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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. It's usually C. They don't always die though, sometimes they come back, or turn evil [like Kreia from KOTOR 2]
  2. SoaSE is good stuff, it's about as close to "Legend of the Galactic Heroes: The Videogame" I think America will ever get Of course Japan has actual LoGH games, but I'll probably never see them.
  3. I still have my bigass first-version Genesis Works great I think it is too big though, I think I will get one of these:
  4. There's a lot of things about FL Studio that make absolutely no sense, especially coming from how most DAWs are set up [cubase, sonar, reaper, et al]. Recording to the step sequencer is an option you can turn off. Even though FruityLoops was basically built around that step sequencer, I honestly think it's time for them to abandon the thing. Even back when I used FL I never used it, ever. It's pointless aside from aesthetic value. As far as pure functionality, you're not going to get much deeper with midi than in Cubase or Sonar, though for ease of use you might want to stick with FL Studio, then. It's how I made midis for years and it'll do everything you need it to do. EDIT: in before "hey I use the step sequencer :<"
  5. that looks great actually! is it considered abandonware yet? :3
  6. This was my first CD-ROM game, I think I got it in '95. Played the hell out of it. I picked up Comanche 4 recently but it crashes way too much for me to be playable Comanche CD still works in DOSBox though, which rules.
  7. Hey speaking of this, thanks for all those games:-o
  8. Most people who perform live with a computer use... Live I'd say that's something to look into.
  9. p.s. I highly recommend downloading every song in this votepack because it's all bloody amazing, haven't had this much fun since my last kwakfest
  10. Another #mod_shrine compo Immediately after the last one! And I did a lot better! There was even a serenade for me in there [PLACE 1 -=> porno.xm <=- Done by -=> zabutom <=- with 107pts ] [PLACE 2 -=> illegalass.it <=- Done by -=> xaimus <=- with 100pts ] [PLACE 3 -=> soc.it <=- Done by -=> qualo <=- with 91pts ] [PLACE 4 -=> topten.it <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 88pts ] [PLACE 5 -=> kuken.xm <=- Done by -=> malmen <=- with 78pts ] [PLACE 6 -=> Palin.it <=- Done by -=> mad <=- with 73pts ] [PLACE 7 -=> necropedophilia.it <=- Done by -=> ceekayed <=- with 71pts ] [PLACE 8 -=> violeta.it <=- Done by -=> reduz <=- with 70pts ] [PLACE 9 -=> saludseducesloli.s3m <=- Done by -=> overgoat <=- with 54pts ] [PLACE 10 -=> onesmallstepforpron.it <=- Done by -=> chunter <=- with 49pts ] [PLACE 11 -=> _Teen_Girls.s3m <=- Done by -=> tristendo <=- with 40pts ] [PLACE 12 -=> foralongtime.it <=- Done by -=> mrb <=- with 37pts ] 9 out of 12 aint bad. Certainly beats the last one! You can download Mark Salud Seduces a Loli here and the votepack here Also, for those who don't know Mark Salud, he's THIS GUY: My song is kind of a homage to the first song in this video, haha.
  11. You can download my song Distant Future Robot here, and the full votepack from the compo here. No surprises here folks: [PLACE 1 -=> lits.xm <=- Done by -=> reduz <=- with 61pts ] [PLACE 2 -=> loopit4ever.xm <=- Done by -=> zabutom <=- with 49pts ] [PLACE 3 -=> due.it <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 47pts ] [PLACE 4 -=> hoose.s3m <=- Done by -=> xaimus <=- with 41pts ] [PLACE 5 -=> hooray.it <=- Done by -=> qualo <=- with 38pts ] [PLACE 6 -=> fishbowl.it <=- Done by -=> inkoddi <=- with 35pts ] [PLACE 7 -=> snagglerock.it <=- Done by -=> mrb <=- with 30pts ] [PLACE 8 -=> distantfuturerobot.it <=- Done by -=> overcoat <=- with 23pts ] it's a module so I recommend playing with either xmplay, modplug, or VLC. Maybe winamp. Maybe. and yeah I am not very good compared to the #mod_shrine people but whatever
  12. by extension, those imacs were pretty damn ugly the horror... the rainbow coloured horror...
  13. There's basically limitless lengths that CAT5 cable can go to - I have a 75 footer, for example, that I use to connect my computer to a router in the other room... kinda overkill but you could say, run it through your vents if you have em ...you have 3 stories? damn
  14. A friend of my grandma's got me a CD of Astor Piazzolla's music - suddenly it's like "wow tango is cool" Though I checked other tango out and it's kind of boring compared to Piazzolla's work but that's because he's too awesome to compare to the rest of tango I think. I will listen to anything though - I don't really give a shit about genre, just if the artist has talent or not - more often not
  15. A long long time ago [i'm surprised anyone remembers actually] virt had a little falling out with this site, went off and created VGMix. Though, the hatchet is long buried by now so any references to "vrit r bad men" is [hopefully] sarcastic
  16. Jade you'll probably be spending ALL of the time at the con. it's inside the hotel so you basically don't ever have to go outside save for food [or fire alarms lol WOOP WOOP]. Actually don't go outside because virginia in january is cold and depressing. Also I know absolutely nothing about this new years eve party except I want some hard liquor and good friends
  17. Friends on the inside are the most important qualification for the more artistic careers Also you're still like 17. Jeremy Soule may have been 17 when he did Secret of Evermore but most people have a long way to go. Good that you're thinking ahead though!
  18. If you like free electronic music without vocals check my Free Music Thread http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6241 :3 there is tonnes in there
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