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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. With four tracks unclaimed, and three possibly in limbo, perhaps you should see about either making a short lived new thread, or moving this one, to Community to do some re-pimping of this. Might stir up some new talent to help put those last four - seven tunes to bed.
  2. And all that would utterly negate the purpose of having a nice, simple site dedicated to the quirks of this place. It would become "The Best of OCR", with a list of members and what they did/said. UnMod.org has something like the latter with their UnMod Wiki, and it was a fun read back when I posted there. But that's an entirely different beast compared to what I'm doing with my site.
  3. I believe that's what the UnMod Awards were for But, beyond things like "shitty judge fgt", "Homophoipce" and possibly "You're opinions of late have been ridiculous" (which I'm beginning to have second thoughts about), OCR Quirks is about things that became regularly used staples around OCR, or things that affected a lot of the site. A quote that struck you or me as funny or insightful isn't a quirk, much like a popular sig isn't (yes, I changed my mind on that). The last thing I need or want is for this thing to turn into a popularity contest, or some "I read this and it was funny"/"Why isn't __________ included?" ordeal. If anyone wants to compile a list of things OCRians have said over the years, I see no reason to do it. I think it would be an entertaining read. But to me, the things in there wouldn't be quirks (unless you included the conversations that lead to my first two examples above).
  4. Why Jon Talbain? I've always been a fan of the werewolf mythos, Darkstalkers is probably my favorite fighting game series, and I've been using my "JT vs Smiley" thing for years. So it seems pretty fitting.
  5. It's not honor, Doulifée, honestly. I just don't like burdening people with my personal setbacks or problems. Posting images is fun, and sigs are great and all, but clogging up someone else's personal site or PC with the stuff that I do for shits and giggles doesn't ring right with me. Even with a generous offers by kind folks like yourself, Maha, and phill, I'd still feel like I'm continually having my fun at the expense of what someone else paid for out of their own pocket, you know? It makes me feel like the friend who's invited over, but who always eats some of the food in the fridge every time they show up. I'm always happy to lend a hand to anyone here when and if I can, but I don't like my needs getting dumped in the laps of others. That may seem prideful or stubborn to some, but that's the way I am... for better or for worse. Edit: Some good news. I managed to find a site that allows image hotlinking. I can't put my site there because it has ads (big ones along the top), but at least I can have my sigs back in action.
  6. Alright. The Quirks are up again, the links are all tested, and I even made a few updates to a couple pages (mostly OCR Hacked). The new Quirks (hopefully permanent) site is... http://coop.herograw.net/ocrquirks/index.html And I'll give that a try, RD. Hopefully he has that bit of the old site archived.
  7. Radical Dreamer- Yeah, I remember that it was on the orange boards, and I can even picture that funky way the site had responses to posts lined up. But I can't for the life of me find that archive. It was around two or three years ago, but it may have been lost. I hope not. phill- I've decided that I'm going to put all the Quirk stuff on the same site as the Nice Work Archive, since like the NWA, it's something for OCR as a whole, and not just my personal usage. As such, it needs to be taken care of first and foremost. As for my personal website, I really don't want to be leeching off of other people's PCs or websites. Back in the days of old, it was really frowned upon to leech off of others. I was guilty of this to a degree for a while with Lightbunny's Comcast setup (he gave me a 30MB mini-site on his account there) until it vanished when LB quit Comcast. Since then, I've done everything I can to not leech off of others, as it always felt like having my fun on someone else's bill. So while I do appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I'll have to decline it. Thanks nonetheless
  8. Necrobump. After loosing my Geocities Plus account, I've moved the Quirks thread to a new host. Click my sig to go there. I also went through and updated every link in the various Quirks pages, and every last one of them works now. No more dead links. And I still haven't found that thread where "Your opinions of late have been ridiculous" came about. Edit: Nevermind. I'm without a site again. The place that seemed so handy was basically useless to me, which I found out about only after I'd uploaded everything. Sorry folks, but the quirks and such are gone again.
  9. Hmmm... let's see if I can keep this short. I've never had a musical lesson in my life, and I can't read or write sheet music. Instead, when I was younger, I was given a half-sized keys keyboard because of (if you can believe it) the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I saw that seen with the keyboard, and it struck up an interest in me. So, a year or so later, I was given a Yamaha Portasound PSS-470, and began playing on it. I never got particularly good, but I did get skilled enough to be able to play a bunch of game tunes pretty accurately, start fleshing out original compositions, and eventually begin recording complete original songs (all by ear). Needless to say, that little keyboard got a lot of use over the years, and I still have it to this day. About five years ago, I bought myself a full-sized keyboard (a Casio WK 1300), and continued playing game tunes and writing new original works (multi-instrument ones thanks to the 6 track recording ability of the WK 1300). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to play much at all over the last four years, as I simply don't have the room to set it all up. As a result, most of my original tunes have been written completely in Cakewalk's Music Creator 2002. Anyway, there's my musical background.
  10. Re-uploaded the three Liquid Kids ones. I have no idea how a white background got on them, but they've got transparencies now. Also, are you suggesting gradients with your reply LT? LT: Yes, sir. Big problem seems to be that no matter what color is used on those last three, part of the character's outfit or body gets absorbed into the background and it just doesn't look good. And some of the lightest colors are just too much of a contrast and don't work with the sprite as a good background.
  11. So it's going to be littered with 'American Pie'-style sexual innuendo jokes, horribly lame 'I'm cool' lines, walk on characters repeatedly trying to get into Bulma's pants, and teen angst sprinkled over the top?
  12. Paper airplanes tend to fly well, as do remote control helicopters and planes thanks to there being such little wind. Of course, that means kites don't get much use here, but you can't have everything.
  13. Here are the three Liquid Kids avatars you liked... LT: Need transparent backgrounds on these. Seems like some white/blank backgrounds got retained somoehow. ... and here's my next attempt for the final four from Puzzle Bobble 2... LT: Whoaz. Haha! Gradients?
  14. "What a resolute ass he is." - unknown character, Exile "Taste the blow of this reborn titan! Ha cha cha!" - Big Bear, Fatal Fury Special "Coin detected in pocket!" - Berzerk in Attract Mode "VICTOLY!" - Samurai Shodown IV win screen
  15. You can thank No Script, Adblock, and programs like them for that. Perhaps you should request people to not block them on OCR.
  16. Timely arrival, but did not do what was expected- Will not call again!
  17. Change the title to "Nintendo comics for sale", and people will flood to this thread
  18. The cops knew exactly what it was in the window. They just wanted an excuse to "cop" a feel on it as it were.
  19. Pinball games you say? http://irpinball.ztnet.com/ Go. Donwload. Enjoy. Also, try Dragon's Fury on the Genesis. It's a port of the TG-16's Devil's Crush, but with better music and graphics. Avoid Dragon's Revenge, which is a sequel made by Tengen that looks alright, but plays rather poorly.
  20. No video game work, no video game ties, and have not met even a semi-famous game maker. 'Tis sad, I know
  21. Sadly, I missed out on the PC games of old. When I was younger, the closest thing to a computer that I owned was an Atari XE (which I still have, and love). Some of my friends had C64s, C128s, and one even had an older IBM, but I rarely got to play anything on them. My first PC came in 2001, by which time even Quake 3 was 'old'. But, little by little since then, I've been finding the games I missed out on. The Immortal, Nova 9, Stellar 7, Might and Magic 1-8, Silpheed, the first three Wing Commander games, MechWarrior 2, a good number of the FPSs that came out (Wolfenstein 3D to Blood)... stuff like that. I've yet to venture into the old Lucas Arts adventure games though, as some of the prices that the more popular ones go for are ridiculous at times. Someday I'll take the plunge though.
  22. I was just about to edit my post after a Google search, but Wilhelm it is, and here it is... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_scream Thanks nonetheless, Abadoss.
  23. If I recall, isn't there another "used in many films" scream that crops up in the Indiana Jones trilogy (back when it was a trilogy)? It's usually used for enemy soldiers as they fall as well.
  24. Read the content policy, and come up with a catchy/goofy name or acronym of your own. When you're ready, make a new thread announcing the new podcast, and then you'll be good to go. No "ownership" drama, no "permission" needs, no "OCR representation quality" arguments (which I'm sure will come up with the VGDJ name), no nothing. Just you, some mixes, and a little chit-chat scattered in-between for however long you feel like doing it. That's my advice.
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