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Everything posted by FiremanJoe

  1. There are a few different plugins for Winamp to use it as an alarm clock... I've used a few and most have been rubbish, but I'll check out this one, OC. =) Lately I've just been using the windows scheduler to open an .mp3 or .m3u at the specified time; works well enough.
  2. Mac.. the pressing question is why were you watching tennis? =P Yeurgh... Why are some people so freaking stupid though? (Also: I went to a LAN party last week; my mum referred to it as a 'landline party' ...)
  3. Even if that is the case, it's good to see someone doing something different with a vg soundtrack for a change. Even if it's not A+, the results will be interesting, and a good learning experience for those working on it. ...*dreams about Spore 2*
  4. Pikmin 2 seconded. I can't wait to see what Miyamoto's got up his sleeve for the future of this series. RE4 is one of my favourite games, but it wouldn't be fair for me to judge it against it's predecessors as I've only played bits of REmake and RE2. Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land - Great game, but a little short by today's standards. Loved it way more than SML1 and 2. I won't even comment on the Zelda series, as WW is the only game I've completed. I trust your opinion though, watkinz =P If we're talking movies, the Harry Potter ones keep getting better, but is that saying much? =P Albums... Hybrid's latest, I Choose Noise was better than their previous, Hybrid Present YK4.
  5. 7600 seconded. I've got an APG 7600GS, so I'd recommend the PCIe GT- gives you room to upgrade etc And as for ram.. you'll want 2Gb of DDR2, yeah?
  6. I think videogames (and the internet, perhaps to a greater extent) have had more of an effect on us than most of us realise, or would like to think. I've been hearing alot of non-gamers use the word 'own/pwn' recently, and it really annoys me. An obvious hyperbole, but Pure Pwnage is another example of how language has developed and is used as a result of games. (Yes, my friends and I often use alot of gaming language in everyday conversation; sometimes seriously, other times to take the piss out of it) Also, we go to LazerZone (Dunno if you've got that elsewhere in the world; lazertag/light gun kinda version of paintball) and treat it alot like an FPS. Chances are there are other examples I'm not aware of.. /geek =)
  7. I upgraded from FX5200/512Mb RAM to 7600GS/1Gb RAM ... HL2 and FEAR.. I know what you're saying =P *drools*
  8. A point needing more emphasis. Ever played a Medal of Honor game? The AI is terrible. *shudder* Boss fights with really obvious patterns should be a thing of yesteryear by now. As for graphics; depending on the game, they need to suit the style. Adventure and fps games need a greater level of immersion; part of this is graphics (Oblivion, HL2, FEAR, Project Offset, Assasin's Creed and the like), but other things need to change, such as the age-old 'health bar' and HUD (With the exception of games like Metroid Prime, in which the HUD further increases the immersion). Puzzle games don't really need to look any better than they already do, imo. They're often based on abstract ideas, and utilise simple graphics, primary and secondary colours.. that's about it. You can only make Tetris or Bejewlled look so good, y'know? Most current rts games have a good graphical standard, and something that needs to be worked on in this genre is efficiency of the game engine, rather than graphics or AI (AI in rts has been good for quite a while imo). It sucks to have several hundred units on-screen, only to lag out/framerate/whatever.
  9. Yeah, he and I have played once before. ...ouch. Most games I've played have been plagued with lag and stuff, and if you've ever seen my keyboard.. clunkiest POS you've ever seen. I'm gonna have carpel tunnels one day.
  10. Nice one Kamoh, looks good! =D ..but why am I up against Tauce? =P
  11. Silverchair.
  12. You'd better do it justice. Only one of my favourites =P , along with Crobat and Tyrannitar. Slightly off topic (well, it's a Pokemon thread isn't it?)- anyone ever beat the Battle Tower in Crystal? I only ever managed to beat the lvl 100 ranking thing. Team: Charizard, Mew and Tyrannitar.
  13. I've still got a Nokia 3310. Mono ringtones all the way! -FF6 Battle theme -SMB 1 and 2 main themes -Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench I did have a Donkey Kong one for a while, but I deleted it for some reason.
  14. I'd like to see some of the rarer/less popular G/S Pokemon here. Anyone up for drawing Crobat, Stantler, Girafarig or Tyrannitar? I'm still thinking about whether I'll draw something, or do a MSPaint doodle. Pokémon ftw. =D
  15. One word: Daikatana.
  16. Good thread. The Ayreon and other power metal albums are seconded. Also try out some Opeth; not everyone's into growling, but if you're ok with that, there are some epic songs in their catalogue. (Being a vgm site, how about some of the Dwelling of Duels entries? there are some damn epic Metroid guitar mixes there =D)
  17. I haven't played in years, and I only own the GB version, but it's a great game - Count me in.
  18. Or you could create an .iso, mount it with Daemontools and then rip from that? (not sure if that works.. just an idea I had) Also, do other programs do the same thing to the iPod, or is it just iTunes that does it? Cos I was thinking of using WinAmp w/ plugin (my sister has an iPod and has had some problems, not me.)
  19. Hell p2p stuff like that pisses me off. Fucking tards re/tagging things. >_< My naive little sister downloaded a 'music video' off limewire the other day. Poor thing ..learned her lesson though I guess.
  20. I'd love to see 4FT3R M3 on a DDR machine.. (I'd also love to see a DDR machine somewhere near where I live) But yeah, this could be big- lots of good publicity for the site if a member were to win.
  21. Did you mean this Or This?
  22. So what's the deal with files disappearing...? I hear if you connect to another pc, your stuff disappears from it =S
  23. I've got a few friends who are gonna see Evanescence when they come over here. I'm not a huge fan of the band, but their music is alright. (Suffice to say, I'd have loved to have seen that fairy outfit...)
  24. Thanks And yeah, I'm behind a router and have the windows firewall thingy, so that should be ok.
  25. GC or PS2 casemod you say? I'd like to see that Got a link? I've seen a cool NES mod, which I wanna try out myself someday, but not GC or PS2...
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