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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i would desperately love to work with a LanBoy Air, but you'd obviously have to pay more since they're almost 200$ retail, and the case i was including is worth roughly 60$ or so, i think. that said, do you REALLY need mounting points for 14 120mm fans? that's an awesome case that i've been dying to work with, but it doesn't look like much and it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it clean since it's usually a negative-pressure system and sucks up a lot of dust.
  2. along those lines, i've actually got two used motherboards and two used CPUs available, so the guts of two systems are available for purchase.
  3. i always hear people complain about balance issues, and i'm a little confused. doesn't that go both ways? like, certain characters are way overpowered in 3v3. i know that. but can't you just play them too?
  4. CT's music is not mostly perfect. if it was, then the only tracks people would remix would be the crappy ones. the other tracks would be un-remixable, since any remix would be worse than the original.
  5. what was it called? had a good soprano sax player and ten tracks. brink of time, maybe?
  6. i didn't read the thread, but didn't someone already do a jazz-themed chrono album? it's darn good, too.
  7. can you make your site...readable? light gray and white don't make things easily readable.
  8. i doubt they'd remove the 4-player coop option, since that's one of the big selling points for the game.
  9. wait, what's the issue with having a new map? am i missing something here? there's benefits of always playing the same map, but what's wrong with two - or, even better, four - that are rotated constantly? also, the new 'dominion' forums seem to be full of people who are excited about it, not complaining. unless i'm missing something huge. edit: read a bit more, and it seems that people aren't pissed about dominion as much per se as they are about the fact that nothing ever gets done on time. people need to shut the hell up and enjoy the fact that the damned game is free, for goodness sake. would it be nice for new features? sure! are there game-breaking bugs right now that prevent any enjoyment from coming from the game? no, there's some balance issues but they go both ways. sooooo, yeah. shut up, entitled asshole people.
  10. i'm hoping they offer four- and ten-packs. i'm assuming they'll do four-packs, but a ten-pack would be even cooler.
  11. uh, yeah, it's been announced for a spring 2012 release. day one purchase for me. i played the first on 360 and didn't get into it, and then played it on steam thanks to stevo bortz buying it for me and absolutely loved it. i definitely prefer it as a coop game, not a single-player game, but even still i'm definitely getting it day one. whatcha think, people? think the ending will be better? game informer's got the 'scoop' next month, so in a few weeks when i get my august edition i'll put more details up.
  12. i sold my account for close to 250$. i enjoyed it while i played, and i liked my character a lot, but i simply spent too much time on it so i figured that i'd get some cash for it and get out while i still could. 250$ ain't bad at all.
  13. a lot of those comments seem to say that it's basically impossible to pull it off because of changes to the jungle, but i'll give it a shot and see how it turns out.
  14. i see what you're saying about flash, but i feel it still has very specific uses as a whole. for an initiator like malphite or alistar, that additional range really makes a big difference. and being able to go through walls is really nice too. however, all it really does - especially if you're slowed - is move you a few extra feet away, as opposed to counteracting whatever CC they're putting on you. i feel it's got very specific uses when it's awesome, and lots of places that you can use it where it's not that great at all. ghost is nice because it gives you sustained speed as opposed to just a quick warp to a different point. think about most of the times you've died out of a teamfight. either you're stunned/snared/knocked up/whatever, or you're running away and got caught. would a flash save you? when you're snared or whatever, yes, it can. when you're running away, sometimes. and when you're chasing a low-health character, sometimes. flash seems better for someone who just needs to get in range to use a single spell or something than it is for an autoattack champ like ashe or yi. the speed bonus is way better for one of them, allowing them to always have position on who they're attacking. the map-control aspect, allowing them to get around quickly to teamfights and ganks, is even better. i haven't seen a rammus guide that uses him as a jungler, since he's got such low damage and slow AS early in the game. as i said, if you get hit hard early and don't have the 850 for a heart of gold, losing that EXP is a huge deal. it's not money that matters, it's getting behind in levels. teleport has basically saved games for me by preventing me from being underleveled in the mid-game phase. powerball is also tough to use later-game to get around because if you impact an enemy, you'll aggro them as well as knocking you out of your ball. considering how strong he is at pushing towers late-game, i've found that an effective strategy is to use teleport to get to a tower that's pushed, pop my ult and blow the tower away quickly, and then use powerball to get out fast. i usually seem to get at least one tower that way, and the pressure it puts on the other team offsets not being around for those few seconds. when the top three or four guides on mobafire and elsewhere say that teleport's one of the best spells for rammus to keep him available for fights while being all over the map, i think i'll trust them as for ignite, i think both ignite and exhaust have very specific uses. ignite is much better early-game when stats aren't stacked enough for percentages to make much difference, and exhaust is much better late game where catching a runner is easier since towers have been pushed and the lanes are more empty.
  15. i've been reading a lot of 'pro' builds for the characters i play the most, and i'm finding that almost exclusively they recommend ghost over flash. the only time you want flash is on a character like fiddlesticks, where you can virtually dash through two walls between crowstorm and flash and surprise people where they had no idea where you'd be. the main reason for ghost is that the duration is just so long, and ignores collision so it can blow through creep waves without getting boxed in. you can just run away from anything, and even with a speed boost ability characters will just keep up with you and not catch you. for fiddles, ghost is nice because it allows you to catch up to players with crowstorm and be able to hit them with drain at close range. with a character like cho, it means that no one can get away from his ult, since collision with him is terrible the bigger he gets. and with urgot, it means that you can always be in position to continue attacking with his Q and never be out of range (since his shield slows enemies by 20% as well). but yeah, i'd put ghost over flash any day. i also feel that exhaust is better than ignite since it scales so well late into the match. it's always a percentage thing rather than a set amount of true damage, and a lucky potion or heal spell (meditate comes to mind) can't counteract it like you can to ignite. teleport is also important for characters that don't get much gold early in game and aren't going to get early kills, like rammus. he can miss as much as a full level of experience when he goes back to buy his heart of gold, and that level means so much in mid game since he spends a lot of time roaming and defending towers and not as much time actually in the lane unless there's a big teamfight. almost all videos i've seen of people playing rammus have him one or two levels down in mid-game because of that, and so teleport means that they can jump right back into the action rather than waltzing down the lane. it's one of the few spells i use all game rather than just in fights or just in early game. i've teleported him into teamfights before when the other team thought they caught my squishies with their pants down and gotten triple kills off of tremors, high AD from his passive, and the taunt and powerball abilities. oh, and revive/teleport rammus? ridiculous. towerdive him early game with his powerball to get down there and die quick, and he can just sit there and eat damage for breakfast all early game. love it =D
  16. we tried all AD and AD/AP, but got hosed by shooty girl and katarina's ult. the first time we tried it, we didn't have the masteries and didn't all have ranged, and we got annihilated. kat went 42-3-15 in about 25m. the second time, we didn't have masteries but had all ranged, and still got merc'd - but they beat us in towers so, don't know what i'd do differently. i'd prefer to have cait and kog in there over some other champs that we played, like malz. some combo of sivir, kat, kog, ashe, cait, tristana, and shooty girl could probably do a lot more than the teams we ran with today. alternatively, include a character with lane-sustaining heals and CC like alistar, or a buff character like janna, sona, or soraka. soraka and alistar both do decent damage early, and their healing abilities will counter what hit us the hardest - not being in lane half the time because we took two hits and were almost dead - and will prevent being dead ten times before level six. i still like the 1-4-0 strategy i suggested. have one character with a ridiculous AOE ult like kat or fiddles solo a lane, grab ridiculous exp early between fortify and general farming, and then go blow people up after hitting l6 early. since there'd be someone in the lane, likely the other team wouldn't collapse five mid right away, so you'd get a lot of 4v3s at low levels, where you can carve up a hero right away easily and be done with it. it'd also prevent blowing fortify five times in the first ten minutes, since they'd only have one free tower to push. i don't know if that'd make pushing towers harder or not, but i think that it'd help balance the EXP loss that you get with five in a lane. plus a l6 fiddles with magic pen boots and a rod or two - totally doable in a solo lane with a bit of tower gold - would easily deal 60-75% of most enemies HP in one crowstorm, not to mention the crazy stuff having an ability like fear with four ranged AD heroes right there represents.
  17. i've been out of town for a few days. i'm itching to get back into it, though, so i'll likely be on within the next half-hour.
  18. i was out of town and just got back, so i hadn't heard how things were going. congrats to willrock for a great track =)
  19. i'm looking at the trooper and bounty hunter classes, depending on if i go jedi or sith. i'm always a fan of being the big damage-dealer heavy tank type, and that appears to be that for each.
  20. there are a lot of characters that stack up assists, though. a character like rammus is a good example - someone who can do tons of AOE in a tight teamfight, has arguably one of the best chasing moves in the game (besides yi's ult), and has that 3s taunt to keep enemies in range and prevent them from using getaway moves...but beyond his ult basically can't take anyone 1v1 because his AS and AD is so low.
  21. ps3 was sent out a few days ago. ds/flashcart and psp are still available.
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