's your power supply? likely not anything to do with that, but it's worth checking. freezes generally related to a crappy motherboard or bad ram. you have crappy ram, but if memtest is working fine then it's not that. you didn't list a great motherboard - it's usually stable, but nor much more than that. the light thing makes me think your psu is just defective, incorrectly interpreting the power-on signal (the thing it uses to activate a UPS if it craps out).
  3. i'm assuming you avoid them because they're usually full of illegal stuff. this one's totally legit, and you can't get in trouble for it =)
  4. have i ever told you how much i incredibly hate having music play upon loading a web page? i think i'm not alone, too. i checked your website because i figured you must have gone to school at IC if you knew Laura Intravia. i'm a current grad student there (about to graduate, actually), and someone showed me that video a while back.
  5. the hyper keeps my i7-860 under 35 for idle and under 55 for load. considering that load is DA:O and Far Cry 2 maxed on a 1920x1200 screen with my video card basically spitting flames out in all directions, that's not too bad.
  6. go change your pants, kid. don't bitch about project timelines until you're contributing. hylian's got like seven thousand mixes on this project, and you don't see him shooting one-liners around. why would he ruin any part of the project by releasing it early, let alone because of comments by the kid who registered solely to bitch about project timelines?
  7. correction: i DID pick up age of booty. i need to learn how to play it, now, and then i'll be in for some online play.
  8. i really enjoy defense grid: the awakening. i play from time to time - it's not a multiplayer game, but it's definitely got enough game modes to be really fun. i think i'll pick up age of booty.
  9. i was under the impression that most of these were permanent - at least, South park and Age of Booty were.
  10. most game stores sell the DS Lite for ten dollars more in a used fashion, and i regularly see them on craigslist and ebay for around that price. go that route.
  11. hey, man, no problem. just figure out what you want to ask and someone'll help out, for sure.
  12. back at it, mixahs! it's been two days since i've received a wip for the first time in three weeks, and it makes me sad =(
  13. liquid cooling's a pretty bad idea, all told, when you've only got a processor that costs less than a hundred dollars. who wants to flush their system out every six months for that? he'd be better off buying a new system. he could easily buy a new motherboard and cpu for less than even a reserator1 v2 would cost, let alone a real loop.
  14. first thing i did was make a terra mix with 'max it out!' set, in metal. it was gorgeous. i cried tears of blood and water, just like jesus did back in the day.
  15. neblix hit it on the head. it's because channels are global. if you want to remove a channel's content from a pattern, delete the data in the piano roll, not the channel itself. also, next time post your FL questions in the workshop's FL subforum. keeps this just for tech questions and not UI questions.
  16. lol, recommended maximum for intel cpus is 85 degrees, and amd cpus are hotter. i always recommend the cooler master hyper 212, but i don't know if it has a bracket for am3 sockets.
  17. darke's mostly just confused with your wording. what tips are you refering to? content input? UI stuff? synthesis? figure out what you want to know specifically, and ask that. asking for tips on this is like asking for tips on some other generic subject like 'school' or something similar.
  18. best remixing stuff ever! no more fl for me. edit: larry ftw!
  19. f this noise. i'm out. aetherius was right, no one likes LA. remixinator ftw.
  20. i played it through. around 12-13 hours of content. i didn't finish all the missions. i found it interesting the way that they handled the end of the previous game and the 'import' of characters to this one. it basically means you can't use any of the cool new gear in Origins, which is about what i expected. the storyline was VERY interesting near the end. didn't make the most sense through most of the game, but there was some great plot twists that made it very worthwhile. voice acting was OK on some characters and really bad on others. about what i expected.
  21. you're forgetting that even though the ghz rating is the same, optimizations in processor speed increase with each generation. read the faq in my signature - specifically, the section on moore's law. it'll explain a lot.
  22. a pentium dual-core is five generations behind current cpu technology. not to mention that the motherboard's chipsets are likely trash from being so old.
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