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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. If for whatever reason you guys don't get a remix together for the Merry-Go-Round song, my remix is basically done. Uploading it's a problem right now thanks to iffy connections, but it's there, using the same samples as it did back in January. I'm going to be uploading it to VGMix over the weekend (hopefully Sunday... assuming my ISP gets on the ball and fixes things), so if you're interested in having it fill that spot again, let me know before then.
  2. Man... what's with the Atari hate? I still have my Atari XE Game System (XEGS), and I play it pretty regularly each month. Games like Rescue on Fractalus, Mario Bros., Lode Runner, Desert Falcon and Crossbow are still fun to take out and play for a while. Couple that with being able to play almost all of the Atari 400/800 game library, and it's a great old system with a lot of games (original and arcade) to play.
  3. ... Assuming this isn't some kind of joke, this is why I hate the concept of DLC. All of this should have been in the game to begin with.
  4. Arr me masturbaties! Nibble me tit, and shiver me testicles! I be lookin' for some booty. Arrr...
  5. Airtime is used for commercials, but those commercials help pay the bills at the station because the time slots are sold to a given company (both on radio and TV). With the website, not only is Warhammer Online getting advertised (meaning they likely paid for their stuff to be added to the newest Zero Punctuations, as well as to the website layout itself), but they're also pimping the shirts and whatnot (which likely draw in cash as well). As the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. And just as TV and Radio have commercials which cost money to make and air in hopes of drawing in new cash flow, so does the web these days.
  6. Gotta pay for the bandwidth. And really, if you remove the big Warhammer Online advertisement, the ratio switches quite a bit
  7. Or you wind up with a Twister-esque "C'mon Syndrome".
  8. Sure looks like it. As for the game, visually, it doesn't look half bad in the video. God knows what it would look like at 1024x768 (or larger) though. Knowing Boll, this will likely have some rather non-PC elements in it on top of the gore, just to get some extra attention (soldiers calling the local enemies various racial slurs, or something else that a lot of modern period games leave out so as not to offend). I'll give the guy credit, he's pretty much said "Fuck you" to every critic he's ever had. He wants to make movies, and he does. Now he giving gaming a try... which seems oddly fitting given the source for his movies of late. It would be perfect if he made a game based on a movie, that way he could have the possibility of proudly proclaim that he's shit on both sides of the same road. I'll laugh if this game of his winds up getting 7s and 8s from various websites.
  9. This is a real shame. Such a long standing series with so much enjoyable music, and all the effort that has already been put into this, and it's stilling lingering some kind of hellish musical limbo. I hope this doesn't wind up fizzling out after having such a strong beginning.
  10. You have no idea how much shit I had to wade through on AIM back in the day because of that show... "OMG U R LYKING THAT MEGAS RXL SHO 2?! I LYKD TEH HOT ALIAN CHIK!" "No, I didn't like that show." "WUT>!" "It just didn't strike me as all that entertaining when I tried to watch it." "THEN Y DID U UZ HIZ NAEM?" "I didn't. Ever heard of Alice Cooper?" "WHO?" "The singer. You know, School's Out, Welcome To My Nightmare, stuff like that." "WHOZ SHE?" "... nevermind." "SO DID U LIEK THA ALIEN CHIX?" "What alien chick?" "WTFLOL"
  11. http://www.phelios.com/mac/kaijin.html http://homepage.mac.com/qtq/index_e.html http://www.vector.co.jp/vpack/filearea/mac/game/shoot/index.html or http://shinh.skr.jp/osxbin/ And for the sake of posting it... http://indygamer.blogspot.com/2007/09/mac-games.html That's the best I came up with for Mac shmups. You'll likely have to do some playing to find out which ones are bullet curtain shmups on those big Japanese lists.
  12. And the console makers (and third-party accessory makers too) would weep tears of pain as they watched all the income they'd normally get from charging game makers for this and that, not to mention income by having exclusivity (you want our games? BUY OUR SYSTEM!), go right out the window But I don't think we'll ever have an "all in one" console like what EA talked about in the past. There's too much pride involved with companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to ever be working together under someone else's console design. Each would always be thinking about what they'd add or do differently, and eventually, they'd build their own console again to make themselves (and possibly some game makers) happy (and richer).
  13. Well then you know. But in all seriousness, protecting your rights as an IP holder is one thing. Telling buyers they can only install their $50-$60+ game three times before having to go through jump through hoops to prove they bought it is another. And really, given the fact that the DRMs in question haven't had much of an effect in deterring piracy (and might actually be helping to inspire it in some ways), you'd think they'd stop pushing such a faulty (and often criticized) setup. Surely there are better resources at EA's disposal that don't border on punishing the buyers like their current DRM does.
  14. This should be the day for those with the means to play Propeller Arena, to do so. Play a game that was canceled by a tragic event, on the anniversary of that tragic event, just two days after the birthday of the now dead system that the game would have been released on. If there was ever a better timing/game combination, I can't think of it.
  15. Reading parts of this thread, you'd think he died
  16. Oh my flippin gawd, yes >_< Sounds like the 'Morrowind' of its day.
  17. Ah, the Dreamcast. The first and only system I actually got the day of its launch. I remember going to local mall where I lived at the time, and standing in the short line for those who wanted to take part in that particular store's early opening for its launch (though the line did get damn long by the time I left with my stuff). I remember I reserved Sonic Adventure, House of the Dead 2, Soul Calibur and a VMU. When I finally got my turn to enter the store (they only let in like five people at a time to keep things moving along), I also grabbed AirForce Delta. I got home, played for a while, then headed off to work. A lot of good games came out for that system. It's still a shame that it got such a rough treatment from the gaming public. I understand why people were wary, given the Saturn's poor launch and sordid history, the 32X's short lifespan and poorly thought out application (and usage), and the Sega CD's drowning in FMV drivel. But the Dreamcast did everything right, from having loads of third party support, to much easier programmability, a good online setup, good dev kits, and hardware that still managed to give the PS2 a run for it's money visually at times. Too bad Sega's own actions (internally and externally) basically doomed it. But, it's dead. With GD-Rom's no longer made, even Japan won't see any official releases anymore. However, it's nice to see some quality homebrew stuff still being made... and that a few "canceled at the 11th hour" games still got to see the light of day in one form or another.
  18. This is good news for me. I've been broke for a while now, and Okami has always been outside my spending zone (even after all this time, it's still $40 used around here). Having it become a Greatest Hit, and thus see a restocking and price drop, is good news for me. Maybe I can finally get to play it.
  19. -=NES=- Dragon Warrior Dragon Warrior II Dragon Warrior III Dragon Warrior IV -=SNES=- 7th Saga -=Master System=- Phantasy Star Miracle Warriors -=Genesis=- Phantasy Star II Phantasy Star III Phantasy Star IV Traysia Sword of Vermillion Sorcerer's Kingdom Shining In The Darkness Warriors Of The Eternal Sun Faery Tale Adventure King's Bounty (some action/strategy RPGs are Shining Force, Shining Force II, Light Crusader, Beyond Oasis, Landstalker, Shadowrun, and Exile) For the SNES, go with ZSNES. For the Master System and Genesis, go with either Kega Fusion or Gens. I could name some others for the Sega CD, Saturn and PS1, but I don't know if you're interested in buying/DLing CD images, or setting up the slightly more complicated emulation to run them.
  20. Really. All that's in the download section now are the words "coming soon".
  21. I hope someone was able to get it, and can upload to someplace. Seems this giveaway didn't last very long at all.
  22. Well this sucks. I liked a number of his appearances in movies, and he certainly wrote some entertaining tunes. Shame to hear he's passed on. He always seemed like a good humored guy. RIP Snowman.
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