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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Several questions come to mind... - Did you mount the CD-Rom you're using in DOSBox? - Which version of MechWarrior 2 are you using (v1.0 or v1.1)? - Did you follow this guide after it was installed?
  2. Greetings newcomers. Welcome to OCR. Due to the recent outbreak of various illnesses, and to keep in good standings with the health department, we've begun screening all new OCRians. If you'll kindly form a line right over there by that door, our resident doctor will check for any viruses, prostate problems, hernias, lumps in your testicles and/or breasts, yeast infections, runny ears, watery noses, happy feet, idle hands, wandering eyes, drifting minds, and other assorted health and/or mental issues. Enjoy your stay!
  3. Well, that was a monumental waste of six-and-a-half hours. I get to "loading textures", and the XRay Engine tells me a crash happened. No settings changes fixes this, and I can't find anything on Gametap or the Web that explains what happened and how to fix it. THANKS GAMETAP!
  4. A much needed bump for my guide. Don't want this dropping off.
  5. Should this actually be real, then allow me to say this once again... To those who wish to make a ROM hack, or fan game, or what have you, of a popular game with a history of C&D orders... KEEP THE PROJECT TO YOURSELF. Don't post everywhere that you're doing it, don't put out trailers advertising it, and don't make a website for it. That's how these projects get found, and shut down. Keep it to yourself until it's done, THEN release it and pimp it. How many times is something like this going to happen before people figure this out?
  6. You know, I've never been one to talk about what happened with games like Doom 3 and Half-life 2, but I'm hoping this game gets a similar "leak" at some point.
  7. Thunder Force IV- Genesis synth-Metal baby. Thunder Force V- The great synth-Metal continues on the Sega Saturn. Lords of Thunder- A great rock soundtrack on the Sega CD. Android Assault- Not as heavy as the LoT soundtrack, but it's still a good guitar-driven selection (Sega CD again). DoDonPachi- Very nice rock tunes (Sega Saturn). Broken Thunder: Project Thunder Force VI- No, not the God-awful PC "fan" game, but the album. It would have been the soundtrack to Thunder Force VI had Techno Soft not died off, and it's quite good. Gate of Thunder- Another soundtrack that's not heavy, but it's still good guitar driven stuff from the PC Engine/TG-16. Stellar Fire- Not the best Sega CD game out there, but it has great soundtrack. The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin- A surprisingly nice rock soundtrack that frankly hits you out of nowhere given the game, and it's done in an 80s style.
  8. http://www.thexlab.com/faqs/avidivx.html Try any of the stuff on there yet?
  9. Well, I didn't see myself because the game wouldn't run for me back then. I eventually just gave up and deleted it, so I've never known if I was in there or not.
  10. I've never asked this before, but was I even in that OCR game (assuming it was a game and not just a bunch of screenshots)?
  11. No apology necessary... especially over a lame joke.
  12. No, I meant, 12/12/2012, at 12:12PM. It's got a better ring to it than 12/21/2012. After all, it's the last time you'll be able to get numbers lined up like that for a looooong time.
  13. Call me a stupidly optimistic, but I was actually looking forward to seeing DNF. All the teasers, occasional screenshots and whatnot, gave me some small glimmer of hope that the sequel might actually turn out to be a decent FPS. Not great or spectacular, but at least decent. Hope someone picks this up and brings the long running saga of DNF to a close with a release... preferably before we all die on 12/12/2012.
  14. The Misadventures of Flink (Sega CD)- A Psygnosis game on a system that didn't make much of an impact in the gaming world. It has a lot of visual detail, some nice music, plenty of platforming, some spell making, and a good challenge level. The controls are good, and it has a solid graphical style. Given the system it came out for, it's easy to understand how this game got overlooked. Tinhead (Genesis)- Spectrum Holobyte made this game. It came out of nowhere, but proved to be quite the entertaining platformer. Good graphics, good tunes, four worlds with three big levels each, an interesting weapon setup, and it offers a decent challenge. It didn't get much attention back in the day, but it's worth checking out. Ristar (Genesis)- This game is fantastic. Beautiful graphics, great music, large levels, a solid challenge, lots of speed, an interesting gameplay twist (stretchy arms)... it does so much right, yet didn't get half the attention it deserved. It's a bit more known thanks to its being included in some Genesis compilations, but it's still an underdog. Blades of Vengeance (Genesis)- An EA game? Nice graphics, good tunes, large levels, a solid challenge, and three characters to choose from. The only downside, is that the game is rather long, and there are no saves or passwords. Sure, it's part platformer, part hack 'n slash, but it's definitely a little seen game that's worth a go. Alisia Dragoon (Genesis)- The only cartridge game Game Arts made for the Genesis, and it's a great one. Very good graphics, enjoyable music, an interesting weapon system, and a good challenge. It came and went with basically not hype or advertising, and that's a shame given how good it is. Awesome Possum (Genesis)- Well, Tengen tried. They took an eco-friendly idea, and tried to run with it. The problem is, they didn't try hard enough. The graphics, while not bad, don't stand up to the other games I've mentioned. The music, while not bad, falls into the same category. The frame rate, as odd as this sounds, has a hard time keeping up with the game. It feels like it's running at about 15 fps, which causes problems when you start moving fast. The sad part is, they did a few things right. Big levels, the character is actually lip synced to his sayings (and there are a lot of them), and the between levels questions can be fun. But the technical issues overshadow the few things that work. Even so, give it a try. Who knows... you might like it.
  15. The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
  16. Seems XZero forgot the fourth reason... Some people just refuse to believe that working in a game store is actually work. They see games, they see employees selling them, and they instantly think, How hard can this be? It's a video game store. And I can be around video games! Of course, once they're hired, then they learn about all the quotas, the shelf rearranging, the store rearranging, the alphabetizing, the stocking, the trade ins (and the insanity that goes with them), putting away and properly labeling all the trade ins... all the shit that makes working at a game store, work. Some are just competent enough to not get canned, despite their lack of knowledge. Others simply quit. But either way, they learn the hard way that working at a game store isn't all fun and games... especially if you're the ranking FNG. I guess the woman you mentioned EdgeCrusher, was just competent enough to not get canned... yet. That, or the guys that out rank her are keeping her around for eye candy (which does happen).
  17. I suggest you check your thread for that answer.
  18. ... We're doing to wind up seeing you on a Chris Hanson special, aren't we?
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