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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Funny story... it seems actors want MONEY to act. ... in related news, I quickly learned how awesome craigslist posting can be for something like this. I got a very quick response from a very exciting set of people... and then my posting was flagged and moved for pretending to be a 'job' without compensation. Now that it's amoung the unpaying 'gigs' I haven't heard a peep. Live and learn my friends.
  2. Glad to see this is picking up speed. It's a really cool idea.
  3. Got a great shot of a security guard telling me to fuck off and go home (in not so many words) today. Hopefully that's the first and last time that happens to me... but I did get some great shots in general. So by what I've read in the posts, and though nothing's set in stone, we have an entry from a possibly/probably/maybe 7 people already: friendlyHunter diotrans SoulinEther Chernabogue54 The Biznut (now you HAVE to) Sinewav (please don't have sex with animals) & myself; Less Ashamed Of Self If half of us finish, and the other half only have wips to show, we're still looking at over half an hour of footage that I'm pretty sure we would ALL gladly take the time to watch. Gentlemen. Looks like this is going to happen. Tell your friends, the more attention this thread gets the cooler this is going to be. UPDATE: Oneup Studios, Olremix, and ThaSauce now know about it. I still need to spam vgmusic, and vgmix (apparently I have 2 vgmix accounts I already forgot the password to...). I think I'll skip spamming remix.kwed.org since they seem to be sticklers for c64 and I don't know any of them.
  4. I remember feeling this way... hell maybe I'll shoot for getting one posted myself.
  5. I almost got a gym membership again already. Bought a tv on boxing day instead. So.... soon? The gym I discovered a few blocks from my house is actually REALLY impressive. I really wanna work out there; I was going a year and a half ago to a gym regularly and I feel a big difference between then and now.
  6. Btw, it would probably be a good idea to make a thread on thasauce, olremix, theoneups page, and any other important vgm websites. I feel like a little bit of advertisement wouldn't hurt. Anybody agree with me on that one?
  7. Misc. salts (smoked, flake, different seas) Bullet Bill Tee & sweater $50 $25 KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell Chocolates Bungee Cords
  8. This makes perfect sense to me... which would be good because I've asked permission on a few to cover my bases and the artist of the one I really want to do hasn't responded yet.
  9. I'm pretty sure no one will mind if you've started it already; we have no way of knowing anyway right? This one seems to be more about the quality of videos we can produce as a community and less about actual competition anyway.
  10. Incredible mix my friend. Your sound on this mix reminds me a lot of an artist called I Am Robot & Proud... one of my all time favourites. Great stuff.
  11. I literally heard this mix on OCAD and said; who is this BAMF? Props on a seriously badass mix dude. Very slick.
  12. This post is to state my interest in entering this competition. A few things... some just me playing devil's advocate: 1-It HAS to be an overclocked remix? What about vgmix or thasauce? What about mixes in posted projects that aren't posted individually on ocr? 2-What if you can't get a hold of the remixer? Should we just pick something else at that point? I guess it's a safe bet then that permission needs to be granted BEFORE the video is produced lest the production be for nothing without the permission. 3-Is it March 7th or May 7th.
  13. Thanks for the replies so far everyone... it's more helpful than you think. If you're considering putting your two cents in, ocr, now's the time.
  14. Wow, another one... cool. Okay so... before I act on this in any form I've got some copy/paste questions we should probably go through. If we went forward with such a contest plan (which I'm going to temporarily dub 'the OCRMV project') we'd need to understand that it's something completely different from the other contests on the site. For the most part, on the site, things are constrained to time limits of a week or two, sometimes, I've heard on IRC even over an hour. For something like this, depending on the quality we're striving for I would want between 1-6 months. The post above, does a good job of illustrating my point... how long do you think that sprite animation took? It looked great, every lyric synched up with an action, and therefore, more than likely, it was in that several months vein; I would expect at least 2. So with that kind of investment, people will likely want to put effort in not just to make a cool video... they will probably want some cashola, or at least some kind of prize. BUT AT THE SAME TIME I don't want to hinder those who just want to make a stupid embarrassing video they'll immediately regret and took them all of a half hour to shoot, edit, and upload. Here's my proposition, two contests: OCRMV:tomatoface: (uploads and judgings every 2 weeks or so.. no real prize, webcam entries, mountains of embarrassment and regret) and :nicework:OCRMV (Film students and massive collabs; the goods, prize, 4-6 months; dvd release... and the best of the OCRMV:tomatoface: as a special feature) In all honesty, it's the latter, personally, I'm much most interested in. CUT TO THE CHASE LAOS! Here's some things I want to poll you about. 1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest? (I think the coolest idea I had was something of a 'pool', this one definitely for the :nicework:OCRMV project. For example, any donations go to the pool, a substantial amount is fronted (say $100-$300), entry into the contest has a fee of say $30 towards the pool, and the grand total gets broken down something like this: 50% grand prize, 30% goes to ocr or child's play or something, 15% to a runner-up, and 5% to help with dvd or any other fees... ok let's be realistic; the prize is $5.) 2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one. 3. Which contest would you enter? 4. Exactly. 5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship? 6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer? 7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd? 8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party? 9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail? 10. Awww jeez what about the judges!? Okay, so as you can see, there's plenty to think about. It's obvious the excitement is here, and that's really awesome because we're not just talking about OCR anymore here. Any jo shmo video producer might dig this. Any jo shmo contest junkie might dig this. Animators, choreographers, dancers, actors, directors, effects geeks... attach a 3 or 400 dollar prize to it and pass enough links around and there's a LOT that could happen. Any of the videos has a decent shot at going viral and this is ALL potential OCR publicity folks. This could be very big indeed. Well?
  15. I think I have a good way to steer this but I'm gonna sit on the thread another 24 hours to see who else shows up. Attention from remixers, video students, Jose (namely, due to his contributions regarding ocr and video ALREADY *props*), and McVaffe (not a small name) means a lot to me.
  16. Oh man I totally forgot about that vid! Cool, nice to see this thing is picking up a little speed.
  17. Yup, that makes one. Pretty cool that it's a collab piece showing the instruments ACTUALLY set to the music too; even if the picture in picture, and n64 footage stuff is a little corny. Same camera I took the picture of my sig with; my nikon d90. It can take 780p videos at 780 x 1280... and considering the audio for a music video would be a post production thing, the fact that it's a crappy mono mic in it wouldn't really matter so much.
  18. I was waiting to see how many posts it would take before the worst possible suggestion appeared. Looks like 3. EDIT: I would have also accepted Music Of My Groin or Toyota Disco
  19. Ok, so, I recently acquired the ability with a new camera to shoot decent quality video footage and I've been listening to a lot of ocr's on my phone... and now I can't seem to stop thinking about ocr music videos. Do any of you know of any existing ocrmv's? One's that aren't just Final Fantasy or anime footage but actually independently shot footage for the purpose of matching the song? Have any remixers taken on this task for any of their own songs? Maybe a cool collaborative effort could make something like this happen.
  20. I heard this track once when it was new and then forgot about it for a while, but I've been really getting in to this mix lately. I've looped it a couple of times. Really neat things going on here, like that building string crescendo thing from 1:26-1:28 and the introduction of beat, then 8 bars later the cut up violin followed 8 bars later by the strings. And a killer speed up at the end. Very nice choices in production here.
  21. Whenever I hear that Sonic song I always here: 'I spent an hour in your action shot album pics'
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