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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. your posts are always so full of insight, bs. XBL lists you as last logging on in april to play anything. it was reach, and you've got 55 GS so far. you've clearly not only beaten the campaign, but spent quality time in multiplayer as well. this is also shown by your knowledge of all seven or eight of the armor abilities. i'm sure your opinions are relevant. to someone.
  2. huh. i thought that the either the number or the release date was in the tag. oh well.
  3. you're right - i'm assuming that the only guys from the first games you fight will be either offshoots - brutes and jackals, since the grunts, hunters, and elites have sided with humanity - or some limited flood infection. however, remember in h3 when the sentinels fly off into the distance, saying that "they have another mission"? i'm assuming they're doing something on the other halo rings. so we can probably expect to see a completely separate enemy tree to fight as well.
  4. tagmi or advanced renamer can take tags and build filenames based on whatever booleans you want. i recently organized, tagged, and renamed a 4000-song collection of free music for a private tracker, and used those two free programs for the whole thing. it probably would have taken way less time than this, and allowed you to do anything you want
  5. that's what i'm saying. there isn't a canon about what happens, so this is telling us.
  6. i know you're being facetious, but the people saying that the new trilogy isn't canon are kind of funny. since, after all, there IS no canon about what happens after halo 3. when the fleet goes through the warp, everything ends. there isn't anything after that.
  7. i should point out that my forum name has changed from "the prophet of mephisto" to prophetik as listed above. i haven't been installing FAH for a while on my builds, which is why my numbers are down.
  8. this post is a nice job of summing up a lot of bullshit reading.
  9. so you didn't want john to make it home? because i'm assuming that's what this is all about. i liked the ending too, since it showed how far the relationship between cortana and MC had come since the books when they first 'met', but i still want him to come home. spartans never die and just go MIA for a reason, you know
  10. i don't know about that. i agree that they don't put as much time into crafting a single-player experience as other games, but i'd argue that halo's single-player (and coop) experience has only gotten better with each version of the game. when i sit down with another player, i always go to whatever halo they're comfortable with, and do coop. it's just that much fun, even now after i've probably played the h2 and h3 campaigns at least a hundred times each.
  11. neblix, you seriously need to stop posting in every damned thread just to post. it's not like this is some really out-there game that's got a big potential to flop. it's freaking halo - probably the second-biggest shooter in the console market behind COD - and that means it's going to be an incredibly competitive and enjoyable shooter for the same reason COD always is - simply because of how high the production values will be on it. it's not like halo's gotten poor reviews because the storyline is boring or something. halo 4's got some of the best developer credentials for an upcoming game, so i'm pumped to see what 343 does with their first big shot. should be really fun.
  12. ff7 hasn't aged well, at all. it's got a lot more issues than just graphics that don't look good on a big screen
  13. you're right - i read the article wrong. my bad. you're also right in that i mistook texture memory with graphics memory =)
  14. i'm looking to sell both my PSP-2000 and my nintendo DS lite. psp comes with two really nice cases, a transfer cable/charger, a memory pro duo to micro sd converter, and two 8gb micro sd cards, as well as a micro sd to sd converter so you can load stuff on it. i can include the wall charger if you want, but i'd charge a bit more since i use it for my ereader as well and i'd have to replace it. the psp is hacked, and i've got loads of emulators, roms, and game files that i've accrued over the last few years (roughly 65gb uncompressed). it's black. the ds lite is blue, and in great condition. it'd come with a case, charger, and cyclods evolution with 8gb micro sd and micro sd to sd converter. i've got a usb to micro sd if you want that instead, but it'd be a few dollars more since i'd have to replace it. you'll have to wait until i'm done playing pokemon black, but then it's available to anyone who wants it. i'll even include the tin case that the cyclods evolution came in. let me know if you're interested, and feed me a price. they both work totally fine, i just rarely find myself playing games on the go where i'm not just goofing around with my phone. they're both in fantastic condition, and i've been very happy with them for the last two (ds) or three (psp) years.
  15. i think that the miniusf player has a glitch where it doesn't play nice with the nullsoft disc player. i had the same issue when doing a similar project a while ago. foobar's the way to go, though. it's not perfect, but it'll do whatever doesn't work in winamp.
  16. just a note - the iLok was kind of hacked a while ago, if i remember correctly. all east west plugins that use their proprietary sample format are available online, with a keygen of sorts that allows you to 'register' spoof your iLok into accepting it. the only time that i can think of where a vst wasn't hacked because of good anti-piracy stuff and not because of indolence was virtual guitarist 2. how well did that sell again? oh yeah, that's right, they didn't even recoup costs of development, after virtual guitarist 1 and electric edition sold like hotcakes and were cracked in hours. i used to pirate a lot of stuff, and to this day i'll purchase something and then download the pirated version just to get around the bullshit registration key stuff that's out there. does that make me a terrible person? probably. but there's a lot of awesome vsts out there that you simply can't buy any more - Virtual Bassist comes to mind - and that there isn't driver support for, or it won't install on windows 7, or something. what do you do in that case? i won't let a developer tell me when something's not useful anymore, sorry. i'll use a patch that some hacker in denmark made up every day of the week.
  17. according to wikipedia, ps1 launched at 400$ and dropped after a year. and, compared to the N64, it did have superior hardware, which is what i said the N64 had four kilobytes of graphics memory, man. it might have been able to render a few more pixels, but the cartridge could hold next to nothing compared to the 700mb cd format, so they couldn't render anything that wasn't tricked anyways. not to mention that the anti-piracy methods included in the carts made it too expensive to manufacture and produce compared to discs.
  18. oh, i'm not arguing that i think a lower price point is better - of course it is! you've gotta take a few things into consideration, though. there wasn't a "new console" crown in the 2006 holiday season, since everything was new. MS and sony didn't have a knock-it-out-of-the-park exclusive to start things off, either, while nintendo had that zelda game that came out. would you buy a new console without knowing what awesome game you're planning on playing on it? i wouldn't, and i haven't - i've always made sure there was that one game or feature i "needed" (halo series for 360, blu-ray awesomeness for ps3, etc). while the 360 and ps3 didn't sell monstrously well right off the bat, they both sold enough consoles that they were successful. obviously the wii's sold more than the other two combined, probably. now is that because of the lower price point, or the motion controls, or the fact that it's nintendo and OMG IT PRINTS MONEY? who knows. likely all of that mattered. would an extra 50$ on the price have made the 360 suddenly more viable? probably not, since the other stuff was what made the wii so sexy to the average consumer. so, yeah, nintendo's 'known' for lower prices on their consoles, with controllers and peripherals roughly the same price as new stuff from the other big companies. but, with the situation so different this year, i think that a higher price point is definitely possible. the 3ds sold poorly because of cost - definitely! it's a handheld, and the iphone is way cheaper but for a console, people are fine spending looots of money for a set-top box (look at the proliferation of set-top internet tv boxes like googletv and boxee), and with nintendo being the only new thing this season i definitely think that they'll take advantage of the recent rise in consumer spending and make people pay lots for their stuff. in terms of comparison, look at the N64 and PS1 launch. the PS1 released a year before the N64 at the 400$ price point. it had a very successful launch, as much because the huge stock of good games as anything. next year rolls around, they had dropped to 300$, and the N64 came out also at 300$. now, of the two, the PS1 was superior hardware, and the N64 suffered from a higher cost to build - even though it was a year later! - mainly because of how much more expensive the cartridges were than discs. either way, the PS1 wound up selling over a hundred million units over the course of the console's lifetime (as of 2005, they were out of production in 2006). so was the higher price point detrimental? not really. are people more careful of their money? definitely. are there a lot of people who are conditioned to a 500$ PS3 and a 500$ 360 bundle, and see a HD launch system at 400$ as not a big deal? absolutely. you'd be horrified how many people used to come into gamecrazy while i worked there and plop down 600$ in cash for a new system, some controllers, and a game or two, particularly when they clearly couldn't afford it. you'd also be horrified by how many people came in and bought every single terrible sonic title just because it's sonic and they have to play every sonic game. that's just the market for games. the new thing always sells like crazy, and if they get it out with a minimum of major bugs (aka RROD), then they're just printing money.
  19. 360 arcade, yeah. the middle model with the 60gb drive was 350$, and the elite was a hundred more at that point. considering that the 360 shipped for 400$ new for a loong time, yeah, they'll go for it =)
  20. sorry i didn't read 50 pages of nattering back and forth, bleck. the 400$ price point has been fantastic for the 360 and PS3 for years and years, and they only recently had to start adding value to get people to continue to buy it (controllers with custom colors, etc) with the MW2 bundle. before the big 360 price drop, the elite was still 350$ with one controller and no games four years after launch, and the PS3 was still 400$ for one controller, no games, and no OtherOS. if it comes out at 400$ with a Wii Sports-style everyman game and drops to 350$ when everyone else comes out with a next-gen system, i wouldn't be surprised at all. it's the new thing, it's nintendo, and people line up for days for whatever they do.
  21. at neblix's first magfest, i say we all punch neblix for real in memory of this awesome internet moment.
  22. definitely agree here. the uncanny valley point is also a definite thing to state here as well - an almost-realistic animation of a face bothers a graphics designer a lot more than it bothers your standard consumer.
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