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Everything posted by Vilecat

  1. I've met a lot of people from OCR I speak to on a regular basis. I don't really post on the forums anymore though, I prefer hanging in IRC. Pfft Level99, cool? Nonsense! You'd be better off drawing a face on a brick and carry it around, telling people it's your new best friend.
  2. Ta mère est laite Pour être sérieux: les deux ne sont pas super, mais internationalisation se rapproche plus de l'idée originale/la traduction. Mondialisation fait très industriel et ne touche pas nécessairement la langue, tandis qu'internationalisation est déjà utilisé pour décrire ce genre de chose. Personnellement, le meilleur serait de reformuler légèrement afin de ne pas avoir à utiliser l'un ou l'autre. On comprend quand même le message clairement.
  3. I second this. I will one up Anti-Syne, however, and say it's my favorite video game period. Because it is. I loved TWEWY, even if it was a bit hard to get the whole fighting system at first(figuring how to properly use certain pins). It's also one of the rare games I've tried where I felt like the use of a stylus was well incorporated instead of just forced upon the player once in a while. And it gets bonus points to be able to unlock songs of the game and set them as your menu music <3 Bowser's Inside Story is another game I loved from the start. I HAS CHORTLES!
  4. From Claptrap's New Robot Revolution DLC: LT: Not sharp enough.
  5. Bah, had a lot of free time on my hands today so I made a bunch. Saved them all here and the description for each is in the extra notes. I can make you a .zip of them too. Main characters and their skill icon beneath: LT: Not sharp enough. The characters also look weird with the black outline.
  6. I'm surprised to see no Borderlands avatars yet. Achievement icons could easily be turned into avatars since they're square-shaped already. Can anyone make some, pretty pretty please? Some of the achievement icons:
  7. This is so fucking weird, 2 days ago i was thinking about him and now i see this thread? O_O I didn't talk about it with anyone either!
  8. So basically it's a bit like Keiii's entry for last month? I'm a bit lost...
  9. That sums up very nicely what I had in mind.
  10. Dear GOD! I think we've got a winner here Robotrek looks like it was made by the creators of Secret of the Stars.
  11. Mario's Time Machine and Mario is Missing: in the same boat, while the latter isn't as horrid, changing a few notes or part of the rythm in a song doesn't make it necessarly improved. Certainly not in this case. Donald Duck Mahou No Boushi: Probably not the worst soundtrack ever, but the constant use of duck sounds in certain songs can get on your nerves quite fast (namely the theme song). A shame really, since some of the songs are remix worthy. Ballz wasn't that bad at all. It uses shitty sounds, sure, but it's nothing that bad. And for SoR3, half of it was terrible. Some of the songs weren't so bad (although half of those good songs were reused from SoR2). Agreed with Action 52 x_x
  12. #4: I C WAT U DID THAR! Good entries, I'll see if I get any ideas for next month's theme.
  13. <3 you Nario!!!!
  14. This looks really enjoyable, even if they chibified the main character. Usually when a game is rather short they add extra stuff to unlock with achievements and such to make it longer (artificially but still).
  15. Be careful, it's a trap!
  16. ROCK ON YEAAAHH!!! Have a great time girl and may this bring lotsa good memories http://olremix.org/remixes/436
  17. Really nice entries this month! Even if some might seem of higher quality, you can definitely notice each person developping their own style. Imho it's the first big step for finding yourself as an artist. If this made any sense.
  18. #6: roflwut I have no idea what game is #2 from Pretty hot Alexstrasza in #5
  19. Probably more than that actually... Homer as a game character, seriously? And some are so tiny it hurts my eyes, even if they're easily recognizable (like Q*Bert)
  20. Obvusly bstess sung evar tis iz briliint wurk of masturpeace wanting moar fr makign teh other listn too plizz tanks!
  21. Happeh birfday d00d!
  22. So what I hard heard 2 days ago was true. Wow that is shitty indeed...
  23. I was referring to Rama's entry =P
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