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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k6HjN-_-9g One of the best.
  2. I just went to the Nice Work Archive that's been on thasauce for a while now, and it's still there on the original bookmark. Was it transferred, or is it simply a fluke of some kind that I can still access it at the moment on the old site?
  3. If memory serves, nothing brought me here but sheer chance. I stumbled across this site, browsed it for a while, then eventually joined up.
  4. Not to be an ass, but what's the point of writing a long post about how you basically like it? I'll tell you what the point is... to express your opinion. And the ability to do just that, is part of what this thread (and site) is about. The concept behind making comments and writing reviews on OCR, is to share what you felt was good and bad about a given track (or set of tracks). It's not about only allowing positive feedback here, it's about saying how you really feel towards what you just listened to... and Ace! did exactly that. Some will like this project, others won't. But regardless of where they stand, they're welcome to voice their thoughts
  5. Well nibble me tit and shiver me testicles. How can ye be askin' a question like that? It's an age old tradition, me masturbatey. Arr...
  6. I don't know how much of a pain this would be, but if the JamSpace room (whatever that is) is going to be staffed at all times, why not set up a kind of ticket system? Something that would make it so someone can drop off their instruments, and get a ticket so they can ID it when they pick it up later. I figure a ticket with two halves (each half having the same info and number) would be easy to design, and just as easy to have printed out in the quantities needed. Then the ticket could simply be halved when the instrument is dropped off, with the patron getting one half, and the other half going on the instrument they left there. This would probably mean renting extra enclosed space to provide such a service, unless this JamSpace room isn't the main concert area. But the costs for that could be made up with perhaps a small fee of $3-5 per instrument for the temp storage. Anyway, just a thought.
  7. YEAH! Don't be makin' Darkesword post his rollin' eyes smiley... cause he'll do it. I seen 'em do it. And son, it ain't pretty.
  8. The whole "June is End Boss Month" came about last year (possibly from Bummerdude). It was simply something to bring everyone together, make some sigs, and have some fun. It's sequel, "June is Boss Month", was done this year by Bummerdude. Instead of only having end-of-game bosses, it was expanded to include any boss from any game ever made. The reason being, that with each year seeing many new games (and bosses as a result), there's no way to run out of subject matter. DS's rolling-eyes smiley is a default smiley that comes with phpBB, and likely other forum software. It's not a special smiley that only he uses, or that was made just for him, as it's quite literally all over the Web. It just got attached to him because for a time, he used it when he was a mod... a lot. I'm talking damn near daily "JACK THOMPSON LOL" was in a thread in Gen Dis/Community that was all about the "lawyer" gamers love to hate. I don't remember exactly what he'd done to cause the thread's creation (I think it had to do with a case of his being thrown out of court, and him being admonished by the judge for wasting the court's time), but it was quickly filled with commentary about him, and the phrase "JACK THOMPSON LOL" caught on. I question whether this phrase was born on OCR, or if that thread maker saw it elsewhere and then brought it here, but that's when the phrase started getting used around here a lot.
  9. Indeed. I was starting to think we were both nuts But yeah, that's from DOSBox and it's handy screenshot feature. If you have the DOS executables for your Final Doom game, give it a try. It's just like playing back in the old days. If you don't have those executables, and you only have the WAD files, then try out some programs like ZDoom, Doom Legacy or Doomsday. They work much better than Doom 95, and some even add new lighting effects and such.
  10. Ahaaaaahhhhhhhh... and so it all becomes clear now. We were talking about different games, as if they were the same one. Let me show you... Doom/Ultimate Doom Doom II Final Doom: TNT-Evilution Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment Each game uses a different screen for the background when the percentages are being tallied up. I was talking about Doom/Ultimate Doom, you were talking about Final Doom: TNT-Evilution. That's where we got some wires got crossed *lol* Edit: Damned four image limit. I can't even post a smiley now?
  11. Well, grayscale's a lot better than what I saw trying the print screen method with Doom 95. The end result was colorful to be sure, but it didn't look like what I'd been playing at all
  12. Yeah, MS Paint isn't good for much beyond telling messed up stories Photoshop can open pcx files without any problems. You just have to save the image as a web-friendly file type. PCX is a weird image file type that I've seen a lot of with MUGEN when you save all of a character's animation frames into individual files using the MCM (MUGEN Character Maker) program. Not sure what the significance of the file type is, but...
  13. You know, I'm starting to think someone doesn't want this stuff on OCR. Anyway, welcome to the fifth incarnation of the Quirks thread. In here, you can find out about things from OCR's past that still resonate through the site, and ask questions about oddball things you've read about happening in OCR's history. You can read up on what's currently available on these things here. And with this fifth thread, I have an invitation for those of you who've been around for a while. I've been thinking about adding a section to the Quirks site about the various sigs that have come to be very well known over the years. Not the "Hey I think that's cool" stuff, but rather the "This stuff is synonymous with that poster" type of sigs... the kind of sigs that it would seem unnatural to not have at the bottom of their posts (in one form or another). Some of the one's that come to mind are sigs like Wideruled's Vader helmet edit, Bishop112's "I am the Justice! Not you!" Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer sig, Red Omen's red dot series, and even Merid's Rape Wagon from San Fransisco Rush. So all you old timers (and semi-old timers) help me out here. I may not agree with them all, and some may not get on the final page, but help me amass a list that I can whittle down. Or, if you think the idea's not "Quirk"-ish enough to fit with the rest of what's on the site, feel free to speak up and say so. I'm looking for feedback as well, as I'm still on the fence with the idea.
  14. Oh, I never accused you of lying, but in the years I've been playing Doom in Doom95 (both the original version, and the one from Doom: The Collector's Edition), I've never once seen this end of level image you're talking about. It's always been a map of the episode. There is a way to enable screenshots in Doom 95. Make a shortcut to the Doom 95 executable, and in the "Target" line, add... -DEVPARM ... after the quotation marks. You then use F1 to take a screenshot, and open the pcx files in Photoshop (or a similar graphics program). It's not perfect, but it's better than the print screen method. Here's the screenshot I took in the original Doom 95 program. Now I'm all curious to see this thing Edit: Are you referring to this image, which is from Doom 95 when it initially starts up?
  15. Yeah, everyone knows the title screen, so that reads better. You guys should go with that. But, just for the sake of proving I'm not talking out of my ass... Episode Select Thy Flesh Consumed Ending
  16. I went back and played through a few levels of Doom using the "95" executable before I posted earlier, and it does the same thing as the DOS version... hit the switch to leave, go to a map screen for tallying, and then start the next level. There's no image of the Doom Guy there. The only image of him that I can think of, is with the ending of the episode, "Thy Flesh Consumed". It has the Doom Guy holding a severed rabbit's head. The final episode is "Thy Flesh Consumed". It's the fourth one that was made available for download in 1995. If you don't want to include that episode, and keep it as the game's original three episodes, then you can adjust the text appropriately to "three episodes". As for the questionable line, how about this... "They also know his iconic green suit, thanks to the many dead Space Marines that lie scattered about in the game's original three episodes, and the ending of the later released fourth episode, 'Thy Flesh Consumed'."
  17. Hey guys. Long time no see. With the current discussion about the infamous Doom guy, I thought I'd try and offer a little possible help... - The Doom trooper appears in another game... Quake 3. He's a default character, along with a female version named Crash (supposedly his training instructor), and another Space Marine named Phobos. - I've played the hell out of the DOS and Windows versions of Doom, and I've never seen him appear at the end of a level. When a level ends, you go straight to a map of your current episode, and the percentages are tallied. After that, the next level starts. The only time I can recall ever seeing his green suit, is on the dead Space Marines that are scattered around the various levels. Maybe I missed something? - I tried that paragraph you guys were talking about... "Ironically, little is known about the Doom Trooper, the main character of one of the most widely known computer game series ever: Doom. Most know him by little things, such as the sound of his voice when he's injured, his many facial expressions, and the blood that gradually covers his face as he's wounded. They also know his familiar green suit, thanks to the many dead Space Marines that lay scattered about in the games four episodes." Thoughts?
  18. It could be keeping the card from performing as well as it could, but it may not be. It depends on how much you have running in your PC (CD-Roms, Hard Drives, etc.), and whether they're drawing power at the same time your card is handling a game. If you haven't had any issues with it, then it sounds like you got a break up to this point. But when you upgrade to the new card, it's best to upgrade your PSU as well, since an 8500GT requires 20A on the 12v rail.
  19. It's rather important. If your PSU gets over taxed by the card, you'll experience a number of problems like lockups, reboots, game crashes, and things of that nature. So make sure your PSU can handle what the card needs to run. Also, you should check that the PSU can handle both the volts required, and the AMPs required... especially the AMPs. The volts area can have a little leeway, but the AMPs is very important to meet. If your new card requires 22 AMPs, then make sure your PSU gives at least 22 AMPs. So before you buy that 8500GT, check what your PSU puts out. If it's too low, then you may have to upgrade that as well.
  20. I think so, but it's not an area I'm familiar with since I don't have a midi port on my PC. However, this page has a listing about setting up the client-number:port-number for a device that's receiving midi data from the DOSBox in program's config file. It's in the "Midi Section" right in the middle of the page. Hope that helps at least a little. If not, you may have to make a thread on the DOSBox forums and ask about it there. I believe they still have guest posting enabled, so you might not have to make an account to ask.
  21. Sonic vs Mario Round 3,139,781 FIGHT!
  22. Time for a well deserved bump. Way back when, SNK released the game Fatal Fury. A fun, though basic, fighting game with a series of characters who would become well known icons in the fighting game world. One of them, was Geese Howard. SNK has a reputation for making final bosses that are insanely overpowered, fast and frustrating to go up against in their fighting games. I have a feeling this game and GH were their blue prints. Due to the age of the game, there aren't that many special moves. You have punch, kick, and a few specials. For Geese Howard, these specials include a power shot that rides along the ground, and a painfully cheap move that simply kicks your ass... a grab. This move makes it so that he pauses for a couple seconds, and stands there as you hit him with anything (a normal punch/kick, a jump kick/punch, or a special move that isn't a projectile). Once you touch him, he grabs you, and whips your ass to the floor... hard. On the easiest setting, he doesn't do this too much. But put it on normal or above, and this seems to be his favorite move. It makes hitting him seemingly impossible, as everything you do results in your being grabbed and driven into the nice shiny wooden floorboards. The last time I tried to beat the game on the hard difficulty so I could see the full ending, I must have continued a few dozen times on Geese Howard before I called it quits. I know bosses, especially final ones, are supposed to give you a challenge. But is it a challenge when your character gets beaten like a red-headed step child by the same move over and over again?
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