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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I got a huge kick out of this wip when I heard it however long ago... and I love Oneup's work. I'm really glad this mix got published, I think it would've been a loss to the community were it left alone. The melody seems ideal for HHC and the execution is pretty seamless. I say this a lot regarding my reviews, but it's good day for this site. More Oneup, lemmings, and maybe even a little more HHC please.
  2. I hate Peta... and they put WAY too much effort into this game.
  3. 3 guys collaborating on a cool piece. Floor shot, note the breakdancing. Two of the models. The guys in the corner with the laptop had his photoshopping projected on a wall. One was me.
  4. Here's some pictures from the last art jams to give you guys an idea of the concept. Shared space. The general ambience. The previous DJ. Various objects being painted.
  5. Relatedly, I recently watched a really interesting TED video about how we should prioritize all of the world's issues (malaria, hunger, global warming, etc) and that we should logically be investing a lot of money in the easiest one's to solve instead of investing a little money into all of them. He took some of the biggest problems and, in the end, suggested that the top four TO tackle go: 4: Malaria 3: Free Trade 2: Malnutrition of micro-nutrients 1: AIDS He said this in Feb. 2005... well before this discovery was a factor. Fingers crossed eh?
  6. The Show (One zip file ~200MB) --- Hey gang, miss you all, s'been a while. So how much do you love art, live dj shows, break dancing, and drinking with cool art nerds? A lot? Killer. This announcement goes out to anyone in the Toronto area interested in checking out a live show in a very very interesting venue. ART JAM Place: Sheridan College; the Connexion bar Time: 8:00pm-Midnight, on Friday the 28th Price: Free Wait, What's going on?: Basically, there's a bunch random stuff painted white (last time there was a bicycle, a PSX, a genesis, a bunch of appliances... this time I know there's at least an electric guitar) as well as a bunch of normal canvases set up, and everyone paints everything with the provided art supplies... including some models walking around in slim to none. There's also a band which will be performing, a break dancing set, a projector showing live photoshopping, and a decent amount of drinking. But as if THAT wasn't cool enough; yours truly will be the DJ and my playlist will look something like this: 75% 'Mainstream with a beat' (everything from Daft Punk to Pendulum, Royskopp, Mr. Scruff, Boards Of Canada, Theivery Corporation, Aphex Twin and everywhere in between) 10% VGM (Jet Grind Radio, Brawl, Katamari Damacy) 10% VGRemixes (Skrypnyk, Rellik, Joshua Morse, GameBox, Nicole Adams) 5% Originals from within the vgm community (Tepid as Blue Satellite, Zircon, as well as other suprises) Interested? Get a couple friends together and plan a road trip. I don't have tonnes of room for people to crash or anything but I promise it IS gonna be worth the trouble... I've been to two art jams so far and it's just about the greatest concentration of cool things you can imagine... the only thing that really sucks about it is that it's only 4 hours! For those who can't make it, I should be recording the show and uploading it eventually... if all goes according to plan that is. Hope to see you guys there! -Luke, LAOS
  7. Made sure I had the rom ready to go yesterday. I think I'm going to have to clear my schedule for the day now. Not surprised to see a thread here already... a little surprised that it's already on page 5.
  8. Yes. Frequently. I find, for me, it's tied about 50/50 to the overall emotion of whatever I'm watching or doing at the time. Here's some examples which come to mind: -The climactic end to a series -Soft, fluffy, clumps of snow falling all around me -A sensitive scene with portrayal of intimacy -"" beauty -Riding my bike through wet night streets watching the streetlights reflections in the road -The wind in my face on the bus after first realizing a girl in class likes me too -being near beauty in nature in general
  9. Played a little of this with my roommate last night. It's amazing, and the music is ridiculously good. I'll let you know if there's an exploding hitler head.
  10. I was also looking for this recently for reasons I won't go into. So make that two votes for hi-res image plz.
  11. Canada Day was retarded. Apparently everyone in the city eats wings after fireworks.
  12. Sephfire, in a just world you would be getting paid to do these. I knew your name from some remixes, and from general forum posts from within the community... but now I'm never forgetting the name sephfire (re:Daniel Floyd) as a clever ranter; I hope you find value in that.
  13. Sigh... I guess I will... I got my ass handed to me at work today; Cora's Breakfast and Lunch? We usually serve breakfast to a good 800 people on any given Saturday or Sunday... but today the 10 of us in the kitchen did 1040.
  14. Karl Harmdierks is a fool. A fool that does not know anything about dancing or style.
  15. Ugh. Why do such beautiful songs have to become overplayed so that we must then hate them? Like really? Dashboard is some good shit.
  16. Yeah; I don't know quite how to feel about it. It doesn't look bad... just very different.
  17. You play your instrument very well. I was going to critique your use of the pinky anchor, a bad habit my classical guitar teacher strictly attempted to get out of us, but then I remembered that the ukelele has 4 strings. Anchor away I guess.
  18. $30. I'd love to be the one to drop a huge sum but not this time around. I'm a lifer for OCR. Much love.
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