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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. FINALLY. Thank you for posting this. It's one of my favourites of yours Shnab. It really goes to show how you have an amazing knack for improvisation, so much variation on a simple theme.
  2. My only real contribution is Super Furry Animals - No Sympathy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3AMU6jtu9E The best I could find was about 2/3rds of the song. The first third is just a slow country-esque song with broken English about how he's not showing the subject any more sympathy. It's slow and meandering. This is the only song that readily comes to mind where the genre actually switches halfway. EDIT: One more actually... and this one isn't the music as much as the video. A nice little post halloween spook. 2 things; 1, I heard it was done without any CG. 2, it's not Chris Cunningham.
  3. Incredible Tauce. When I heard the quality of this track on the subway I had to pull my player out of my pocket to see who I was going to thank later... then to find out it was you... then to read the story... Damn. I love this one a lot. Great real instruments, flawless execution... you're amazing dude. Well done, worth every second of the effort.
  4. Congrats Sam, but I disagree with Dhsu. I recommend you not have babies unless they help your music... which might not be too likely.
  5. I lol'd. Possibly the most appropriate reference I've heard in a while.
  6. BAHAHA. I love how art, tagging, re-releases, wavs, and wips have all been contributed since the thread started. Cool to see I've been on both of the joe_cam projects and NONE of the other ones. It seriously made me lol hearing my tracks come up on the bus today with no memory of loading them on. In any case, I express similar sentiments as the rest of the community... sucks it turned out this way but it's a happy release none the less. Hope it doesn't get any more political.
  7. The Dark Beeper Peeper People I didn't use any kind of tracking... so all of the alignment of the cuts were made with simple math in Cool Edit (an old program like Audacity). The file claims to date back to Jan '03. Sounds about right. EDIT: My first remix, like Nase, is from a PRC. 17: Marsupial Hero a cover of the sparkster theme.
  8. BLADIATOR! To those that saw this coming, join me in a congratulatory e-high-five. To those that didn't, I can't say I blame you. Just kidding Karl, congrats buddy. Hope you don't kill me for this when you get back from Florida.
  9. Wow; Rama... this made my night. I knew Salty went between boards, are you on SA as well or was it Facebook?
  10. I'm really less ashamed of self. Wanna join another project bliNd? Bahamutlol.
  11. Well as Bob as your uncle! This's better news then the time I found a stray Toonie in my double double. I guess I'll have to put off my logging and fur-trading plans so I can strap on my vgdj toque and settle on in to an evening of poodcastin' n' beer in my cabin no doot aboot it eh?
  12. Just thought I'd mention, I've been going through my old TOMC entries and realizing how much I enjoyed making them, I might try and make it out to an upcoming CMC. Pick a good one, I hope to make it out!
  13. I've been listening to this track on loop a lot lately. It's just such a neat piece. I don't know anything that sounds even remotely like it.
  14. A. Glad to see so many A's here too. Just entering in to PRC's a fair bit back in the day (I should really do that again) was enough to challenge me to make a bunch of unique tracks which taught me plenty about different genres and how they're composed. ie: -what makes some rap more enjoyable/less cliche than other rap. -how to fake guitar, how not to fake guitar... -my range/abilities in general -how to annoy people with sounds ALSO; Doug, what the hell is with the bloom in your headshot?
  15. Shit; you're up to 6? I watched your first two and then immediately made my roommates watch them. I'm psyched to watch the other 4.
  16. Long story short, ocremix's concept is one wherein favouritism is supposed to be hindered and diminished. If we suddenly put up a rap, metal, and techno section people would scream: "where's my breakbeat/dance/polka!?" Also; generally speaking, the songs are too varied to fall under genre specifications easily. Which genre would zelda on a Heineken bottle fall under?
  17. Sigh... I guess from the lack of responses that I was the only one who played this game.
  18. I'm trying to get an idea for how much people heard and enjoyed the amazing soundtrack. I really really loved it and it has some great nostalgic value for me. Lost Vikings 2 Norse By Norsewest was completely different on the CD supporting platforms, both in graphics and in music quality. This is NOT the soundtrack from 16-bit interpretations, I'm talking about the CD music. The entire soundtrack is on youtube (though most songs are smooshed together) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7tjnIz_ZTg&feature=PlayList&p=A18A79B73221BABC&index=0 Opinions?
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