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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Figures. Very few developers seem to be interested in NOT forcing gifs to play slower.
  2. And another browser is ready to enter the fray. Well, if it uses a down-throttling setup like IE and others do for gifs, I'll be passing. I like my gifs to play at the speed I programmed them to, not whatever speed a browser decides.
  3. The celebrity many knew the voice of, but few could name. Shame to hear this. Not many people get famous solely for their talking voice while rarely ever being seen, let alone the kind of "this guy is EVERYWHERE!"-status Don had with it. It's going to sound odd not having him introduce movie trailers anymore. He was heard so often for so long, that you just never really thought about his not being the one doing it.
  4. Signatures can be made from anything really. Text, drawn images, photos, game sprites... all sorts of stuff. You can just use a simple cropped photograph, or make something very elaborate in an image editing program like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. There are a few things to keep in mind though... - Try not to use an insanely gory image (it could be removed by a mod if enough people complain). - Try not to use a sexually explicit image (ditto). - Don't use an image that has ridiculous dimensions (ditto again). If you keep those three things in mind, you'll be in good shape for sig making here. If you can't think of anything, or don't like your own attempts, you can go here and request a sig.
  5. NO! You didn't make the deadline... for your OWN ALBUM no less. Next time, get on the ball and get your shit done ON TIME, or you'll be s.o.l. then too!
  6. Red Alert 1 After a long hiatus, the freeware thread rises again! I'm sure some of your remember when EA gave away the original Command & Conquer for free last year. Well, they're at it again... this time, with Command & Conquer: Red Alert. I really don't think I need to explain the game, so just go get it. It's a classic older RTS game that should prove fun for those who've never played it.
  7. Fireworks likes to trim away what it considers "unused colors". It'll take colors that are nearly identical in hue, or that are rarely used throughout the gif, and either choose what it feels is the best one (getting rid of the rest), or replace it with another very close color that's used more. This is done to help keep the file size down, but it can also lead to visual issues sometimes. The "exact" option means that it doesn't do any of that trimming, and leaves in every color that it can. You still get only 256 colors though, so it's a bit misleading.
  8. Internet browsers do more to hinder the animation of gifs than anything else does, due to the down throttling that so many of them have. When many browsers only let a gif play at what amounts to a .1 frame delay in terms of maximum speed, you're going to have a tough time making something move around smoothly. You can still make things well animated by giving it plenty of frames of animation, but making them move across the screen smoothly becomes more of a problem... especially if the object is covering a decent distance with each frame, as it can then start looking choppy. If those browsers would just run gifs like FireFox does (no down throttling), things would be much better for giffing. A gif that's made to run at a .05 delay, and is able to do so, can look so nice in motion Yeah, the color loss is rough sometimes (dear God did I do some heavy optimizing for my X-Mas sig), but gifs were never really meant for high color photographs and heavy gradation usage (though they can still look good with some dithering and such). Some people forget that, and then get pissed at how grainy things look after they've compressed several thousand colors to just a fraction of that. They need to keep in mind that they have 256 total colors to use... no more. If they do that, and plan accordingly, their end results would be much better.
  9. Yep. Wanna play your PSP 9? Just stick a plug up your ass and walk to generate the power needed... bringing Plug 'N Play to a whole new level.
  10. I was never a fan of that character. Partly because the CPU was unimaginably cheap when it used him after about the third fight, but mostly because his move set didn't suit me that well. He had a cool fatality in MKII, but beyond that...
  11. Ace Combat 5 (Flying) Ace Combat Zero (Flying) Alien Hominid (Run 'N Gun) Castlevania: Lement of Innocence (3D Action) Contra: Shattered Soldier (Run 'N Gun) Dragon Quest VIII (RPG) Final Fantasy XII (RPG) Gradius III&IV (Shmup Compilation) Gradius V (Shmup) Guilty Gear X2 (Fighting) MegaMan Anniversary Collection (Action Platformer Compilation) Metal Slug Anthology (Run 'N Gun Compilation) Onimusha (Survival Horror) Onimusha 2 (Survival Horror) Onimusha 3 (Survival Horror) R-Type Final (Shmup) Resident Evil 4 (Survival Horror) Rygar (3D Action) Shadow of the Colossus (3D Action) Silpheed: The Lost Planet (Shmup) Soul Calibur III (Fighting) Taito Legends 2 (Compilation) Twisted Metal Black (Car Battler) WipeOut Fusion (Battle Racing)
  12. I'd hate to be near either side of that setup when it accidentally arcs.
  13. I'd not heard of these before seeing this thread. Over the past couple of weeks, I've watched these things. A couple here, a couple there, and I got a few chuckles from some, and a good hearty laugh from others. However, the one for Oblivion got me to laugh a lot. When? At the part when he was talking about immersion, and he got to the "cat jumping on your lap" bit. I don't know why, but I laughed my ass off to the point of having to stop the review for a short time. Thus far, that's been the best part of all of them to me.
  14. This is one Boll movie I'm actually curious to see. Not because I think it'll be worth the rental fee, but because it seems like it's the type of movie that would be more up his alley. We know his attempts at making things serious in a game movie fall apart like a zombie's head in a shotgun blast, but perhaps an over the top dark humored flick with little care for plot or who it offends, might... MIGHT... be almost tolerable.
  15. It's not in English, but... LBmorldApSs&hl=en&fs=1
  16. Seems Matos, a Cuban fighter in the Taekwondo Bronze medal match, was not fond of being disqualified for apparently taking too long to get back after a one minute break to have a foot injury looked at. So how does he respond? By pushing a ref, and kicking the judge right in the face. How did the officials respond? By banning Matos from the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF... heh) for life... and his coach as well. Guess he should've learned there's a right and wrong way to dispute decisions. Of course, now he certainly knows the wrong way
  17. Oh but it is. VGMix is sitting there, waiting for someone to organize it better, and make it so that people know when the newest releases are uploaded. The problem is, those who were working on it became busy with other things, and VGMix has fallen by the wayside for the most part as a result. It's hasn't vanished, or been hacked from existence. It's still very much there. It just needs some programming love to fix a few major issues that are keeping it from working better
  18. I don't think it's a bad idea, but it could easily come across as stepping on VGMix's toes. The idea that VGMix is where anyone can post a finished remix, is one of the main differences between these two sites. If OCR shifts a bit so that there's a similar ability on a lessened scale, I'm not sure how that's going to be perceived by the folks who run VGMix. Yes, people around here will likely be excited and take advantage of the new set up, but I can't help but think it's going to come across to others as an attempt to hurt VGMix by taking away what's considered to be one of its biggest advantages. I'm not suggesting that you dump the idea altogether, but I am saying that if you move forward with it, be careful how you do so.
  19. He was rebanned (along with Shnabubula and LongeBane) for identity theft from obtaining Dragon Army forum account passwords and logging into OCR & VGMix accounts. He made fake trolling posts over here (for the lulz), while he abused (and basically broke) VGMix's Jamroom system to the point where they turned off some user features and disabled new accounts to protect themselves. I thought something happened to ban him again, but I couldn't clearly remember just what it was. As soon as I read Shnabubula's name, I remembered the whole Dragon Army thing, and the post on VGMix about some people needing to change their passwords (which I've always assumed was related). Thanks for the reminder. Strange goings on around these parts.
  20. His banning from OCR had nothing to do with VGMix (which word filtered his name to be "he who should not be named" or something like that). If memory serves, Prot was banned from OCR after a spat with djp in this site's IRC chatroom. Seems he had an idea regarding judging or submissions, but a comment by djp set Prot off on a copy/paste barrage, which was the final straw for djp. His ban was lifted however, when djp was redoing the Content Policy last year, so that Prot could give feedback on it since his mixes were going to be affected by it.
  21. I'm glad VGMix is still around. But I have to admit, the song browsing for the site is a bit of a mess, and with nothing to tell you when a new song has been uploaded, I can't imagine new tunes get that much exposure once they're there. I know VGMix X is basically just a stop over until VGMix 3 arrives in 2101 when war is beginning, and I completely understand that the folks building it are busy busy busy. But when you apparently can't browse by game name, something's amiss. I had a hard enough time trying to get people to listen to my remixes before on VGMix 1 and 2. God only knows what would've happened had those two sites been using the same type of setup
  22. As long as hackers are breathing, they'll make the PSP ROMable.
  23. Finally, little Shawn gets herself a Gold. You could tell she just wanted to explode when she was officially in first after the final gymnast went on the balance beam. Good for her.
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