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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I was too late! but yeah I have that chiptune, I like dubmood :3
  2. I have Rampart for the Sega Genesis Tengen beat the tower defense fad by about 15 years :3
  3. I seriously doubt there's a hotel available within the city the sheraton next door is most likely overfilled already also: wish larry would post some fucking info still
  4. Xbox 360 will RROD within a year PS3 has nogames
  5. I reviewed that "Toward the Terra" anime I was talking about: http://www.animeremix.org/animix_forums/viewtopic.php?id=2161
  6. Telefon Tel Aviv is pretty great
  7. I heard that, Curtis! I thought about getting the t-shirt :V
  8. http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/ Anyone else follow this guy like I do? He mainly does videos about old hilariously bad FMV games, but also had a long ongoing series about Final Fantasy 8 that was just amazing. I recommend everyone watch all of those first. Also, he just posted a new SWAT 4 video. Since I've already seen everything by this dude, now I have to wait for new content which sucks :[
  9. lol@the too many windows I agree, why not use something with a much cleaner interface, where everything's locked in place? FL's not that bad though, quality wise - it comes with some decent plugins and at the very least the piano roll doesn't suck. I just wish they'd abandon the step sequencer already. Maybe make it a plugin instead of the focal point of the software. When I used FL [for about 6 years!] I had a perfect window system set up, though one wrong mouseclick or a new version comes out and it'd all get reset! I wonder if there's a way to pin windows down in the newer versions.
  10. How about 5 new L4D campaigns instead of 1 new one and a brand new fucking separate game what a great idea
  11. welcome back aotearoa those are some expensive-ass CDs bro
  12. I like teamspeak I think i tried this and it was just too dumb
  13. fuckin east coasters hijackin my thread nobody cares about pax east, we have magfest for that
  14. Larry gimme some more info, man! Are you staying at the Sheraton next door? For how long? I requested the weekend off but I don't know if I can get it yet. I can get to the convention center relatively quickly [two buses!] but you think I could just nap in your room instead? hehe Also, are you having a panel?
  15. I can only think of a few artists that are vaguely similar One of my favourite electronic artists would be transient http://www.frontiernet.net/~transient/ has a very unique sound, on his mp3s page I would check out "a sudden soft implosion of noiselessness" and "hexual ceiling" to start out. Some other artists that are great idm/glitchers are Kaneel [ http://www.mynameiskaneel.com/ ]and Lackluster [ http://www.lackluster.org/ ] For Kaneel, check out his La Pink Note EP, and Lackluster I would recommend CDR#2 and lax EP. I highly recommend all 3 of those. Also, Skrypnyk and I team up quite a bit for albums
  16. They never made any decent ones.
  17. That's no Rifter, that's a Wolf! Almost the same hull though lol Day of Darkness is cool though because it contains Noisia :V
  18. Are you just looking for cheap headphones for your walkman? Fuck, just go to a thrift store, I bet you can find a pair for a couple bucks.
  19. this will get you into EVE, wingless or it should!
  20. Kaiser Reinhardt disagrees, but acknowledges Kenshiro is a total badass anyway. ^ best dub ever [dnb music!]
  21. Zirc come to #soundtempest again I just thought of a great CompoST theme Congrats Andy, I'll remember to grope you even harder at future magfests
  22. I'm in the middle of Toward the Terra right now it's quite good
  23. This needs a reply of some sort it just does :3
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