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Everything posted by FiremanJoe

  1. Experimental rock/metal group The Pax Cecilia are giving away their latest album entirely free. This is NOT a download, like Radiohead or Saul Williams- they will send you a hard copy of the album via post. The times, they are a'changing.
  2. when the hell did this happen? =S
  3. Um, I saw a trailer for it today and have already forgotten what it looked like. All I remember is the name.
  4. Awesome! I'm a regular reader of 3D, this is top stuff. =D
  5. Some great suggestions so far. Lots of good music taste around here Stricltly speaking, Apocalyptica's music is instrumental, but some of their tracks feature vocalists. (omfg don't even touch their latest album it is trash. stick with the older stuff) Female vocalists they've worked with previously include Sandra Nasic of Guano Apes, Marta Jandova of Die Happy and Manu of Dolly. I haven't been able to get my hands on any of Dolly's music, but I'd definitely recommend Die Happy and Guano Apes to you. Good German alt rock.
  6. try all of zircon's songs they are awesome for sexing it up i hear he just loves naked girls dancing around to his music
  7. First of all, Christmas music sounds kinda tacky. Second of all, it's not winter world-wide. Third and finally- if this goes ahead, good luck.
  8. My birthday's before Christmas, and I'm mainly hoping to get the Orange Box. There are a few other games I'd like; they're mostly older ones. Other than that, a pair of Sennheiser HD555's or SteelSeries 5v2 gaming headset. There are some cds and dvds I'd like, but I'm in no hurry for those. I just reallly want to play Portal and HL2 eps.
  9. There's a guy out there somewhere who goes by the name "Zombie Possessor" who records straight covers of game music, mostly older tunes. I think I have some of his music around here somewhere; his site seems to be down at the moment though. And yeah, I keep my ZREO collection up to date- there's usually a new track each week.
  10. I was shocked to read this. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. What of all the years composing ahead of him? This is a great loss. Rest in peace Reuben, you will not soon be forgotten.
  11. Sex icon? How about that ol' European Unmod poster who starred in a certain TV show? >_> As for your sex mixtape, smooth trip-hop seems to be the way to go. I'll second Massive Attack/Portishead/etc If you're looking for something a bit sexier: Muse - Time Is Running Out Royksopp - Eple Moby - First Cool Hive/I Like to Score Midnight Juggernauts - Shadows Basement Jaxx - Oh My Gosh Garbage - Queer/Only Happy When It Rains/Androgyny/Temptation Waits Puretone - Addicted to Bass Tiga - You Gonna Want Me Daft Punk - Around the World
  12. Amazing. Epic win.
  13. Welcome back... so um, who are you?
  14. I meant 'back', as in "WITH ANOTHER CHART TOPPING HIT". I wuvs you, OC. <3 ...do you have a website? If not, you should. I'd like to see a full chronology of your releases. And background info! And pictures! And videos of your latest concert!
  15. Yay! OverCoat is back! I loved Ubo's Restaurant and Supercats! Woo!!
  16. Chocolate NWG heads?
  17. Late night listening/falling to sleep? Albums: Portishead - Dummy Air - Moon Safari Massive Attack - Blue Lines Radiohead - Kid A The Whitlams - Love This City The Whitlams - Torch the Moon
  18. There's no way around it. Lossy to lossy conversion is always going to result in a bad output. The best you can hope for is converting to a high quality mp3, such as 320kbps or variable bitrate. Use the LAME encoder and the frontend Razorlame.
  19. I'm a big fan of Rocko; managed to find a good torrent site with heaps of great kids shows available for download (Rocko included) I'm probably not allowed to post the link, so if you're interested just pm me. I recently snagged the entire Wile E Coyote series off Demonoid too... now there's something that doesn't go out of style!
  20. For playback, I use Winamp. I think I'm still using about v5.3 - I really like the interface and the ability to use plugins for chiptunes and such, but the library search function gets to be a little too slow these days. For tagging files, I use Mp3tag. - It's great for tagging all manner of audio files and organising them. For ripping, I use Exact Audio Copy and the LAME and FLAC encoders. - Incredibly reliable tool; great quality rips. There's no other way to do things. When it comes to video playback, I've got the Combined Community Codec Pack, DivX Player, Nero Showtime, Media Player Classic I really dislike iTunes and Windows Media Player... eurgh.
  21. Really nice site you've got there dude. I had no idea you were into photography! As you already know, I'm always eager to hear a new PA set. =P
  22. That is really rich. I guess it could be worse, if pixie was the owner of this place and saying it, though. Not that anybody still holds a grudge or anything though. You're right, it is your site, so do as you please.
  23. Preparing for and successfully completing my high school music exam. I play cello, and hated performing solo (more than anything in the world), but my music teachers encouraged me and helped me along the way- at first I was shaky, but I practised in front of junior classes and finally built up the strength to be confident in the real thing. I left that examination room with the biggest grin on my face- one of the best feelings ever.
  24. Thankyou all for confirming my suspicions. =D I can't wait to play either Portal or the new Ep. I just wish I had some cash with which to buy this...
  25. Actually no. Clan OCR Database
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