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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Well, we can change and tighten your breaks, but you'll have to stay in the garage all night.
  2. Damn thing finally went through. It's awaiting you in your PM box, Dyne.
  3. I'm uploading it as I type... for the third time. I got cut off twice halfway through. With any luck, this one will finish.
  4. A WAY overdue bump. I'm going to be trying to upload the GUS files in the next few days, and I promise to get cracking on the the next part of this guide during that same time (which also involves some uploading). Sorry for letting this thing slip so far. It shant happen again.
  5. I've never played either of the TF games, but Quake and it's two expansions have gotten a lot of usage from me in good ol' DOSBox over the years. !!! Shit! That reminds me. I gotta bump a thread...
  6. Public sacrifice? No. Heated at times sure, but not a sacrifice. That term is reserved for what happened to Dewey 32167 fairly regularly
  7. Hoooooooooooooooo boy! Ain't this thread the hot topic of the day? If a company chooses to exercise their copyright protections, and tells djp to remove any remixes based off of their musical material, so be it. I see nothing wrong with them having the ability to do so. It is, quite frankly, within their rights as the IP owners. Virtually every remixer here knows that what we're doing (free game music remixes) is in a gray area at the absolute best, and knows that if Capcom, Sega, Nintendo or anyone else decides they don't like what we're doing, our remixes will come down. We also know there's no real legal recourse we could take upon a C&D issuance, as sites like OCR, VGMusic, and VGMixX, are all at the mercy of the game companies and composers they're trying to honor. We know this, and accept it as a chance you take in doing this craft. But, the fact that we've gotten to do this as long as we have, after all the publicity OCR and game music remixing has gotten, is a good sign for the future of the hobby. Still, if OCR goes down someday do to a C&D, the end won't have come out of left field. We'll all know why it happened, and that the companies that brought it about were within their rights to do it. Now, regarding the SSBB hacking... as I understand it, the moment you start tinkering with a game to change parts of it (modding, ROM hacking, etc.), start a remake of it using all the licensed characters and such, or use sprites from it to make a fan-game, what you're doing is always going to be at the discretion of the IP owner. If they see you're actions as a threat to their income, or they don't want you messing with what they view as the integrity of their product (like, as an extreme, not wanting someone to make a Sonic 2 porno... BLAST PROCESSING!), and they tell you to stop what you're doing, you have to stop. That's all there is to it. You're toying with what isn't supposed to be toyed with, unless explicitly stated otherwise by the company (like those that openly support modding communities, or that include editing tools with the games). As such, I don't see a reason to try and change laws so that hackers (and by extension, fan-game makers) get more protections or liberties, when they're tinkering with an IP that was never theirs to begin with. It's one thing when a company openly supports modders, and then abruptly changes their minds, and starts shutting people down. I can see people getting upset for a reason there (companies can legally do it I think, but it's still a chintzy move). But shutting down people hacking games that were never supposed to be hacked in the first place? I don't see a reason to get upset over that. Anyway, that's my stance on all this, JackKieser. I know you're disappointed at the loss of ]EE['s project, and others are as well to be sure. But you all had to know that a C&D was always a distinct possibility once other users found out about what was being done, and word got around the web. And for a hell of it, here's a random thought... Why do game hacking groups always seem to go public with what they're doing? Why don't they just stay silent about it until it's finished, THEN go public with a completed product? At least then it could be quickly shared around the Net before any potential C&D could come about to shut it down.
  8. Huh. I always thought it was just a HL series mod. Well, you learn something new everyday
  9. Several things need to be pointed out... - To the best of my knowledge, OCR does not sell game remixes without gaining original owner permissions, or game artwork from given companies. It sells various items with the OCR logo and text on it (djp or someone can correct me if I'm wrong). - Anyone can host a screenshot or piece of artwork from a game, as long as their not selling those images to people. In fact, a good number of companies offer free packages for people download so they can make their own fansites filled with official artwork and such. OCR isn't doing anything different. - We don't hack into games to make our music, nor do we tell others how to hack into games to make music. A trio copying a game onto their PC, hacking the ISO and messing with the copyrighted code, and then telling others how to go about hacking the ISO so they can have said trio's work, is why groups like ]EE[ are seen in a far more negative light by companies like Tecmo and Nintendo. Which leads me too... - Yes, this site could be shut down in a heartbeat if some company got their panties in a bunch. No one doubts that for a split second, nor have they ever doubted it. However, OCR has actually had the original composers of some of the music that's been remixed express positive feelings towards OCR and the concept of free game music remixing. It's also had a few of those composers post on OCR, and submit remixes of their own music. Hell, Tommy Tallarico came here looking to see if people were interested in submitting remixes that could have ended up on an Earthworm Jim album he was supposed to be doing at the time. And do I even need to mention the recent SSF2THD stuff? This site walks a fine line, but it's also gone out of its way to make sure it doesn't step over that line and shoot itself in the foot. It's not a secretive place, telling and/or encouraging people to burn their games and hack the code. People like ]EE[ can't say the same, and as strange as it may strike you, that is a considerable difference in the eyes of game companies.
  10. What SirChadlyOC referenced was the same idea being used in a different manner. In games, you have limited abilities/experience and money, yet all the weapons you could need. In MacGuyver, he had limited items, yet all the experience he could need. The same principle is at play in both cases. That principle being, it's boring to give the main characters everything they could possibly need to succeed right off the bat. It's more interesting to create a struggle that the main character must overcome in order to succeed.
  11. But virtually every game needs a story to even exist. Very few come about with no story whatsoever. Old games Spy Hunter, Defender, and Space Invaders wouldn't be around if it weren't for their stories. The reason they were created was because someone had a simple tale concept, and made a game to reflect it. Some games have "throw away" stories, others are deeply entrenched in telling the more elaborate tale that was written for them. Either way, the story is there, and game exists because of it. If you don't like the game's story, that's fine. Not everyone will like what the game makers came up with. Opinions and all that. But before you make rather suspect comments like the one I originally quoted, put some thought into it. Saying you don't like it when the story interrupts the game is a lot different than blurting out "stories have no place in games". As I said, most, if not all, your favorite games are here because someone had a story concept, and built their game around it.
  12. There is so much wrong with the above small sentence, I can't even figure out where to begin.
  13. You are? Sweeeeeeeeeeeet. As for my song, it's written, and ready for me to tinker with in terms of so-called "mastering" (if you can call what I do by that name ). However, my site's being a douche nozzle at the moment, so I can't upload WIP #2 right now. Instead, I'll simply ask these questions... - When do you want the final tracks submitted to you, Dyne? By the end of the 22nd? End of the 23rd? - Is the album being called "AOCC v2", or "AOCC Vol. 2"? I want to make sure you have covers with the proper lettering for this.
  14. Sonic 2 or Sonic 3 would have been a better example when compared to the current crop of Sonic games (if review numbers are to be believed). Anyway, I'd play, but I can't play online games. 1kb/s upload speed kind of kills even the least demanding of games (400+ ping in DOOM? YOU BETCHA!).
  15. The site won't be called OverClocked Remix anymore. It'll be called BOOM HISS "E" GLOWSTICKS HOORAY! (or www.bhegh.com), and will be run by the Digital Justice Project. Eccles, or Claire as he'll be known after his "operation", will be the sole moderator for the only operational forum the site will have... Coming Soon(ish). His job will be to delete every post as it's made, and ban anyone who asks what it is that coming soon. This will continue until January 13th, 2061, when a 109 year old Akmel Bhakrinya sues the site's ISP, claiming mental hardship after finding nearly 33,000 edits with his face on them. The court case will become a media spectacle for nearly a year, before the courts find in favor or Mr. Bhakrinya for $3.9 billion US currency (or approximately 1.25 GBP at that time's currency exchange rate). The ISP will go out of business due to it's being US based, and the site will go down for good on January 24th, 2062.
  16. She's just marrying him so that she can keep getting his albums for free. Anyway, congrats
  17. Took a break from sig making and remixing to make a cover for a project on another site, and thought that maybe someone here might like a version for this project... I know it's centered solely on shmups, and I really don't expect it to be used for this. But on the offhand chance someone wants to, just click on the images for the full 300pdi version.
  18. Sonic Unleashed Yeah, he rips this game a new one... big time.
  19. I'm gonna go play Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. Will that help?
  20. And so it begins... http://ps2.ign.com/articles/938/938798p1.html
  21. Caiman Right there, is a website full of free homebrew games, both original and remake. It also has a few older PC games that became freeware. It covers pretty much every genre, and it has screenshots of the games. It'll take you a while to dig through everything, but surely you'll find something to tickle your fancy (like Vampire Blaze, which is a rather nice Castlevania clone with a very good soundtrack).
  22. My WIP probably won't be in until damn near the end of the deadline. I was stuck for a while, and I just finally got past that blockage.
  23. Hmmm... good call. I guess that's what happens when you play Loaded for over an hour straight. You get your counts all mixed up. I'll go with Head Count for $1000, Alex.
  24. Kicked out, leaving on their own... it all comes down to a lessened body count And actually, if memory serves, some folks did swear off OCR because of the bannings. Not to the same degree as the "Crater formerly known as UnMod" deally, but there were some.
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