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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I had a guy come into my store [i work at a Goodwill] looking for steampunk stuff too. Seems to be popular this year?
  2. Larry has a hard time updating meetup posts though I already have a rough idea of who is going - hopefully I'll get to meet some more surprise attendees this year.
  3. Once again I will recommend EVE Online, since it gets everything right. The way PVP works in the game is very balanced, especially since they're going to fix the Doomsday devices on the Titans soon, the game is deep enough that you can manipulate the economy very similarly to real life, the community is surprisingly very mature, save for a couple crazy rednecks, and you can actually fight back against the chinese gold farmers, costing them real potential profit from selling ISK [there's an alliance called United Corporations Against Macros that merged with my alliance recently, we specialize in killing mission runners :3]. Though I dunno if you like internet spaceships or not. Still, you could fly with me man I could show you how shit's done.
  4. blow up a faction fit CNR/Golem chinaman and you'll have enough money from selling that Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster + all his other Caldari shit it's like magic. hard to find them though and even harder to get them to shoot, I personally have never found any You could also do it the scrub way and whore level 4 missions for a couple days a month. I actually have two accounts now and one is fed entirely by PLEX
  5. Groovemaster303 huh? Say VOPM+FM7 and I'm sold! Thanks for the link bro
  6. I used to have an original song by Rimco that I absolutely loved, but lost it over the years
  7. Nexon uses micro-transactions because it worked so well for them with Combat Arms Meanwhile, don't mind me just playing EVE Online for free... We just added some awesome people to my alliance too BTW Haven't seen you on lately, Schwaltzvald... maybe just because I haven't had much time to play myself...
  8. I can't tell the difference between 192kbps MP3 and FLAC. I usually encode my stuff at ~160kbps VBR. Nobody complains. I like flac as a format because for those who can tell the difference, they can keep the .flac file or for those who can't, they can convert it to whatever they like.
  9. Kontakt's format would probably be your best bet [.nki] as it's not program-specific, so if you switch to Cubase or Sonar or whatever else, you can take the samples with you. It's also probably going to have the most longevity due to it's popularity. You might get lucky and it'll last as long as .xi or .iti files have, which I still use sometimes lol. There's also the immortal ST-01-09 samples, but normal DAWs have a hard time using raw unsigned audio... Good thing Renoise can do that plus run kontakt on top of it :3
  10. just checking up on people how's everyone's songs coming along?
  11. DC was here, marvel and image are for scrubs. If I had to read a superhero comic it'd definitely be DC, but I tend to favour the non-superhero comics though, like Transmetropolitan or Sandman. Or does Sandman count as a superhero? He does meet the Martian Manhunter once!
  12. sounds good broseph sorry for being a d-bag I am kind of messed up at the moment
  13. Not all the time he probably sampled something, like a guitar or voice, and just processed it to hell it is fun to do also yes presets aren't really all that bad but I just don't feel like I created something artistically valid if I didn't at least twiddle a few of the knobs
  14. need post-halloween video of taucer suplexing a train the peoples demand it
  15. There's a lot of tricks you can use to make GPO sound better. Make it sound real? Some asshole will always tell you it doesn't have x or y so it doesn't sound real at all. It's impossible to please some people regarding this. Samples have gotten better since GPO, however, and shit can sound almost real. Many composers I know will actually use a mixture of samplebanks to create their productions. They'll use, for example, GPO glockenspiel, QLSO horns, Miroslav strings, or whatever unholy orchestral sample mickeymouse formula they've developed and gotten comfortable with. Am I wrong or did GPO get an update to its samples recently, though? I still think of the GPO from 1997 or something and sounding slightly better than a Roland SC-88
  16. Actually, that synth I mentioned? STS-33? You get instant silent hill pad if you press the "lazy" button on the gui. Try it. And yes there is a "lazy" button. Also yeah I know I'm kind of a jerk about payware synths but I think it was the way they were initially presented in this thread that triggered my rage. Seeing a problem that could easily be solved with stuff I know will work and cost nothing, then seeing words like "omnisphere" and "absynth" tossed around. It's not like I'm completely cheap though. On the sample side, I have QL RA and QLSO Silver, but that's because there is no good free solution to certain samples I need. Synths are a different story for me though, I like to keep it simple. Most of the time the only difference between freeware and shareware is that there are no builtin effects on the synth, but that can be replicated easily with external processing. Also, I think this topic is worthy of an entirely separate discussion, but I'm too damn tired to keep this debate going. Sorry for turning this thread into a trollfest guys
  17. I just think Meteo's suggestions were a bit ridiculous. There's a lot more solutions than "buy $1000 of this shit immediately." Maybe I am just biased because I am so damn cheap, but I think it's better to try the freeware out first before plonking down cash, only to find out later you could've done the same thing with free stuff. I find it a little irresponsible to suggest to a newbie that he should buy something like omnisphere [$500 for a synth? jesus fucking christ] without considering any other options first. This is directed at Meteo though, not you. And yeah, it could be useful later on, but I'm pretty confident in my free synth collection.
  18. i was known as "absynth presets and drumloops" for a good 5 years bro i know what it's like
  19. Meteo your suggestions are inappropriate. Buying ANYTHING like Omnisphere just for an ambient pad is just overkill and unnecessary. Also, Absynth is actually a very good synth, it just takes some patience to get a good sound out of it, since the interface is horrible. as always I'll recommend the free STS-33 for ambient pads, if you're lazy http://www.kvraudio.com/get/1597.html but if you have imagination, sometimes all it takes is a stretched out .wav sample, clever looping, and some [or lots of] processing. then it will be a unique sound that only you can create BGC are you suggesting this man use presets? :/ Having CotMM bust into this thread and talk some sense would be the best course of action at the moment. Also Goddamn I sound like such an elitist troll right now
  20. I love spoony I had a thread about him a couple months ago definitely watch through the phantasmagoria 2 playthrough
  21. I'll do OoE in the future, since I love the game, probably the best one since SotN I'll keep it a secret which one though lol Here's a remix by Suzumebachi: http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0186/ though for some reason a vimeo embed is covering the entire screen, but you can at least listen to it in the video
  22. I almost forgot one very important thing:
  23. Amazing Also, clever name, too. Siren is what Brandon went by back in his tracking days :3 [or is he still tracking? I should read the interview!]
  24. already on top of it http://www.animeremix.org/operationbritish/ we made this site for him, it is AR's second official chiptune project.
  25. http://www.andrewwk.com/index.php?page=page.php?id=60
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