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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. the gauntlet is still really ridiculously big, but she's more proportionate. i was talking with a buddy about why she'd be so much cooler if she was actually a he, but with roughly the same proportions. think about the blatant stereotypes - there are no male melee characters that aren't rippling muscles and oversized everything. there are female melee characters, but they're all these little tiny things that just look ridiculous in-game because their hair is bigger than their body. why not have a lithe male melee champ? the only male champ that i'd say is skinny is singed, and he's a freak show.
  2. get the physical box that costs ~15 or 20$. it gives you 1500 or so RP, as well as 20 champs, four skins, and some runes.
  3. i don't think this is the right thread to put this is, but is anyone looking to sell their copy of SC2 and associated battle.net account? i'm worried about buying it online when the game is useless without the key.
  4. it looks really close. although your team had nothing like the farm they did. how did annie farm so little? she has such a good build.
  5. i got a jungle timer on my phone. talk about awesome. now i don't have to count anymore, either! insta-jungle: go. also, garen was reduced, so now bardic and i have to fight over him. HE IS SO FUN. him and amumu or fiddles are troll city in lane. skype is the win. if i'm on skype, i'm likely either playing LoL or looking for someone to play with. OH GOTT MEIN EYES
  6. i won't be home until sunday afternoon, but i will play with you when you are on. IF YOU BUY A MIC.
  7. i forgot about this again. maybe i'll find the files again at some point.
  8. i can see a different version, where [insert hero here] tells blitz to fall back and a trollface karthus on the other team says "go get'm champ".
  9. i desperately don't want to miss this, but i can't justify putting down the money yet until i have a real job =(
  10. yard sale i got gofriller cello, atmosphere, and VSL's old gig-only orchestral set for like 50$ at a garage sale of a friend of mine. craigslist works too. if people are selling this stuff, they're either desperate for money or just want to get something for it.
  11. he's a pretty decent support/tank, too, with that blood boil move and stun. he's not as naturally tanky as other heroes but can makeup for it with utility.
  12. rammus might not be the fastest jungler but he's definitely good at ganks. i'd put xin and shaco in there before lee sin honestly.
  13. trundle is a riot - he can take tons of damage, get around fast, and has that penis of filth move. also, rammus is overpowered? or easy mode? not sure which.
  14. i'm enjoying ranked games more than non-ranked. people don't leave, your team is mostly try-hards, people buy wards, they usually don't do ridiculous things, they ping for ganks early enough that the jungler can get over there, etc. as a tank who never, ever will carry a team to victory, i appreciate having smart AD and AP carries. it makes the game so much more fun. i've only had one really mean idiot in a ranked game so far, and it wasn't in the loss (which i went 1-6-8 in, really bad time...never tank jungle warwick. blame my team for forcing it on me). i played with a sion who talked crap all game, starting in the first few minutes when he didn't leash properly and i lost it, and subsequently couldn't get blue until almost ten minutes in as fiddles (who is hyper-dependent on mana regen early-game). i didn't play well, for what it's worth - i think i went 2-7-15 or so, mostly as a result of being underleveled and asked to cover turrets from enemies four and five levels higher than me - and annie ate me a few times when she was 12 and i was 7 (which is totally my fault, right? when i have full health under a tower and she can spike me to nothing almost instantly). we got two aces late game solely because of my pulling the team's asses out of the fire, though, and we pushed and got three towers and baron from each, so we won it no problem. sion spent the entire time after the game berating me for being terrible, and to enjoy my shitty life, while everyone from both teams told him to shut up. it was frustrating that we had won and that guy still felt he needed to just complain the whole time. beyond that? ranked has been fun.
  15. i am 4-1 in ranked games. my ELO - which only displays to others obviously - is 1337. A SIGN. edit - i am averaging 1.4-4.5-10.4 per game with four of five games coming as a tank, so i'm doing ok. the three games i played with rammus and udyr i'm averaging 2-3-11 with tons of farm and several awesome taunts/stuns to protect teammates, so i feel good.
  16. i've played DoW II and the expansions. retribution doesn't feel like DoW II that much, but it's definitely fun =)
  17. guys GUYS i am laughing so hard. remember what happened in 2008? and 2010? and happened this year? everyone was all I WANT IN when it started, everyone put it off until the last weekend, and everyone bitched that they didn't get a memo saying 'sweetiepie, please start now'. if you all want i'll dredge up my post from last year, but i basically said that music isn't hard, it doesn't take forever, and you had three months...so obviously it's rama's fault for starting this! everyone who is complaining, go throw yourself off a bridge. the world needs more people to take responsibility for their actions. you screwed up, don't blame someone else because you didn't bother - over a period of three months - to check when the compo started. honestly. three months. you didn't think to yourself, "hrm, self, i wonder if FBRC started yet"? to be honest, i forgot in 2009 after signing up, and then copped out when i realized i wasn't motivated enough to put in the extra time - and lose sleep - to finish a track on time. if everyone said that, i'd be fine. but these people moaning about no official start can suck a bag of dicks. what a joke. props to the people who did this, or who stepped in and manned up and said that they forgot and couldn't finish it because of their mistake. no props to the people who are blaming the guy who ran the competition for their screwup.
  18. naw, those images were where someone took a 1920x1200 picture, chopped the outsides of it so it was 750x1200, and then stretched it. i just want a picture that's the proper size =)
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