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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Can I play too? It's been quite a while since I got to draw anything by hand, and this looks like a good excuse to do just that.
  2. 13 episodes (like StarCom). And they're all on YouTube if you want to watch them, RedTigrr. Meteo Xavier- I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not boycotting anything. I'm just commenting on the stupidity of what CN is apparently trying to do. For me, it's akin to ESPN showing reruns of Little House on the Prairie. It just doesn't make much sense given what the channel is supposed to be for. Or if MTV started showing gameshows and reality shows instead of playing mu- ... sic...
  3. Don't you mean Cyber Six? If you do, that show was EPIC. Nope. Bionic Six. I do remember Cybersix though. It wasn't on the air very long (kind of like the 80s cartoon, StarCom). It was cool while it lasted, but with only 13 episodes, it wouldn't take long before reruns drove it off the air.
  4. It's bad enough that Cartoon Network likes to show live-action movies from time to time, but now they're doing live-action shows? Do they not know what "cartoon" means? They have seven, 24 hour days to fill. We don't need one show being aired seven times a day. It's time to dig into the 80s and 90s, grab some of the cartoons that don't get much airplay anymore, and put them on. Spiral Zone, Thundercats, the orgiinal Transformers show, the original GI Joe show, Teen Titans, MASK, Bravestarr, unedited Bugs Bunny and Tom & Jerry, Inspector Gadget, The Real Ghostbusters, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Bionic Six... there's so much out there. And instead of giving them some airtime, we get a few shows being aired a ridiculous number of times a week. I think it's time for a drastic restructuring of those calling the shots at CN. Something's very wrong over there.
  5. Not make such generalizations? Anyway, as others have suggested, completely uninstall your old drivers, and then reinstall them. You can also try restarting your computer after the reinstall, and making sure that everything is plugged in snuggly (to both the computer and the tablet). If those fail, try installing the drivers with, and then installing them without, the tablet plugged in during installation. Some drivers specifically tell you to not have the device they're for, plugged into your computer when installing the drivers. Don't know if a Wacom tablet is one such device, but it's worth a try.
  6. Oh but it is fair. You've heard of the Cho Aniki series? If not, it's a rather... odd... shmup series with nothing but bikini wearing men with overtly homo erotic overtones. Know who plays it? Guys. It's so over the top, that you'd think men would have a big issue walking up to a counter, regardless of country, and putting it down to be rung up by the store clerk. Instead, you see guys hearing about the news of a new entry in the series, and being happy about it. So again, guys seem to have the ability to get past the cover art more than women do. If a guy can sit down and play this, then why can't a woman pick up a controller and give this a whirl? Both are equally silly in how things are portrayed, so... I have to disagree. The illusion was created by women. Who was it that acted like they weren't interested when a guy wanted to play some games? Who stood by looking unimaginably bored, instead of finding a game, and trying it out? When I was younger (and arcades existed ), I saw so many girlfriends standing or sitting around, looking bored out of their skull. Some did so quietly, while others kept bugging their boyfriends with "Can we go now?" Women perpetuated the whole "girls don't like games" thing by acting like they didn't want anything to do with games. Guys picked up on it, accepted it, and it became the "boy's club" as it were. Years roll on, girls comment on how stupid the games are that the guys like, and guys make comments about girls sucking at the games guys like. Eventually, some games start coming about that really draws in the girl gamers, and the guys aren't (or at least pretend they aren't) interested. And finally, you get "guy games" (action, blood/guts, explosions, etc.), and "girl games" (puzzlers, games of chance, etc.). But in the grand scheme of things, it was the girls who originally separated themselves, and guys just stopped trying to get them to play. Again, I'm not being a pig or anything, and I'm sure some folks aren't going to agree with me. I'm just saying what I've seen over the years
  7. I believe one of the things not touched on in the video (that I recall hearing anyway), is simply this... some girls just need to get over their own prejudices. Now, when I say this, I mean that they see a scantily clad (or tight outfitted) woman on a box cover, they make a snide comment or two, turn up their noses, and walk away. Doesn't matter that the likes of Dead or Alive 2 and Alisia Dragoon are fantastic games, as they just see the "bimbo" and leave. Their inability to get over the main character's appearance isn't something to be catered to IMHO. How many guys see a picture of the buff Ryu Hayabusa in his black outfit on the Ninja Gaiden cover, turn up their noses, and walk away because of some idealized male figure on the cover? Not nearly as many I'd wager. What am I getting at? Simply this... Men don't get turned away by cover art as much as women do. This isn't a fault, it's a plus, and this behavior should be learned by more women. Most men can get past the titty bitch on the cover, or the overtly muscular dude in the barbarian briefs gracing the box, and see what the game itself has going for it. More women should learn to do this, and not blow it all off until things are changed around for them so they can feel included. If you ladies wish to feel included, stop focusing on the art designer's lack of getting laid that week, and focus more on the game itself. Men have been playing as buff, scantily-clad men for many years in games, so perhaps it's time for women to start playing as toned, scantily-clad women. If a lot of men can get over it, why can't a lot of women? Keep in mind, I'm not being pigish, or chauvinistic here. This is something real that I've seen time and time again. Like some men can't get past the cover image, some women can. But the majority of each sex seems to fall on the other side of that equation.
  8. I have a question... Is this solely about the game Marvel vs Capcom (as in, only characters and settings from the actual game are allowed), or is this more about Marvel characters fighting Capcom characters in general (as in, all characters from either universe are fair game)?
  9. Now that things have begun to settle down, I guess I'll give my thoughts on all this... I've never been the biggest Michael Jackson fan. That's not to say I didn't recognize his talents, or hated the man. He could dance like no one's business back during his prime (when Fred Astaire said MJ was the best dancer he'd ever seen, it's a compliment that's hard to ignore), and he made some memorable music and videos. He went through a rough and odd childhood, only to become a man-boy as he tried to recapture the childhood he never got to fully experience. There's a part of me that thinks his man-boy personality is what brought him to hang around the young boys so much, and that he really wasn't some child touchy-feely sicko. He just wanted to be around kids, and play. But I do feel this is part of what lead to his downward spiral. See, there's another part of me that can't help but wonder about the first case he was accused of. The ones that followed it, I questioned, as it could easily have been a "Look how much that kid got!"-type of situation. Once that first case came and went, I could easily see others trying to cash in. But that first case isn't something that fades away so easily for me, as it kind of came out of nowhere. Then of course, was all the odd behavior. The repeated plastic surgeries, the tabloid-like tidbits, his antics during court cases, holding a baby over a balcony railing... it became almost circus-like at times. He went from "The King of Pop", to "Wacko Jacko". He also went from a black man in Thriller, to the female monkey from the Planet of the Apes remake, in roughly a twenty year span. It's hard for me to just push such strange and seemingly self destructive happenings aside... and it seemed to be much the same for him, as it certainly consumed him quite a bit at times. But now he's gone (unless you buy into the whole X-Files "He faked his own death so he could spend the rest of his life in peace and solitude from everyone" stuff... though I hear he'll be working at the same 7-11 with 2Pac). He left behind a tragic, strange, and sometimes humorous legacy... one dotted with songs that stick with you, videos that were more like movie productions, and dance steps that untold millions tried to learn. That's something no one can take away from him, and that's why he'll be remembered for many years to come. Was he an icon? An idol? A force in music that can never be matched? No... I don't think he was. As I said, I feel he had talent, and he made some great music. But he wasn't the messiah, and every song he made wasn't golden. He had hits and misses like so many other artists... musical and personal ups and downs that let us know he wasn't anything other than human. An imperfect, talented, human. Not a god, not an idol, and not someone whose death has forever lessened the music world. I say this not to be mean, or to try and flame bait any rabid fans, but because it's my opinion. There are artists whose music I've enjoyed more of, songs by others that were just as memorable, and there are other artists who had profound effects in their own way. Michael was a one of a kind artist. That much is certain. But he's not the only one to be one of a kind. I think people are forgetting that fact. With that, I bring my post to a close. It's a shame we'll never know if his comeback would have worked. I was curious to see just what he was going to pull out of his hat, seeing as he was 50 years old. Would he still have the stamina and voice to do show after show, and song after song? Did he still have the song writing abilities that got him so much adoration? Guess we'll never get an answer to that... at least until any unreleased songs surface. So R.I.P. Michael, and here's hoping you found some of that peace you were trying so hard to obtain.
  10. http://kotaku.com/5303134/warner-bros-wins-bid-for-midway-for-a-very-simple-reason Looks like Warner Bros. is going to win quite a bit of Midway's IPs. They were the only ones who put in a serious bid by the June 24th deadline. Yes, only one company was interested in Mortal Kombat, Joust, Spy Hunter and all those other classic franchises.
  11. Give it time, Bahamut. You just started this thread seventeen days ago, and it's a young project. People will show up eventually
  12. I wouldn't bet on that, Neko. His personal eccentricities, along with the allegations, complete appearance change, and odd behavioral antics, will not go away. There are far too many stories over the years for it all to just be wiped away from anyone's memory. Some of it was true, some of it was false, but it was all in plentiful supply. Just about everyone has some songs from the guy that they like (Thriller, Leave me Alone, Billy Jean, Smooth Criminal... those are some of the one's I've enjoyed over the years), and just about everyone has opinions on his actions over the years. But regardless of how much anyone likes him, hates him, or is indifferent towards him, Michael's legacy will always be two-fold... his music career, and his personal life. The two will never be separated, as they're far too entwined with one another.
  13. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to insanity... http://cgi.ebay.com/MICHAEL-JACKSONS-MOONWALKER-GENESIS-THRILLER-ALBUM_W0QQitemZ110407470294QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMusic_on_Vinyl?hash=item19b4cc4cd6&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1205%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50
  14. And thus the death profiteering begins... http://cgi.ebay.com/Michael-Jacksons-Moonwalker-Sega-Genesis-COMPLETE_W0QQitemZ180373714173QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games_Games?hash=item29ff1c74fd&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1234%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50
  15. More ten characters killing. And now... Prototype
  16. Happy "squeezed out through a vagina" day? Happy "culmination of a sperm and egg meeting" day?
  17. Not the same name, but... http://www.doomworld.com/linguica/doomcovers/
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