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Everything posted by FiremanJoe

  1. DOSbox it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dosbox
  2. I'm guessing you'll want to finish making your game, release it and wait for somebody to remix the music from it, or remix it yourself. OCR is for game remixes/rearrangements, not original tracks. ...An idea might be do finish a couple of songs from your game, upload them for people to hear, and perhaps a well-known remixer will do a remix of it; then coincide the release of your game with the addition of the remix to OCR. (Good publicity for your game, no?)
  3. So I've just installed XP, and been advised not to use Norton anymore. Which free antivirus/firewall should I get? A few people have recommended AVG, but I'm not sure about it, or which firewall to use.
  4. God that was awful. Never again. >_<
  5. Interesting concept. How many people are already playing? No chance for late-joiners to win the prize... Also, how do you know they're not lying about the prizes? Perhaps they're trying to make themselves famous? Another forced internet fad?
  6. For most of the game soundtracks I have, I've never played the game. Some I've played a game in the series and just downloaded the soundtracks for the whole series, or I've learned of them through OCR/projects/etc, or a recommendation, or whatever. Never played Xeno, PlayStation FF, Katamari, Wild Arms, etc and I've only played Tekken3 and Tag; but I've downloaded tonnes of soundtracks. Same goes for movies; I don't see many, but I download alot of ost's.
  7. I'd buy the one with the replaced battery, cos I'd rather have a playable game than a pristine one that doesn't work... Speaking of dead batteries, my copy of Pokemon Silver refuses to save anymore. I'm annoyed with this, cos it's a fairly recent game. (My Donkey Kong '94 cart works and saves fine.) What do I need to replace the battery and how hard is it? (and should this thread/post be in Tech Assist? =P )
  8. This morning, my computer was working fine... until- I rebooted =O Windows Live Messenger and Winamp now refuse to work. Click the Windows Live shortcut, and ta-da! Nothing. Press C+A+D and there's the 'msnmsgr.exe', listed in the 'Processes' tab. Start up Winamp, and it appears on the screen, but the playlist window is blacked out and Winamp is shown to be 'Not Responding'. Any ideas why this happened and what I can do to fix it? EDIT: Ok, so a few days have passed. I've done a fresh install and not included Norton (as advised by a friend) and WinAmp seems to be working normally. However, I've tried using MSN7.5 and Windows Live Messenger; both will appear on screen, sign in and then promptly freeze. Cruddy old Windows Messenger still works. EDIT: Ok, so the problem with Windows Live is on my sister's pc as well. I'm yet to try it on dad's pc... I looked at the router settings; double checked port forwarding. All seems to be ok. EDIT: Well, that was odd. Yesterday Live just started working again. Rather odd indeed.
  9. A few friends came over; we played Twister and Rape Me (a wrestling game; the goal is to pin your opponent's pelvis down XD ) One of my friends is into new age stuff, so there were tarot readings all round; she also insisted on giving me fashion advice and painting my fingernails... =/ Played a few games; bit of SSBM & FZero GX. Great fun, especially considering I usually sit at home on my pc, at OCR or something. =P
  10. Downloading now... Can't wait to see what it's like; not having owned a Sega, or played the original series. *yay, my first vB post*
  11. Hypothetically, if I had a high capacity mp3 player (80Gb iPod? 100Gb x-clef?), I would have OC ReMixes on it. Alas, I only have a 256Mb Creative MuVo. Sometimes I put vgm on it. Does that count?
  12. Cds this year... Billy Bragg for dad Jamiroquai for my sister Moby for mum (she didn't seem to like it. Apparently doesn't like his old stuff much, only his new stuff) Armin van Buuren and Blutonium Boy for a friend (birthday/christmas are only a few days apart)
  13. nVidia 7600GS 512Mb RAM DoD Source New Super Mario Bros Coffee mug A couple of cds/dvds (incl season 1+2 of Ren & Stimpy! ) I'm quite happy with my haul this year.
  14. I don't see why not. They're essentially the same thing, just a different case design.
  15. I've installed Gmod9, played around with it once and not understood it at all. Perhaps I should get some tutorials? Some more Source mods to check out: Goldeneye Source Perfect Dark Source (Still in development) Dystopia (Great Cyberpunk style game)
  16. Dude, fuck that and just tell us what it is already! I've gotta leave for a party in a few minutes - I don't have time for games!
  17. The Dresden Dolls' songs are pretty much all piano+drums if I remember correctly.
  18. 'ehook' or something, I think it's called... My friend was telling me about it the other day. I don't own a PSP, so I didn't pay alot of attention, but from what I gathered it had something to do with changing firmware.
  19. =D Also yeah, Starship Troopers. parasoul, you're a funny guy. Starship Troopers QFE. I've heard good things about Neuromancer and just recently my friends' English class studied Enders Game, and it sounds really interesting, so I think I might go pick it up soon.
  20. More importantly, they better make this game feel different (other than the touch screen control; I want new concepts introduced). Minish Cap burned me out on Zelda because I felt like I played the same damned game for the umpteenth time. What the hell do you want? A FPS? A RTS? I mean, its zelda, if would not be zelda if there were no dungeons and items. What the hell do you want ? A flower aranging game? Pikmin... *dials phone* Me: Hey sup Mr Miyamoto Miyamoto: Sup d00d Me: People want Pikmin DS Miyamoto: Sure thing, sounds good Me: Awesome, see it on the shelves in 12 months? Miyamoto: Make it 18. Me: Done.
  21. Won't have a Wii for a while, but here are my MKDS and MPH codes: MKDS - 244875 164158 MPH - 1718 7117 5892
  22. ho snap i smell a myf/arek collab commin along I'm interested in entering too... and lately I've been listening to a fair bit of hiphop/rap... perhaps I'll give it a go too! ...but I'm not entirely sure where to start with it. Plus I've only got a borrowed SingStar mic. PM me if you've got any advice or wanna do a collab with me.
  23. I've downloaded, but not listened yet, I'll probably do so tomorrow. New release schedule is much better. I hated waiting till monday afternoon.
  24. Dude, that is quite awesome Thanks very much!
  25. Not sure about the album idea. I'm more inclined to go with a dvd of the torrent, particularly for those who can't dl torrents for whatever reason, or who want an easy way to 'collect the set'. As for selling albums, the project albums would be more likely I think; eg KiC and DSoP (cos they're lossless, cd quality, etc). Medium shirt for me, but probably a large hoodie. (I'm really glad these changes are happening; I've wanted to get some OCR merch for ages, but have heard alot about the pitfalls of the current store setup.)
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