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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. This is such a badass mix. Guys... this Brazillian chick makes better metal than most of the rest of us. Love everything about this mix.
  2. I hate that you KNOW that on the front page of OCR in the community discussions box it only reads: 'OverClocked After Dark - Episode 14' and it's only after you click in that you realize it's a trap. Also... just give up. And what happened with the ball gargling?
  3. Oh mountain of editting. Why must you tease me so. Hopefully I can finish everything up tomorrow. I'm already thinking about ideas for what I might do next challenge. I'm gonna keep upping the ante people.
  4. I want to see these pictures. Also; please update the OP... with, y'know, relevant information?
  5. Got a few of my last shots in today; and thankfully putting in an hour or two of editting regularly is paying off. I'm still encountering plenty of hiccups with Vegas along the way: (WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT TO DISSOLVE TO BLACK INSTEAD OF THE CLIP THAT'S CLEARLY STILL IN THE SAME PLACE!?[/rage]) but I've already picked up a lot of useful info and the program is becoming more natural to me than premiere ever did already. Every time I render (now that I've FINALLY got a good format combination) it looks great; it's just a matter of picking what's going in and what's not at this point and the agonizing process of finding perfect placement of every frame. It kind of sucks this all came at a really stressful time in my life. I'm likely going to be looking for a new job soon and honestly I've been surprised I've been able to put in this much so far. A little ways to go still; looks like I'm over the hump though.
  6. Don't talk to me... just look in competitions for the thread and share.
  7. Nikon D90 w/ 50mm 1:1.8D. Using it to shoot my upcoming ocrmv.
  8. Really really nice work here guys. Just finished listening and everything was beautiful.
  9. I don't know why but I am NOT getting tired of this mix. I've been able to keep it on loop pretty consistently lately. I've got some great ideas for a potential music video too.
  10. Absolutely dude. I haven't been able to get myself out of the ocrmv mindset ever since it was brought to light... now I'm considering entering more than one into the next one. Don't worry about it feeling rushed or mediocre; I want as many people as possible submitting as many videos as possible.
  11. Bad news... I've shot about 60%-70% of what I wanted for my music video; and now I don't have a time that I can schedule with my lead actress to finish the project. She took on other PAYING projects and kind of snubbed me and put me at lowest priority. I know this sounds like a weird complaint, considering music videos are usually just dancing or random visualizations, but I actually had a pretty specific vision and story going and now I don't know how I'm supposed to finish it. Well... I hope either I can make the last of the filming work or finish it with the usable footage I DO have.
  12. I'm also grateful analoq, I had forgotten that the improvements made to youtube were actually vast improvements helpful to THIS situation.
  13. *facepalm* I thought we were avoiding youtube for reasons of quality loss, early video leakage, and potential audio/video de-synch; but ok, I see where majority vote lies here.
  14. So wait... it's DONE? I would expect the best channel by which to submit would be uploading to something like megaupload for now. If it's too big for something like that, don't shrink it... zip it into parts and upload it to a few places. Otherwise we can talk about p2p transfering to biznut or myself, uploading to existing server space, and/or e-mail. Correct me if I'm wrong biznut.
  15. I'm curious to see how they deal with the physics engine in general... it's notoriously sloppy. Sorry; for the die-hard sonic fans I meant to say it has a 'notorious learning curve'.
  16. Ugh... filming today was painful... I'm still struggling for any semblence of motivation... and I'm only ADDING to the mountain of editting to do later. This is hell. What a terrible idea.
  17. This is one of those PRC's where I listen to the source tune, think about it; and then watch a movie, take a nap, and eat an entire pizza.
  18. Holy hell LuIzA is just as good as the rest of you. LuIzA, you're really funny.
  19. I'm actually starting to fall behind on shooting. Trying to co-ordinate time/locations between your schedule and the schedule of other actors and camera-people is not a small task. Especially since I'm doing this on my one day off... if I take that time to relax and watch TV I screw myself over.
  20. I figured, certainly with the case of more intricately produced/pro-end mixes this would be the case. I have a few thoughts in response. People aspiring to re-create and learn from such 'pro' mixes are not likely to put the same pieces back together in the same way, true. I can accept that, in these cases, they are too far from publicly useful... and in many cases it would even be illegal. But I feel like these mixes are the exception... even if that is the case with any one remixer's style. 2 things that they could still provide the public even if cubase, reason, or FL Studio project files aren't ideal: A: individually recorded tracks, muting all other tracks on export. I realize if they were paid for it would still be frowned upon if tracks from 'A' were sampled... but for a lot of people it might be an option to release their specific instrument lines. Pixietricks did with her own remix competition on her site; large zips of loops and vocal tracks. B: midi files for notation purposes... which could become, in many cases, individual or ensemble sheet music. A lot of vgpianists have been doing this for a while... why not with a lot of the orchestral or orchestral fusion mixes as well? I'd be willing to wager some officially released ocr guitar tabs would make a lot of people happy too. Relatedly; I remember contacting Rellik about his FL only remix Mirror & Transparent and was able to hang on to that .flp for some time... I was planning a re-remix of it and could have done so if I didn't lose it. If someone wanted to contribute 'bones' material from their mixes, and there was a serious issues officially & legally, we just have to have some semblance of project file formatting/filtering/screening. Two or three people monitoring the posts as they happen. EDIT: Another useful thing I can think of is the fact that when I was doing live DJ sets I was looking for songs with isolated beats that lasted so I could match/blend songs easily from one to another. If I had someone's song I wanted to use... but the beat faded out or wasn't really isolated... it could be a very useful, very easy thing to just tack another 16 or 32 bars of the same, isolated drumloop on to the beginning/end.
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