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Everything posted by FiremanJoe

  1. Hey, I finally got Diamond. ^^ Beat the second gym and got the bike this evening. EDIT: Added my FC's for Mario Kart DS and Metroid Prime Hunters to the database.
  2. I don't mean to contest the rule, but is there any particular reason there's a limit to 192kbps mp3s, and what of vbr mp3s? So long as the file remains under 6mb, does the bitrate really matter that much?
  3. dragonwriter 4 judge in '07
  4. blarg, that's ridiculous. I don't want to download the same stuff again. Especially since I just downloaded it two months or so ago, and I have a crappy download limit. =(
  5. We've already got Uwe Boll fucking up game movies. Why are these fucktards ruining game/game related music? When will it end? D:
  6. Man, you guys have some great speeds! =O We only just upgraded to 1.5mbit, so I can get a max speed of about 160kb/s Anyway, I've been seeding the OCR torrents for a while now... but what do I do now that the torrent's been changed? I've already downloaded the new songs from supertux, so should I just put them in the folder, rename it and continue seeding? Surely there's a way to keep seeding without redownloading, right?
  7. Yeah, both my grandparents and a friend of mine have a 400Mb dl limit. Sucks to be them. I have 1.5mbit and 15Gb dl limit. It's the best available in my area- dad picked it cos it bundles internet, landline and mobile phone bills into one... so I'm not sure about the pricing but he allegedly gets a 'discount'.
  8. Australia continues to get the short end of the stick. (Prices in AUD)Hardly seems fair to me. How much do you guys pay and what do you get for your money?
  9. How brief is brief? This is to be about 5000 words. Any research and articles or other information on the topic would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Does violence in video games affect a person's behaviour? I think it's fairly widely accepted that it does, to different degrees depending on the individual. One of the main I wonder is- where does one draw the line? At what age does a person know the difference between reality and fantasy? If you've got any links to research papers done on this or other good sources, they'd be greatly appreciated. Miyamoto Wants Happy Games Violence in Video Games - Sirlin.net An assessment of the ESA's research on gamers Sorry to bring up the topic for the millionth time, but yes, I've got a school report to write on the topic. =P
  11. Yeah, it's a bit like that isn't it Cerrax. =P *cough* Also, can anyone direct me to remixes with rapping?
  12. Thanks for the good read. I must admit, I'm still trying to get through the Ice World, but I'm a bit younger than you, so gimme a break, k? =P Congratulations on the engagement, my thoughts and prayers will be with you. God bless.
  13. I think y'all should get in on PRC this week. >_>
  14. haha, Don't worry guys, I chose something you should all know, and at least have played the game from which it comes. Lemon, I wanna hear your skillz and watkinz, I expect you to enter this week. =P
  15. How about my mixes from PRC95 and PRC96? (I won PRC96, so it *must* be good. =P)
  16. Woot! =D Close match, guys. Nice work done by all. See you next round.
  17. 'Weak'? What the hell are you talking about? These entries were all great! We all spent so long working on them, you should be humbled!
  18. School year in Australia is a bit different to the USA. The year starts at the end of January and finishes just before Christmas (makes sense, really, unlike your silly system =P) At the moment I'm flooded with work, but the term ends in a fortnight. (I'm surprised I managed to stick that mix together) Then we have a two week break and the third term starts. (So I should be able to put some good work into my next entry or two)
  19. Yeah, we both got our entries in just before the end... what's up with that?
  20. I've known about a couple of these for a while, particularly SSH. Good stuff there, always interesting to see new Doujin work. I have a single Hellion Sounds track, not sure where I got it from ages ago, but I'm having a hard time finding a full album (which I'd /really/ like).
  21. How about that sacrificed goat, ey?
  22. Not 7 weeks, but I am considering going to Melbourne in Nov/Dec. Postpone? =P
  23. Nice tune =) I've got some ideas for this one already! ...'cept I've got alot of school work to do this week. I'll try and create something.. but if not.. =(
  24. Congrats to Nutritious =) well done! ...this comp needs less raphate. =(
  25. Haha, yes I've been waiting to vote for ages.. I'm quite excited! =D
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