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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Well, I'm not sure if I'm in time or not, but I'm uploading my tune right now. It'll take about an hour to upload thanks to my painfully sluggish 1kb/s upload speed, but it's on its way. As soon as it's done and I test the link, I'll send you a PM, DS. I would have sent it sooner, but between being unexpectedly swamped with shit to do, and then thunderstorms off and on all night, I didn't get much of a chance to mix it down and try to send it until now.
  2. Well, despite the Brinstar influx while I was working on mine, I went ahead and "finished" it. It's a bit repetitive, and not my best try at a remix to be sure, but I had fun. I'll mix it down this afternoon and upload it someplace to be grabbed.
  3. I don't watch cartoons that much anymore. I've spent most of my time in that area wondering how a given show stayed on, as they always seem to be trying to copy one another. Something always feels like a Pokémon knock-off, or the typical "kids with attitude" garbage, or it was just flat out dull, insipid and boring. The last cartoon to really get my attention was Teen Titans, which ended a couple years ago with a really disappointing fifth season (it should have ended with the "The End" trilogy). I started watching it around the end of the third season, and I got interested in it by the time the fourth season started. It's a bit like that with Avatar... only even later. I caught one episode of it months ago... the one where Aang and Katara were in a cave during a big rain storm. Seemed alright, but it didn't grab me, as the Nickelodeon label made me think it was just going to be another silly kids cartoon. Then last week, I heard about the big marathon being aired, ending with the series finale movie. So, I decided to sit down and watch it on Monday. I've now seen nearly every episode (in order), and I have to say, I'm sorry I missed out on this show when it was still airing new episodes regularly. As has been mentioned, the animation quality is good throughout most of each episode, and it was a nice change to see something that had a story arc running through everything. The characters grew up and closer, various people died and got injuries that lasted, and it walked regularly on both sides of the serious/silly line to good effect. It even gave me a good laugh at times, and surprised me a little at the more "grown up" aspects that were used within its rating (kissing, characters dying, etc.). I liked how it also dug into Chinese art and history, as well as bits of other cultures for its settings and look. The people behind the show obviously did their homework, and the end result was a world that felt more fleshed out than your typical American cartoon, and fight scenes that were unexpectedly well choreographed and handled. And yes, the music is quite good. The characters, though a bit cliché in some ways, were good. The motherly "big sister" (Katara), the silly guy (Sokka), the sarcastic little tomboy girl (Toph), to over-angry bully (Zuko)... we've all seen them before. But it still added up to enjoyable characters and interactions, thanks to the writers making them grow little by little through conflicts (both without and within). As for the ending, yeah, it was a big finalé. Shit blowing up everywhere, many characters returning, big climactic battles... everything you'd expect from a story that's meant to tie up most of the lose ends that have been dangling for a while. Thankfully, the ending didn't feel rushed, or drawn out. Everything got equal time, while keeping things focused. It was a good way to bring it all to a close, and unlike a lot of finalés I could name, I didn't feel disappointed by it. And yeah, it was certainly afflicted a bit with the "happy ending" syndrome on several fronts. But considering it is supposed to be a kids show, that isn't a surprise. **SPOILER** To balance out the rather dark ending for Azula, it seemed fitting to have Katara/Aang, Sokka/Suki, Zuko/Mai fully hook up in the end (though it was pretty much a given they would as the series went on). **SPOILER** So there you have it. My thoughts as someone who has been watching this show for all of a week basically. I feel lucky that I was able to catch it when I did, before the possibility of what happened to Teen Titans came to pass (i.e. yanked off the air entirely within a few weeks). I now find myself wondering what the show's creators are going to do for their next project in the Avatar universe, and what the live action movies will be like under M. Night Shyamalan's command. All in all, a good watch. Shame I waited until it was over to really notice that. Now for a question... why are the three seasons of this show being sold for $50 each? Teen Titans is $14.99 each on Amazon for thirteen episode seasons. I don't think the extra seven shows in Avatar's season adds up to an extra $35. Plus, why six DVDs for twenty twenty-three minute shows? What's eating all that disc space?
  4. I'm not sure it's from a movie. Looks more like something from a premier photo shoot. Edit: I stand corrected. He starred in Blade II as Reinhardt, and I'd wager that's the movie it's from.
  5. Battletech (Genesis)- One players steers the Mech around using the bottom half, while the other swivels the top half around while controlling the guns. This is a lot of fun, and really makes for some great team work. Gauntlet IV (Genesis)- Besides being Gauntlet, having new modes, and a new soundtrack, this is such a simple team playing game that get's pretty hectic as the levels progress. Plus, who doesn't love dissing the jerk who shot the food/magic? Space Duel (Arcade)- This Asteroids knock-off (by Atari no less) uses a unique concept for its two player simultanious play... it links both ships. Yes, there's a bar that links both ships. Now imagine two different people, spinning their respective ships around, hitting thrust at different times, and having that thrust's momentum steer the joined ships. It's so easy to send your ships twirling like a bolas and completely loose control... and that's part of the fun
  6. Since there appears to have been several other remixes of the Brainstar tune I said I was doing back on page 3, I guess I better ask if it's still wanted? It's beyond 50% done now, but I figured I'd find out before I continued with it.
  7. Looks like I'm good to go with this. I almost have it done up to the end of the first chorus area, and the two ideas I wanted to combine actually fit together better than I thought they might. Right now, it's looking to be about two-and-a-half, possibly three minutes long. Now to try and get it done(ish) by Saturday. Oh, and is there a particular time to get them submitted by on Saturday?
  8. Just giving this thread a long overdue bump. I had something I wanted to add, but I can't until I get a new website. Also, the GUS download I had linked to is gone. Once I get a new site, that too will be back.
  9. So? It's not an OCR album, or about making OCR-quality work. Put aside what everyone else is making, don't continually compare yourself to others, and just put your effort into your work. Make it your own, regardless of where you're skills reside. When it's done, post it, and let the chips fall where they may
  10. ... I've heard better acting in Sci-Fi original movies... and USA original movies... and most B-movies for that matter.
  11. I believe the plural form is more fitting, since it's an album with at least a dozen songs. In singular form, is sounds more like a single song's title.
  12. Energy Tank's not bad, but it lacks some... oomph. I kind of like the idea RD brought up. VARIAtions
  13. Regularly. This is OCR after all Wait. Wrong smiley ... No, that doesn't look right. I think it was the first one Yeah. That's the one.
  14. Well, I was hesitant to say anything, but I think I have a goofy idea for the Brinstar (overgrown with vegetation) song (assuming of course, this hasn't transformed into some "OCR quality-only" project yet). But don't completely count me in just yet. God only knows how it'll work out, so we'll see. I should know by Wednesday if it's worth completing.
  15. Dead or alive... your braaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnnnsss... are coming with me.
  16. Robocop 3 was a successful sequel?
  17. It never hit 100% for me, but there were a lot of issues I kept running into with websites not loading properly (Java script not working at all, images not showing up, etc.), and it only got worse as each day went by. I figured there were still come compatibility issues lurking about in FireFox 3, so I went back to (using at the moment), and everything's been back to normal ever since.
  18. True. However, since it is a honeymoon being discussed, one would hope that they'd get enough material to do both really.
  19. Can't say that I remember ever speaking with bLiNd in my six years of being here, but that means nothing really. He's a respected member of our little community of game music geeks, and like any other community, it's sad to hear when a member's been struck by this kind of nasty and debilitating disease. But, it's not incurable. It can be treated through several means, and I'm sure this hurdle will be cleared in time. It's with this knowledge and belief that I wish him and those who are close to him, the best on the road to recovery ahead. It won't be easy, but you'll all pull through it As for the card, we've done big cards before for fun at 72dpi. With a nice big white space at 300dpi (say, between 8x10, and 11x14 in dimensions before folding), it could be printed out easily for bLiNd once it's done. It would be good for hand written signatures, images, and whatnot, and shouldn't be too expensive to get printed out... be it as a single card, or several of them.
  20. Why not? You could work on a sequel to "The Music of My Groin".
  21. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3168616 I did a search for more info, and found the above article on 1up.com. It gives a little more info... a part of which you may like, Evilhead
  22. Thunder Force and it's 'Construction Set' are a bit tough to play. Emulation's the only way to do it really, and it's not easy to set the controls properly since the EMUs are mostly in Japanese (it was released only in Japan). It's all top view stages as well. Thunder Force II is a fun game, that has top veiw and side view stages. There's a Genesis, and a Sharp X68000, version. The X68000 is better overall graphically (a few extra effects not in the Genesis one), and it has a couple stages that Genesis version doesn't. Thunder Force III dropped the top view stages, and went fully side view. It's a great shmup on the Genesis, with catchy tunes and good design. Thunder Force IV just plain rocks on all fronts, and is considered by some to be the best 16bit shmup made. There's also Thunder Force AC, which was the arcade version of Thunder Force III (one of the few time a home game was ported to the arcade). It has one new level, borrows a level from the second entry, and while not a bad game at all, it's not quite as a good as TFIII. None of the games are bad, but the series really gained a following with Thunder Force III. As such, I'd start with that one, go to IV, and then give the X68000 version of II a whirl on an EMU. Neo Samus- Heh, appreciate the thought. And you can bet that if I'm able to scrape together the funds, I will have this.
  23. No, this isn't a repeat of my failed April Fools joke. This is real. Here's a Famitsu scan... http://sazanami.net/nikki/200807/080709_002.jpg Sega, partnered with Twenty-One Tecnosoft div., is bringing the sixth game in this long running shmup series to the PS2. It's currently slated for an October 30th release. From what little's been released, it's supposed to be six stages, 3D graphics with 2D gameplay, and containing some familiar looking bosses. It's up for preorder on Play Asia at the moment, and there's obviously no word on whether it's coming to the US or not. For this, I have three words... About fucking time
  24. ... This is going to haunt some CT players for the rest of their lives.
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