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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. I'm not sure what to tell you about KQ7. I found several places that have the game (big CD image), but nothing installed will run in DOSBox (hell, one wouldn't even install). I did however, find out that there is a DOS version, and Windows version of KQ7. Right now, I'm questioning whether or not the two versions come on the same disc, so all I can say is... keep looking. There is a DOS version out there somewhere, but I've yet to find it for testing.
  2. I believe that would make me the creepy stalker type of poster
  3. Wait. bonzai!'s a she? Oh hell. My apologies bonzai!. I didn't know.
  4. bonzai! got back to me, and I submitted my choice for FAC 27. My main concern was whether or not the winner of one FAC, had to sit out the next one because they weren't eligible to compete (like what the Caption Contests around here do). He let me know that I could, so now we wait for him to make the new thread with the next subject (and no, it's not Darkstalkers ).
  5. I had to look those terms up But no, no shipping. I know in the Udon comics, Felicia convinces Jon to come with her so she can try to prove that there's still good in humanity, which Jon (being a human despising werewolf in the comics) refuses to believe. So they make a kind of odd "sorta friendship" there. But, since I focused on the info given in the games for my main source draw for the bios on this site, that's what I ran with. She's generally portrayed as an upbeat, kind-hearted woman, and Jon isn't a human despising werewolf (at the end of VS, he's supposed to meet with a couple kids to teach them martial arts). So really, with a little creativity in whatever might happen before and after that scene, I don't believe what takes place in my entry is very far fetched, or canon breaking. ... Yeah, I've played the games too much most likely.
  6. Holy shit I won! Well color me surprised (see, that's a pun since my picture was in... nevermind). In complete seriousness, this was a damn close one (The Otaku is cursing me out right now ). And honestly, I am surprised that I won. My black and white work has always been hit or miss with people, so I didn't know what to expect (especially once I tacked on the story that formed in my head as I worked on it). So, thanks for the votes and comments guys As for what I'm going with, I had a couple questions that I PMed to bonzai!. As soon as he gets back to me, I'll make my selection. Or, if he doesn't PM me by Tuesday, I'll just bug atmuh and see what he has to say since he was running FAC before. Nice work on the pics everyone. I was happy to see the subject matter all over the place, and not just on a few really popular characters. Good stuff Oh, and the smiley had nothing to do with it, friendlyHunter. He had video proof (**shudder**) that he was home, banging his wife that night.
  7. I swear I've seen a spambot write something almost exactly the same on another forum once Well, at least we know what's up the with patch. I haven't played Diablo II for a good while, and if this thing really does add all sorts of new aspects and tweaks, then perhaps I'll reinstall it and give it a whirl.
  8. My impressions thus far... Overdose- My favorite of the trio. Nice progression from one part to the next, and the mixture of melodic and metal makes for a great sounding track. Kudos on this one. The Funeral- I may be alone on this idea, but I'd like to hear this song with a guitar replacing the vocals. I like the music itself, but the vocals just don't do it for me. I mean no offense, DU. It's not your voice or anything, so don't take this as my slamming your vocal skills. It's just that as I listened to it, I think this track could potentially rock harder as an instrumental one, with a guitar coming forward for the vocals and their harmony sections. I know its part of a trilogy, and the vocals are there for a reason. Hopefully I'm not kicking anyone in the artist nuts by saying this, as that's not my intent. It's just how I felt listening to it. Descent- I'll reserve judgment on this one, as it's only a two minute preview. I will say, what's there right now sounds quite good. I'm curious to hear the rest when it finally sees the light of day.
  9. Dude, slow down with the deletions and such. It's hard to offer help when the situation changes quite a bit with each post Now, by location, I mean where the executable (or BAT) file is on your PC. If you right click on it and select "Properties", you'll see string of info next to "Location". That's the info I want. As for the file types, there are several that can be game running executables. EXE, BAT and COM are the usual suspects. So if you have any such files, give them a try. Regarding you Setup file, you got that message because that particular file is made to only run in Windows, now DOS. So you'll need to use another file to tweak the settings.
  10. I really debated whether or not I should chime in on this, as it could open a whole host of canned worms. Talking about what is and isn't original has lead to so many arguments in the past, and hurt feelings as well. But... DJ Mighty- The problem with going that route, is that it's hard to call the end result original when it's using another person's pre-existing photos and such as its base. Even when you add layer upon layer of effects, filters, lines, shading and such, it's still really just a tweaked version of what someone else made. I believe by "original", bonzai! means work you made from scratch on your own, without recreating what others have already done (be it in drawings, photos, paintings, etc.). Images like the one you and Cottus&Gyes made, while nice, don't really fall into the realm of original work. Not because effort wasn't put into it, but because of the source of the images within them. If you both drew up your own takes on those characters in your compositions, then it could be considered original fan art, as it would no longer involve drawn over or filtered movie posters, screen grabs, and the like. But as it is, I don't think they can be called original works. They're kind of like remixes in a way. You take a source tune, and reinterpret it. The end result is a remix, and not an original song. Well, that's more or less what you guys did, just in a visual fashion rather than an aural one
  11. If I'm reading your post right, it looks like you have too many steps. The way you have it set up, you should only need... mount c c:\games\kquest5 c: ... and then type in the name of the executable of the game when you start DOSBox. Tell you what. Give me the locations for each of the three game executables. I believe I understand what you're trying to set up, I just need to know the exec locations so I can tell you where to point DOSBox.
  12. This may sound like a "Back in my day"-style comment, but games in the NES and SMS era relied more on the player having to solve things for themselves. Games today hold the player's hand far too much, making even the most complicated thing easier by dropping blatant hints... if not just flat out telling you what to do. Even during the 16bit era, games were still harder in this sense than they are today. And really, the same can be said for computer games from the ol' DOS period. Back then, the hints were vague and required you to explore to find out what they meant, the level designs required spot-on timing, enemies respawned after you killed them and scrolled the screen forward a bit, levels were specifically designed to be trial and error (forcing you to memorize each bit to advance)... it was all sorts of things that made the games of old tougher to figure out. These days, the game practically tells you how to win, and shows you how to go about it. It's quite a shift. Now, I'm not saying that today's games are all cakewalks. Ninja Gaiden Black showed that hard-as-nails gaming still exists. But the majority of the titles we see now are made so it's easier to figure things out. So yeah, when you step back to an older game you've forgotten about, or never got to play, there's a good chance it'll kick your ass without mercy. But that's only because it expects you to do the work, and not be guided through step by step by the game itself.
  13. How long does it generally take for the voting thread to be made? I'm curious to see what everyone came up with for this rather wide-scoped concept.
  14. Zircon, Pixietricks, I know we've been at odds at times in the past, and we haven't seen eye to eye on a lot of things OCR related. But I sincerely wish you both nothing but the best in your future together, and hope things go well for you, regardless of what life throws your way. Cheers.
  15. Less than 48 hours to go. Thank God I'm basically done (save for a few touch ups).
  16. Honestly? I hop on AIM about every once in a great while these days unless someone needs/wants to have a conversation about something that PMs and such won't work well for. I used to be on it every night, but after a couple years, I just got burned out on the whole thing. I stayed off for about two years or so, then started hopping on once in a blue moon. It's been this way for about... what, three or four years now? Something like that.

    I logged on about five minutes ago though.

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