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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I've got a rather unique vantage point on the situation since I've been working with ConBravo in Burlington, ON as a guest liason for the last 10 months or so. I've only attended 3 cons previous to it, Anime North 2001, FanExpo 2010, and ConBravo 2011. ConBravo I knew from the start was a fan-run convention and the president was a friend of mine. In his first 2 years we've gone from an attendance of a little over 200, to over 1,200. Now, in part from pre-reg sales and our killer guest line-up, we're expecting to hit capacity at around 2,500-3,000. So, the size of Magfest in just 3 years. I took the prez out for dinner to tell him I needed to get in on this, in part, because I recognized a rising trend when I saw one. Looks like I wasn't wrong. In a nutshell, the other end is total chaos. It's been fun, but the flaws quickly rise to the surface and you have to paint a smile on and say: 'Well let's work on that for next year.' We'd like to think we hit the happy medium, popular and profitable enough to function effectively while being intimate and real enough to not forget our roots. There are examples of ways in which we're still 'staying small and personal' but I don't want to point them out just yet. We've also learned a lot about rival cons of both a larger and smaller nature. When it comes down to it, there's only so many weekends you CAN throw a con in the summer and there's bound to be some overlap. In any case, an interesting read, and something to keep in mind for the future.
  2. Hey Ocremix! It's your boy Luke, Less Ashamed Of Self, shamelessly plugging the convention I've been hard at work on for the last year. It's officially less than a month away until showtime and I want to make sure everyone knows just how hot it's going to be. In addition to a sexy guest line up (including the Angry Video Game Nerd, Spoony of The Spoony Experiment, and most of the That Guy With The Glasses Lineup) for Friday's music night we have: Skrypnyk Danimal Cannon and MegaRan Official show page We're very, very excited to have each of them and we hope to see you there. July 27th-29th Burlington, Ontario Conbravo.com for more info. If anyone from ocremix is planning on attending let me know, I'd love to make a point of shaking your hand. Much love to all of you.
  3. Holy hell dude. How do you know how to make precisely my favourite things every time?
  4. Would go to this event in a heartbeat. Haven't even been and I know I would love it. Much love to the organizers, attendees, and hope it does well in the future.
  5. I had a couple awesome ones that got lost with a HDD fail recently. Hopefully I can re-work them again in the near future.
  6. Late to the party. Level 99, brushfire... I like your Quad City DJs & TMNT song... like... for real... Like... A LOT Any April Fool's that puts out hillarious/awesome tracks is extra successful.
  7. How would things be different if it were a label exactly? I mean, I assume this relates just to albums... and those are already labelled: "OCRA-0001-0033" aren't they?
  8. Somewhere, someone, is ridiculously, super, passionate about doing choreographed lighting for dance numbers... ...and that video was their wet dream.
  9. (cricket cricket) No one else is coming?
  10. This guy should do the store theme from Earthbound.
  11. Yeah, pretty much nothing about that trailer appeals to me either.
  12. This is pretty slick, and I appreciate any/all 8-bit sounds used here. Hope to mix this into my DJ set list some day.
  13. Very very sad about this. I listen to the fanfic readings with Nerdy Show and OCAD quite often and still laugh a lot. He was a VERY funny guy.
  14. Marking this thread for later... may contribute...
  15. I am NOT getting tired of 8-bit arpeggios. Solid cover of a solid source. How can you go wrong?
  16. Unfortunately, musically, it does almost nothing for me. It does have a melody that sings very well though. It'd be neat if a good vgm band or someone like brentalfloss won. Good luck everyone.
  17. YOU SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH. Meh, anything can be re-contextualized to be something you like. Thusly, for me, pretty much nothing is ever OUT of the question... But I'm pretty tired of 'boss-themey' music that gets remixed into 'boss-themey music with better production', a lot of orchestrally things and rock things... So Final Fantasy.
  18. People do it because they are musicians and want their music to be seen. I don't do it because I'm a shitty musician.
  19. So the last time I posted in this thread was 8 years ago. Weird. Timewarp. This is still one of the only rock songs on the site I can get in to. Just not much of a 'rock' guy, but for some reason this does it for me.
  20. Dude. I am FLOORED by this one. This was a very effective concept. It articulates your skills and style perfectly. I'm on song 3 right now and I already know for a fact that I'm going to listen to this album a thousand times.
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