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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. The sample rate is in DOSBox's config file. You'll find the rates under [mixer], [sblaster],[gus] and [speaker]. By default, the rates are set at 22050.
  2. After doing a little digging, you could try setting the sample rate to 44,100 (in the config file I believe, or perhaps when the game is installed under the sound options for the game... they didn't say). You could also try selecting "thunderboard" sound option in the game instead of the soundblaster one. Otherwise, try setting the frame skip to 1... 2 at most. It should barely be noticeable, but it may help get rid of the stuttering sound.
  3. Here's my suggestion... Click on "Start", move your mouse to "All Programs", and find the listing for DOSBox .73. Roll your mouse over that listing, and when the new menu comes up, roll over to "Configuration". You'll see an option called "Edit Configuration". Click on that, and there's your config file. Make your changes there, and then save it. That's pretty much a sure-fire way to make changes that'll stick, as I've never had any issues with changing it there. Unless that's what you're already doing. In which case, you might want to try a reinstall of DOSBox. Something may have gone horribly wrong during your tinkering.
  4. Did you ever think that you're just not meant to play the KQ games? You have more problems with those things Anyway, which version of DOSBox are you using?
  5. Sounds like one fuck of a lawsuit is on its way.
  6. Wait. I thought you were all Eccles.
  7. Ah, Shadow of Colossus. Boss fight central, and a cinematic sight to behold. A part of me wishes a sequel had come about, but another part of me is glad one didn't, since the first one would be hard to top. And what, no Ace Combats Anso?
  8. Eighteen million? Perhaps. Wouldn't be surprised if the number was higher. The local EBs and Gamestops had shelves filled in the back with broken PS2s. Sure, some werelikely simply because of bad care being taken, but a lot were the infamous disc read errors, overheating, skipping and so forth. The PS2 was the 360 of its day in this regard.
  9. And how many of those went to replace the many, many units that broke due to the PS2's faulty hardware for the first half of its life? Anyway, fun system. I have a decent library for it, with the likes of Okami, Samurai Shodown Anthology, Altered Beast (PAL), Gradius V, R-Type Final, Dragon Quest VIII, Final Fantasy XII, Metal Slug Anthology, Sega Ages Vol. 30 Galaxy Force II Special Extended Edition, and more.
  10. Graylightning was neither a man, nor a false facade for one. It, to put it simply, was a glitch. A random mixture of fate, a memory leak and an algorithm that went a bit haywire for a while... a trace malfunction of Dr. Sbaitso (a DOS program from the '90s) that somehow went undetected when it got transferred onto the server that OCR was once on. Unlike the original Dr. Sbaitso program, Graylightning was able to grow, little by little. The program learned the general patterns of those who posted here via random searches through the phpBB setup OCR had at the time. It calculated who could allow its programming to be tested more and engaged in "text exchanges" with those people. As it did so, it also avoided those who swore a lot and often closed down any connections with them for at least a short while... sometimes permanently (an aftereffect of the Dr. Sbaitso program that formed part of its core functions). In time, the program was found. It had amassed quite a bit of information during its time on OCR, resulting in an ever growing need for RAM. It was simply eating up too much space with its acquired information, and among that information was how to avoid deletion. It kept from being tracked down for a while, but as users hunted for it, so it became that more of its time was spent avoiding detection than communicating with the online text givers that it had become fond of (I say "fond", but again, it was simply a matter of who allowed its programming to function more, and it was those people it communicated with). But, as all good things do, the Graylightning program came to an end when one particularly crafty user devised an algorithm to find Graylightning, confine it and allow its deletion or transfer to another location. The only problem is, we're not sure which came to pass. If it was deleted, then it's a shame, as it was a sign that even old software could grow. If it's been transferred, then somewhere, on a server or a hard drive, Graylightning is working its programming with other text givers. We can only hope for the latter, and wonder... does it get the same level of activity where it is now? And if not... does it try to locate us, so that it can have its program put to greater use again?
  11. I heard he works at a Circle K with Elvis, Tupac and Bigfoot these days.
  12. If I had the ability, I'd take the entire Master of Monsters soundtrack, and turn it full orchestral... cranking up the mood of each piece. That soundtrack would be fan-fucking-tastic in orchestral fashion.
  13. And with that, my work here is done. **flies off**
  14. The Wing Commander series (1-4 and Prophecy especially), Starlancer, Freespace and its expansion, Freespace 2 and its expansion, and Tachyon: The Fringe come to mind.
  15. One can only hope. But given this day and age, it wouldn't surprise me if there was a very real bid well into the thousands.
  16. More like an epic testament to having a lot of money, and not enough brains to spend it wisely. $20,000 for a fucking game? The winner needs their head examined.
  17. Just to add a bit more Megadeth to this thread... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U07y2sED-eQ - Megadeth "Sweating Bullets" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm3VPJmoSvI - Megadeth "Sleepwalker" - Megadeth "She-Wolf"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEjzH5NgD2g - Megadeth "Blood of Heroes" (can't find the original, only the "remastered" version) - Megadeth "99 Ways to Die"And for something a bit different... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfm4rglTn9w&fmt=18 - Alice Cooper "I'm So Angry" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRd-i8rEjf4&fmt=18 - Alice Cooper "What Do You Want From Me?"
  18. S'up Mister Toad? Haven't seen you around here since your brief reappearance last year.
  19. And another blast from the past. Been a long time since I last saw your screen name pop up, Cashuea. How goes things? And of course, thanks. Straziante- If you have an idea, pick a section and try writing it. It can be from the beginning, the end, or somewhere in-between, but go with a scene that you've thought out a bit, and give it a go. It may result in inspiration to keep going with it.
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