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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. drew gourley is really, really angry, apparently. was that really called for? calling my entry an "earfucking" is clearly not being impartial, if you ask me, as well as saying that i've gotten this far based on name alone. seriously, chill the fuck out, man. it's just plain rude. just because it's the internet doesn't mean that there aren't real people on the other end of the line.
  2. honestly i'd just get a small external interface for recording, something USB 2.0 compatible and fully functional under w7. i needed something bigger and went with a firewire-based saffire pro 40, but an 8-input mixer with saffire's excellent preamps for 350$ sounds darn good to me. i used an m-audio mobilepre for years. it cost a hundred dollars, ran on usb 2.0, and i never had an issue with drivers. something small like that is likely better for your needs anyways. i don't know what their 100$ interface is nowadays, but it's likely just as solid. in the sub-4-input space, i have always felt that external > internal every day of the week.
  3. i keep on being amazed at what stuff people can do in minecraft. did someone make a fully functional calculator like in LBP yet?
  4. an instrumentation clarification: my track used the tonehammer sets Epic Toms Ensemble, Plucked Grand Piano, Cylindrum (that's the thing that sounds like tuned toms or beating on pipes, kind of like Blue Man Group's stuff), Alien Drum (a hang-hang or hang drum), Bamboo Sticks Ensemble, and Propanium (kind of a ping-ier Cylindrum or Alien Drum). there's also a theremin and loads of omnisphere, but the percussion is all listed above. the "high-school percussion" sound comes from how lots of the Epic Toms Ensemble is based around roto-toms and floor toms, which sound like the quads and quints used in a marching band.
  5. here we go! =D edit: ooh, i'm loving the lead as usual, and the arpeggio at the beginning. i'm a sucker for arpeggios.
  6. kaden, you're the one i got the tv from, right? i meant to tell you that it was running awesome until we sold it around a year ago and bought a 47" lcd. really nice tv for what i paid for it =D the people we sold it to are loving it as well.
  7. is it just me or would submitting an OCR track for Songs of the Summoned 2 be fantastic?
  8. in my message to darke about the topic, i noted that it wouldn't be fulfilling at all. i'd rather lose to a completed mix than win against a WIP. in addition, i'd rather lose with a WIP than a completed mix i did after the time limit was done. that's just me, though. either way, what's done is done. will's mix will likely be better than mine anyways because he's so darn good at what he does =) so it's a moot point anyways.
  9. it doesn't matter if i get the same extension. i purposely finished my mix very early in the week because i knew i wasn't going to have access to my system later in the week, and i still won't before the round's over either way. and yes, darkesword, i expected you to say "tough shit" after how strict you've played with the rules this time around. i fully expected that if i asked for more time in advance for you to tell me to suck it up. i've always thought that, which is why i have busted my ass to make sure it was done as soon as possible to account for unexpected circumstances cropping up. now that i know that it's not about the competition itself, i'll be a little less crazy about getting my tracks done so early. during the maverick remix battle, i was running a work schedule that involved being gone from 930am to 1130pm thanks to 10-hour work days (4/week) and a 1.5hr commute both ways. because i was gone on saturday every single round of that compo, i worked from thursday night when i got home until my track was finished, usually 6 or 7am on friday morning, because i'd have no other time to work. during one of the rounds of this competition, i was so ill that i had to wear a facial humidifier to be able to breathe relatively normally while i was working on my song due to a terrible cough i had. still got my track done. in fact, three out of five weeks of this competition, i had to work on shortened weeks due to scheduling issues with making sure i was home and available to work on music. still got everything done, and darke will testify that in almost every occasion my tracks were in early. this competition is as much a long-distance race as it is a sprint. i won't say any more about it either way. the last time i voiced an opinion, people took it as me being an asshole or something, and obviously that's not what i'm trying to do here. i'm just really frustrated about the whole thing.
  10. i am really, really, really disappointed that this is how this is going to turn out, but i'm going to get more information about how sick will has been before i say anything. by disappointed i mean that i'm frustrated that darkesword decided to start bending rules for people, and that i finished my song over a remote desktop connection through a DSL line while out of town to get it in in time since i was stranded in a different state for much of last week, and don't have the ability to turn my music computer back on to do more production work on it. i don't want to make a snap judgement, though, if will's been in the hospital or his mom died or something terrible. does anyone have more details?
  11. it's a true hang-hang - meaning, pentatonic and not chromatic, and mapped a bit oddly - but it's still quite usable with compression. it's quiet on its own, unfortunately.
  12. i agree with the above post. it's quite simple as a whole, and what you're hearing as augmented chords and all those crazy extensions are just NCTs, not necessarily part of the chord.
  13. ok, sending my track over now. i used some reaaaaaallly weird instruments in this one =) like a giant PVC tubular thing (aka, the cylindrum).
  14. you're right - those are better analogies. i always wondered why 3-1-1 wasn't a better strategy, particularly when jungling basically can make that happen on occasion, and bardic pointed out the monetary and exp loss is what makes it not worth it. a point where you don't want a jungler might be where you've got excellent synergy in a lane, perhaps - a solid 2v lane can push a 1v2 where the single player can't do anything because of excellent harass. a good situation might be where a player like alistar and caitlyn work together, where alistar's excellent crowd control, caitlyn's awesome harass, and the natural tower-pushing abilities of both characters work to drive that player out time and again. i guess jungling forces you to be more tactical about how you plan your lanes. can a player like lux or heimerdinger just turtle in a lane? sure, but you can harass to the point where they can't do anything because of either having no mana or no cash.
  15. but is that necessarily something that's op and needs to be nerfed, or is it a failing of the community to always have a jungler - just like you always have to have a mid? an argument can be made that the mid character - because of their ability to roam and catch lanes in a 3v2 while relatively overpowered because of their higher level - is OP, and needs to be nerfed by making the middle lane longer or adding a sixth hero. obviously that wouldn't happen, but it's the same argument as with a jungler. it just means you play differently, not necessarily that it's a broken system. i realize that the power of a jungler is in what they aren't doing - appearing on the map anywhere - is the same as what they are doing - showing up and ganking. but a stealthy character like twitch or evelynn can do the same thing, really - they're not showing in a lane, so they're in every lane - just without the level adjustment from successful ganking. but we all know that a successful jungler can have games where they can't seem to get fed early, and as a result are hosed in mid-game where they're way behind. i guess i don't see why something that's done differently than in HoN needs to be changed to be more like HoN. it's not OP any more than a lot of different tactics in the game, i don't think. this might be my relative inexperience talking, but i just don't see the difference.
  16. i'm expecting a donkey kong skin. like, him with a tie or something.
  17. does that mean that anyone else who has a knockup skill is just a knockoff of cho and is boring, then? or anyone with an aoe cast ult like fiddles is just boring because it's been done before? naw, it just means that different synergies from skills make characters good or bad, not necessarily the skills themselves. that goes for anyone, not just donkey kong or whatever his name is. i find the character's synergies interesting as opposed to just the makeup of each individual skill and whether or not it's been done before. i could care less if every skill is simple and boring, if they work together awesome =)
  18. i like the escapability, which is something i'd probably need since i'm always dying. i have to wonder about his dps potential, i guess, and what cc he'll have.
  19. looking more and more like the first character i'll buy with riot points. he looks amazing.
  20. i stand corrected. they don't have anything like the market penetration something like Super Mario Strikers or Mario Kart has - with Mario Kart pretty much defining the cart-racing/car combat genre when it came out - but i still stand corrected
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