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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. Hmm...synth pop, always goes down smooth Very well done in all aspects, the samples are wonderful, production is top, and most importantly it's alot of fun to listen to (something remixes today are lacking)
  2. Swing your arms, from side to side, Come on it's time to go do the Mario, Take one step, and a then let's do the Mario altogether now! (It's all from memory but yes... would be great!) Oooh... that is good, I'm gonna have to third. This idea gets the nod
  3. In Progress ...nothing, I'm a very lazy/uninspired bastard To-Do Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter - Any Theme but probably DAN!!!! SaGa Frontier II - Fieldschlact III Cave Story - Eyes of Flame Possibilities for the future Anything, and I mean anything
  4. And they were terrible. That's why I replaced the music in those games too. I need to go off topic nowThis is True Love We Makin' & Stimulation are two of the greatest pieces of music in a fighter, not to mention the awesomeness of MvC2 soundtrack, I hate you Otherwise, gg on music replacing
  5. For heads up, the intro, Medal of Honor & Myst where highlights of the show when I went Also, when you're looking at the merch they have, I recommend the $0.25 Push to Reject t-shirt, they sold out like cakes filled with drugs at the San Jose showing
  6. I'm surprised no one has mentioned R U Overdrive yet, as a highlight I'm going to masterbate to that song AT LEAST ONCE Also, I'm aware that Dan isn't in any of these versions of Street Fighter...BUT CUMON!!!!
  7. That there Binster with his top notch production and wonderful samples (i'm a low-fi whore), what a cunning fox
  8. Me and some friends are going to start a band. Basicially, we want to be something mostly centered around death metal ( while still breaking out into techno and hip hop ), but only want to use things you'd find in a toy store, mostly electronic if possible. Once we get some good sounding stuff we'll record an album and put it up Now, any suggestions on some good sounding kids instruments. We're interested in keyboards, xylophones, crappy banjos, and anything else that at least sounds good, all posts greatly appriciated
  9. The lead synth at the intro is bit to loud for me, otherwise gg P.S: For future reference, could also use more UNTS
  10. Exactly the point of me making the mix, both his vocals and lyrics sucked, thus, SILENT HILL TECHNO OMFG
  11. So... Silent Hill 3 - HomeRAVE [Hometown ReMix by EazyP] F4T4L encouraged me to do it
  12. Jump in a Metal Gear, stay invincible for like 20 seconds
  13. Yes a billion times, just fix the blue background
  14. Voted & another good episode TAMPONS
  15. I remember back when this WIP was posted in 2004 on the Newgrounds.com Music Forums, and I've been listening to it since then. It's nice you picked this one back up and got it into OCR
  16. We needs Dan Hibiki, the best would be a sprite of him taunting, but as long as we have Dan http://www.angelfire.com/games4/shingotink/Gallery/CvsS2/Capcom/Dan.jpg ^ big pic of him
  17. How in the hell do you confuse an mp3/podcast for a bird or a plane?In a matter of fact, how the hell do they go from bird to plane when people see Superman? TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS! Just because something can fly doesn't make it at all like a bird or a plane Otherwise, yay new episode downloading and listening now EDIT: Also, WHO THE HELL JUST POINTS OUT "LOL THERE'S A BIRD IN THE SKY" IN THE MIDDLE OF A CITY, AND SOMEONE ANSWERS BACK "NO IT'S A PLANE"?!?!?!?!??!!!!
  18. Guitar is gwed, arrangement is awesome, drums make me happy, gg
  19. To my understanding, it isn't that way in the games, but I believe it helps the movie because if this where the case everyone could enter the true Silent Hill, when Silent Hill only opens its doors to those who it wants inside them EDIT: Oh, I finally finally think I understand the ending completely (Rose is dead, she had been stabbed in the real world, and for that she is dead. As soon as Dark Alissa comes out of her blood they land in the SH world where Alissa has the power to heal Rose and does. THIS is why they cannot leave Misty Silent Hill because they are dead in the real world yet Dark Alissa wants Rose to continue to live somehow with her daughter, the only way would be to keep the Misty world of Silent Hill alive and disgard the Dark Silent Hill as there is no use to it anymore)
  20. ^ ha yea, all my friends and me had a good laugh out of it (The knife part that is)
  21. Well that was a hell of a movie. The Dialouge wasn't terrible to me, infact I was a bit happy that the dialouge was like it was, reminded me some more of the games, made me smile Spoilers in ( ) Did anyone notice that the movie was LOUD AS HELL? (When that baby screamed my ears hurt) Still, helped the movie out If I had any problems at all it would be three specific ones. One, the people in the audience who didn't play the Silent Hill games where annoying as hell. They didn't get the plot, laughed at some monsters, and other gay gay gay actions where made by them. Two would have to do with the ending. (When Sean Bean's character is at home and notices the door is open, I thought he was going to look outside and see the car had returned, but instead I got a lame bush D:) Three would be where is Kaufmann? (Also I'm as to why the alternate world of Silent Hill still exists at the end of the movie when the revenge is completed, can anyone explain for me?)
  22. Sucks because I missed a bunch of notes and it was REALLY REALLY QUIET!!! (my fault on that one) I'll just record myself playing it later and host the mp3
  23. Too few comments on this one? I think think so Falls under one of the best remixes in the site for me, both mixers do their jobs very well and mix together in a way few groups can. CotMM keeps everything spooky while Steve knows how to vibe with him on his guitar It's not hard to see why this was let in even because the file size is over the limit, it's too good to leave out
  24. GG on episode, and yay you used "It's A Jazz Thing" And while I'm here by far the greatest thing there will ever be in the VGDJ album
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