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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. And I would be interested in looking over your files. What if it was more like a links database to where you could nab the project files off of each remixer's own personal web space. That way, the bandwidth could be paired down to just hosting those who can't host for themselves. Also; since this would/could be an ever progessing/updating site with many variations in terms of file type/size/structure... why not have it be a blog site?
  2. That occurred to me as well. Every time I bring up server space to a friendly community suddenly 3 or 4 volunteers offer... but you're right this is more than a small investment.
  3. I've been thinking; A lot of the remixers here are assembling their music in programs like FL Studio, Reason, and the like... and a lot of these OCRemixes are still saved, in one version or another, as assembled files on the remixer's computer. Is there any particular reason we keep these hidden from each other? In the interest of potentially re-thinking posted remixes, getting inspired from each other, learning the in's and out's of particular styles/remixers, and just visualizing how a sound was created, I have a proposition: Why don't we make a sub-site to OCR just to hold as many of each other's project files/samples/recordings/vocal tracks as we can get? It doesn't take much from the remixer and could be very rewarding for the rest of us. I figure any and all types of formats could live there. Thoughts?
  4. It HAS been a long time hasn't it? The house I submitted my wip in has been torn down... that was like 6 years ago iirc. Arek; much respect man. It takes balls to come forward and apologize like that and we're all super excited that you've found new strength to see it through. It's a REALLY good idea and we're all psyched for it.
  5. Don't worry dude, even though Biznut and I are both in Canada we're STILL like 3 days drive away from each other. Everyone else is usually all over the states... what I mean to say is; it would be 'parties' not 'party'. It would be nearly impossible to centralize unless it happened at magfest or some other large-scale gathering.
  6. We decided it's not required so long as we give proper credit... which is pretty impossible for us not to. I had to make a decision when I didn't hear back from my remixer for about a month straight... then I finally did and I was more than a little relieved. But yeah, I was totally gonna just be like: 'I already started... so... you can't stop me!' Also, save the song as a surprise. I know I am.
  7. Did a lot more shooting today; one thing I was reminded of for sure... there's a MOUNTAIN of editing to be done, but when I do finish it it'll be totally worth it.
  8. Think of it like you're working on wips... even if they don't get finished, or nothing amazing comes together, they're still interesting for the public to listen to... we can always crop down what you DO have too so it's CLOSER to a full video.
  9. My roommate does 3 hour sessions for $50 a pop, but that's admittedly a lower rate in comparison to other places in the city. $60/hour sounds awesome though. Also; I've done it for free for a friend to help him finish his portfolio. Good times.
  10. It keeps amusing me how everyone* seems to be saying things like: Oh man, mine's coming along great... I think it's going to be really good. It's totally looking amazing. I'm totally gonna start soon. What? *friendlyHunter
  11. Oh by the way I'm going to win. I know this isn't a competition but I'm still going to win. As for the 'viewing party' I thought something that might be fun is not just coordinating groups around the world to watch it at the same time... but also to film the reactions of the groups and assemble that footage later. ... By the way, did any of you guys go with a 'two-girls-one-cup' theme or was it just me?
  12. All of the controllers will be like the controllers in your local movie/game store... probably worse because they'll be sticky with booze and drunks will smash them in fits of stupidity.
  13. Dude fuck youtube. Keep in touch as the project develops and we'll make sure that the video gets a slightly more reliable consistent home. I figure if you want to post on youtube after that you can be welcome to. EDIT: btw, if there isn't at least one monkey flip in your video I'm gonna be pissed. Never tease a man with a flipping monkey.
  14. I think any/all credit titling should be done by the organizer of the finished video set... that way they can all be formatted the same.
  15. Still hoping for an opinion or two on this issue. Also; I had a great day of filming. My project is picking up speed and I'm pretty psyched about it.
  16. Now THERE'S a happy medium. Like the 'Requests' sub forum... results may or may not happen but the ideas can reign free. Here's something for debate; how do y'all feel about an alternate title. Say for example, I do a song like: Ghosts & Goblins Ghosts & Condoms Mazedude ...but it just so happens I make a video with footage of a bunch of monkeys doing back flips... Could it/Should it be titled more like: LAOS & Mazedude "Monkey Flip Mania" Ghosts & Goblins - Ghosts & Condoms ?
  17. 2 reasons I don't like this idea. 1- If we all did the same song, spending hours editing with it, and then watched the entire collection, hearing that same song a further 6 or 10 times would nearly guarantee we never want to hear the song again. 2- Are you guys really so uncreative that you can't think of a matching feasible concept and song? I've got something like 5 in my head.
  18. I was psyched to see a marble madness mix primarily because I'm a big fan of a different source tune from the same game. Then when I read the review saying it was an electronic song that would rub people the wrong way I got even MORE excited. Then... meh. It's not bad, the instrumentation is solid, and I'm sure it's very loyal to the source but frankly... considering what DOESN'T pass the panel these days I'm a little surprised this one did. I just find it pretty boring. I can deal with repetition if it's subtle... repetitive doesn't seem to be as fitting a word as obnoxious. But hey, some mixes grow on you and at 3 minutes and change I bet I'll be eating my words soon enough.
  19. After we're well into our 3rd competition and we sold 50 dvds and 20 shirts.
  20. Gentlemen, I'm not going to go into too much detail right now, and you'll get it more later... ... but this is the best idea we've ever had. :-)
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