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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Thanks for the #s bro I will see you at the panel
  2. Larry/Dave I'll try to catch you guys Sunday before the panel, I'll get there early in the morning so I can get my sunday badge and score some leftover sunday swag [and talk to the EVE Online guys!]. Maybe I'll even see you around inside there. I tried going into #ocremix to get your numbers but of course no one was available - if anyone from the OCR crew is there and also checking this thread, please PM me a number so I can find you guys easier :3 if not, I'll just sneak onto your panel.
  3. nice list bro don't forget cybie.wad hehe
  4. PAX is now PAX'D http://twitter.com/Official_PAX/status/3660376093
  5. DJP kinda fudged when he started out calling them "ReMixes" because what everyone thinks when someone says "remix" is not actually what this site hosts, in fact remixes are not allowed. Lots of confusion for a lot of people. MY PERSONAL guideline is like... if the song contains your own style and you can still clearly hear the original song in there, and it sounds good, it's something to submit to OCR. Kind of vague terms, but this is not an exact science, really. Just do what you feel, man.
  6. magfest demo ?!?!?!?!? are you going to magfest holy shit I'll tell you what I think of it when I hear it live
  7. I'm not really sure what I'm looking at
  8. aw AW man meteo you a busta
  9. :[ I use XMPlay, I AM A MAN! never heard of teen agent though, lol should I have
  10. There's dozens of VSTi that I use to get spacey ambient effects a freeware favourite of mine is STS-11. Though the numbers have changed, and I have a couple different iterations of it. It's apparently at 33 right now, haha. http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php?mode=show&id=1597 so I need to get the new version myself. there's even a lazy button. I've used it for both texture and leads in the past and present. Sounds extremely Metroid Prime-esque
  11. I got the 6th off of work huzzah, I can be on your silly panel, and perhaps get some leftover sunday swag I'm gonna need Dave and Larry's numbers, it's easy to get lost in PAX.
  12. Holy shit the ninja salvagers lately. Every mission I've run in the past week has had like 999999999999999 salvaging nanofag kestrels in it, and all they do is just steal shit and warp out. At least my corp mans up and if the mission runner shoots one of us, 10 logistics ships warp in and we kill the raven and whatever else happens to shoot Some of the Raven Navy Issues drop quite a bit of uhh... "special items" as well. One of my corpmates convinced a guy to eject from his Golem a couple weeks back. Thanks for the free Golem, whoever that was! Man, tonight though, I warped into a big group. There was a Rokh, Raven, and Ishtar running a sansha mission, so I stole their shit and they shot me. I got the ishtar no problem, but for some reason no matter what I did I couldn't break the fucking Rokh. I even switched into a raven and couldn't break his shield past like 90%. Ridiculous. I'm training for torps right now. At least I got away with no losses, unlike that time I warped into 2 CNRs, a Raven, and an Orca with my Hurricane.... yeah, oww. Still, fuck yeah, high-sec piracy So whatchall been doing? I've not seen Schwaltzvald or Ellywu on in a while. Shame on you guys :V
  13. I think I'll follow suit here not that I was very helpful to begin with
  14. It's basically mainstream guro so I don't like it the best part about it is the music [p.s. thanks for the AR plugs :3]
  15. Oddly enough, I just finished WXIII [the third Patlabor movie] and yes, there's lots of cigarettes, haha. I'm confused though - it really had nothing to do with Patlabor except that the original cast showed up as like, extras. And there's no real point to them being there, the patlabors themselves don't even show up until the movie's almost over. Still, I liked the old detective from the series and other movies, it was cool they made a movie for him :3 but someone seeing this movie without knowing the connection to Patlabor would be like "lol wut"
  16. A song a week is not that hard. Actually, there was a point in my life where a song a week was me being unproductive.
  17. 2048 samplerate is 43ms [at 48 khz], which is quite noticeable. Wait for Chiwalker to actually look at his settings though @_@. Most decent computers can probably handle down to 16-20 ms with ASIO4all. I was running at 16ms back when I had my Audigy 2, and my computer's 5 years old.
  18. now I have done all 3 I MUST SUCCEED
  19. What have you set the latency to? I don't see any mention from anyone else that it is, in fact, adjustable. For example, I have mine set to 5ms, and it can go all the way up to 100ms
  20. Larry I PM'ed you because it's happening in a couple weeks and I must know some things :V
  21. In my opinion, Standalone Complex is better than the Mamoru Oshii interpretations of the manga, it's also a more accurate translation from Shirow's manga to TV [and the one SAC movie, Solid State Society, which is amazing]. However, they're both so different that they might as well be different stories and characters entirely. The Major, for example, has an entirely different personality in the Oshii films, which in general are much more slowly paced and philosophical, and require that the viewer has some sort of brain with an actual attention span used while watching [typical Oshii]. However, the TV adaptation, directed by Kenji Kamiyama, is much more focused on being sexy cool action, which it does extremely well. You're doing yourself a disservice by not watching both, really. You should probably also read the manga, which is probably available in the Netherlands for you to buy [or whatever else]
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