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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Um. No. Tales characters are okay, but they are far from being iconic Namco characters. There's about a hundred Namco characters they can come across before even considering Tales ones, though I bet they would put in the JRPG ones in there anyway. Are you kidding me? Ever heard of the Prince of the Cosmos? PAC-MAN??? Just about any Soul Calibur characters ever? Tekken characters (just about all those mental cases could fit into an SSB game easily). As for JRPG types, I would think Xenosaga/Xenogears characters should take precedence. And Konami? Wow, what is this, 'bash all 3rd parties' night? Suikoden characters alone could fill up a SSB lineup ten times. And I don't even need to get into details about Castlevania.
  2. Sorry but I love those characters. Amy could actually have a really interesting fighting ability with her hammer that can also let her jump high with it.
  3. Why that reaction? Though the Sonic games have floundered, I think the Sonic games have a really good cast of characters. I wouldn't put the bad games to the characters themselves. As long as it's not Big the Cat, I'd be ecstatic if they put an obscure Sonic character in there. Even Shadow would be good.
  4. Tails already had a pretty extensive movelist even from Sonic Adventure and Sonic Advance. I don't expect anything different from the limited flight (Kirby style but probably less floaty) and the tail spin attack.
  5. Not a bad game, but just about all the handheld Zeldas before it were way better IMO. Also, the game is really, really, really easy. Why am I not surprised?
  6. On that note, the new Splinter Cell looks awesome. A stealth action game starring a hobo. It just can't get any more cool than that. A terrorist/agent hobo.
  7. Too bad a Sonic reveal just would not have the punch and impact it would have had even a few years ago. It's really sad how far the Sonic games have fallen. Besides Sonic, if they're going that path, I wish they put in some little known types. I want Espio in a SSB game. Replete with his Mew Two type personality.
  8. I think tgfoo was referring to Zetsubo Sensei which went up to episode 6 then all the subbing for it stopped. Gurren Lagann had the BSS subs which was just amazing and three other big subtitle groups on it, so nothing to complain there. The basic premise was 100% traditional because it was created as a homage for oldschool super-robot/mecha shows. Though the characters and their over the top aspect was very modernized.
  9. It's basically the most frantic and Freudian comedy of 2007 (Seto no Hanayome was great, but Zetsubo is on another level with the harem of girls based on Freudian states of psyche). Too bad the fansubbing is at limbo at best because it may or may not be licensed.
  10. I'm a bit skeptical of the adventure mode simply because ALL fighting games ever made that tried it never put all their best efforts. Tekken 3 was as close to a fun adventure mode as it ever got and I think that type of game will happen here in SSBB. Nice addition, but not crucial at all. I bet they'll give the incentive in terms of specific trophies and unlockables though.
  11. I think it's because a lot of consoles games cater to the console control while PC games makes use of twitch controls more. FPS for consoles restrict the movement according to the slower response that makes it more tightly controlled compared to the looser control for the PC FPS games. It has nothing to do with which is intrinsically better other than how they fit with eachother. Unless it's seamlessly done either way like with the Call of Duty games.
  12. I won't know about whether it's archaic since it is a newer form to control FPS's and I think Goldeneye and Turok proved it a decade ago that it can work for console shooters. It really would feel strange to put in a much tighter control scheme in a console shooter and otherwise I guess. I can't imagine something like Gears of War having pinpoint control like with PC games. I think it's almost a part of the whole FPS genre for console games. It really feels to me like FPS games as of late has incorporated the more sluggish controls for the games themselves. Which is why a lot of FPS games made specifically for consoles have a distinctly different feel (not inferior or superior. That question is too subjective for me to get into). As for Halo 4, I'm guessing that may be after a possible new project, but I'm not going to be surprised if they are making it right now to extend the 360's lifeline (as if that wasn't fulfilled 100% as far as a Halo goes since Halo 3 did everything a 'finale' could).
  13. No it's not. It's only the most respected Japanese gaming press by far. You always have to take it with a grain of salt since they DID give a perfect score to Wind Waker, which is just ridiculous no matter how big a Zelda fan you are.
  14. I don't see why Bungie would even bother with FPS games in a long while. From all the interviews, it seems like they want to do something totally new or possibly an entirely new franchise. Also, if they want a FPS game that sells, they'd stick to consoles or even make another Halo sequel or spinoff. And archaic dual analog controls? Bungie has refined that to perfection and it's not a sticking point to them. Not to mention the possible keyboard+mouse connectivity they may plan for future 360 games. Moot point. I guess it'd be a point to bring up if people actually griped about a bad control scheme. Just about nobody did so for Halo 3. It's not even an issue. Also, I think a possible breakup would make Bungie Microsoft's 2nd party instead of 1st. MS seems to be going down that path by making deals for exclusivity instead of simply owning all of the companies. Even if they did make a PC FPS game that is not Halo, I bet it'll be like BioShock and make it be a console exclusive that way.
  15. It was alright, but way too shallow. It's one archetype after another with the most ridiculous cliché in anime ever. The animation was ridiculously well done though. And the 4 or 5 tracks of the soundtrack were good. But still just really fun to watch because it was such a simple show. I actually think about a dozen shows in 2007 were more memorable, but it's still a good show for what it is.
  16. You guys mean Masaharu Iwata. It was a split effort between Sakimoto, quite literally. Also, I'm tempted to buy a PSP if it gets rave reviews. That and Crisis Core and Lumines would be enough for a purchase.
  17. Thinking back, the PSX was the golden era of RPG games for me. So many innovative action/RPG or JRPGs that tried new things and was really entertaining or full on classics like Suikoden 1 and 2. Most games nowadays tries to capture that old feel it seems. And it would be really amazing if they can make a proper Alundra 2, though it is less likely than Shemue 3. Another atrocity in lack of sequels.
  18. I'm not afraid to say it. Alunda out-Zelda'd, Zelda. I consider it a fact. BTW, I need to buy it again since some distant relatives whisked it away.
  19. I think most Halo players think Halo 3 lived up to expectations, finally, compared to the Halo 2 disappointment from what I've read and played of it. Except for the story which was always vague since the first. And most hours of Halo gameplay is for online anyway. I don't think they need to do much with SSB games really. Even if online mode isn't good, that's not what was expected of it. Even with the story, nobody really expects anything. Unlike all the talk of 'epic' when the talk of Halo came around. All SSB needs to do is put out a dumb, fun fighting system with any semblance of balance and it'll be good enough. Even the older SSB games, with almost distinct tiers and the general silliness was well received. It's not going to be any different unless they mess something up.
  20. Giving away info is good. AFTER the game is out maybe. Or at least tease. Now the site even gives detailed info on trophies and other intricacies of the game. They didn't need to go that far, no less probably reveal all the characters beforehand.
  21. Sometimes I wish Nintendo fucking shuts the hell up about Smash Brothers Brawl then drop the bomb when the game comes out. They're revealing a bit too much now. I wish they built up the hype ala Halo 3 or any other big releases in games nowadays. Give it the old Star Wars style no spoiler treatment.
  22. Again, what is so different from a woman trying to appear sexy compared to the typical men consciously or subconsciously trying to be masculine? Games merely do that more outwardly and if someone is to be actually affected by that, that means they're complete, utter dolts. We have those types everywhere, not just for gaming audiences. I don't think that's it. If you make realistic slaughter or really mean/hideous aspects into games, people notice. That's why in war games, you fight something like Nazis or aliens or zombies all the time. Even in eroge (hentai/porn games), they're now mostly about storytelling than the simple act of sexual promiscuity nowadays. Even PORN games have evolved that much. I disagree. If games are horrible, they usually don't sell well. There's always the quick-buck titles and catch-all sequelitis of the mediums, but that happens. There's always the shallower aspects across all media. Singling one out is not very convincing. Empowerment and the widening of choices confuses everyone. It's natural. Life literally used to be simpler in the past. We merely have more choices careerwise, sexuality wise, marriage-wise, etc. I agree traditional values have deteriorated, but I can argue that it's merely a change. Not a total destruction of society. We do that with males too. Mario is a laughable Italian stereotype and we love him for it. Snake is a veritable icon of manly sexuality (I guess some guys can't notice that from the getgo because of the action game aspect itself). Dante is basically a fangirl-bait if you think about it. So a sexy girl is a bimbo while the sexy guy is just cool? That is plain sexist. Now I'd agree if we're talking about the Guy Game or some exploitation videogame that actually portrays women as skanks, but most games with the mass-market-appeal sexuality? They're harmless. Completely and utterly harmless. In fact, I know most girls really don't give a shit about all this perceived sexuality against women. That argument is a steaming pile of double faced cliche.
  23. Not really. I fully expected the PSP to not even sell for 10 million. That seemed like a huge stretch but apparently I was wrong. It just seems the market is able to support more than one handhelds nowadays. PS- It's really amazing how much time I'm spending on Brain Training 2. BEST GAME EVUR
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