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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. http://www.animeremix.org/remix/98/ tenchi muyo for MS-DOS, adlib supported :3
  2. YOU WANT A TRACKER EH? http://www.renoise.com/ this is what I use but yeah if you're looking for something like Sonar, you could either go the more expensive route [Cubase] or the free route [Cockos Reaper]. All three DAWs have similar layouts. Also: FL Studio? Tracker? pah. don't even try elevating that thing :V
  3. Yeah my 2 songs are starting to collect lots of dust by now
  4. First the hikkikomori and now this. hahaha what crazy sociopathic micro-culture will japan churn out next? Still, they're on the right track with the "not having sex" thing. Less people need to procreate. Too many stupid people walking around.
  5. He's charging for Coloris now? >_> *hides his mp3s*
  6. I just checked the submissions forum and I hope you don't mean the submission from 2007! I feel like a douche for saying this, but I don't actually remember what your song was like, much less have a link to the mp3. If you'd link it to me I'll personally take a look at it, and if I like it I'll just post it I believe 2007 was before we were just like "fuck it" to the whole judges panel thing, which was creating more confusion than anything else. A panel isn't necessary for a site that gets maybe 3-5 submissions a year! Thanks for the support Ferret! Yeah right now I believe if we get more submissions the forums might get a little more activity as well.. or is it the other way around? Either way we just need more of a community at this point. We've gone through a lot of problems [mostly technical] which I think kept a lot of people away, but since we have a new host there should hopefully be less downtimes. Also with anime always becoming more popular and music software becoming more readily available to anyone, one only needs to do the math I know you're out there, I just need to find you!
  7. ...that's the last bit that needs working on :3
  8. OK we're pretty much ready! Browse away
  9. I'm surprised people remember the PRC:A competitions actually, not many people entered those. But yeah sure if there's enough interest I can try hosting one [or maybe doulifee!]
  10. Haha yeah I probably jumped the gun on making the thread. The site's getting fixed up as I type this.
  11. As our dedicated fans will already know [all 3 of us], Animeremix.org, your one stop for all things anime music, is finally back up after some hosting problems! http://www.animeremix.org So yeah, the link in my sig finally works again If you're new to this whole Anime Remix thing, think of us as like the OCR for anime and cartoon music. Very important! Come check us out, we have some fantastic music. Right now the site is still in a transitional period but it'll be 100% pretty soon. Xaleph's starting to get really good at site migration !
  12. I've been playing this recently. It's like Castlevania's gone back to being Castlevania, particularly in the art department. I mean, just look at this: Gorgeous! SKELETON FRISKY I really like the music too I should remix it one of these days. SHANOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Should be some sort of meme but it is not popular enough. I was going through the sound test and I think this is one of the few times where the english voices top the japanese ones.
  13. Remember Gator back in the 90s? My Grandma used to use that to store her passwords and IRL address and all that other info ! Fucking Gator, even before I knew it was spyware it just seemed like not a good idea to have that thing.
  14. I made an all Synth1 song but it's not very good lol
  15. i've done this before http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-mickrip-ProcessorsDontWorkLikeThat.mp3 ^ 1 Sample http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-swellsbeck.mp3 ^ emulating the limitations of the Sega Genesis, all VOPM except for the sampled+bitcrushed drums
  16. dude I'm the first track on the CAVE STORY REMIX PROJECT I don't think it goes unnoticed I think it's just that it's already been noticed and everyone's already beat it so no one needs to talk about it very much anymore
  17. I can't even get that piece of shit to install on my machine, unless they fixed the "you need XP SP2" when I have SP3 thing...
  18. Hey ellywu, how does CCP handle long player hiatus? Can you stop subscribing and a year later come back to the same character, or do you have to start from scratch?
  19. dude you can download it and install it in literally five minutes in any case I'm excited that they're doing ANYTHING with monkey island at all
  20. Well we were in the machi mischief alliance and I was having a lot of fun with these guys, a lot more fun than with Quick. It's also quite a bit larger. This is a very different kind of corp so it's going to take a lot of getting used to. I basically have to practice being more adventurous and being more of an asshole
  21. I am leaving the rednecks for Xeno Tech Corp lol kind of a sudden move and I feel semi-bad about it but my ceo was kinda being an ignorant baby plus I'm not even a redneck what's the point
  22. I'm still with the rednecks we joined the Machi Mischief Alliance lately and those guys are a lot of fun. We've been sabotaging wormholes, farmer missions, and there was a nice T1 frig/cruiser roam they all did on saturday but I had to work and I swear one of the brits on Teamspeak is Alan Rickman. Also me being a huge faggot am going Minmatar, so I've been trying out the stabber and should be able to fly a rupture in... a few hours. Whee! Still working towards the jag, still prefer rifter for PVP last night I tackled a megathron and lived. I feel proud of myself
  23. Well, my post was like mostly not serious I got used to the layout in about 15 minutes.
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