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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. ( ̄~ ̄;) The bassline gives this tune a nice latin groove, not sure if I'd call it "psy" anything at all, but I don't wanna argue about electronic genres... again. Pretty cool tune, reminds me a bit of Hubbard
  2. Amazingly enough, there's a new camomille release! http://www.camomillemusic.com/cam099.htm haven't listened yet, but it looks nice and long :3 in related news, kaneel assures me that the 100th cam release is gonna be awesome. [02:16] <@kaneel> and dooooood [02:16] <@kaneel> next camo [02:16] <@kaneel> camo 100 [02:16] <@kaneel> is the biggest compilation you'll ever see [02:17] <+soc> huzzah
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god I think you forgot to read something, dude, because I'm not trying to trash your music. Where the hell did you get that idea? Lemme put it simply for you: This thread is for sharing free music that isn't yours. More importantly, other free songs people don't hear if they only come to OCR for music. Simple concept. We already have the WIP boards to self-plug our stuff, so plugging our music here would be redundant.
  4. http://www.exotica.org.uk/tunes/archive/C64Music/MUSICIANS/R/Randall/Polly_Wants_a_Tracker.sid groovy tune
  5. Dude, Berserk is still going? I didn't know that. Isn't the anime from like 1997? long-ass manga
  6. Well, unlike the Berserk anime, this will probably have an actual ending. At least I hope so. Wasn't I supposed to do something after watching Berserk to continue the story? Like play a videogame or read the manga?
  7. Claymore caught my attention, looks very cool. Chicks with swords? Huzzah! It'll have to wait though, too busy watching ARIA the Natural >:3 also lol adam Judging anime based on the first impression isn't necessarily a bad thing, though certain shows have improved over the series's running, and one may miss certain highlights [e.g. hilariously jumping the shark, or actually doing the opposite and improving] if they abandon watching it. Personally I watch anything all the way through, even if it is terrible, because I can't stand leaving a story unfinished.
  8. No, there is actually an xm-to-spc converter http://ekid.nintendev.com/xms/ ekid wanted to load xm files into snes roms [great for the homebrew gamedevs, if there are even any left doing anything for the SNES], and it turned into a xm-to-spc converter it's not perfect but it's pretty good, here's some examples: http://ekid.nintendev.com/artificial_3.spc [funky fish & raina - artificial sweetener] http://soundtempest.net/soc/mod/oc-blackfriday.spc [:3]
  9. When we tell you you suck at something [hint: nobody did!] in the ReMixing or WIP forums we're not telling you because we want you to feel bad, we're telling you so you can improve. Your harsh reaction to Fray's hypothetical criticism is pretty funny though. PROTIP: Nobody takes you seriously when you call someone "brah"
  10. A free Monotonik box set! http://www.archive.org/details/Mono211_Box_Set
  11. Totally oldschool. Haven't heard anything like this for a long time. The piano adds some nice cheese.
  12. Additionally, I'd recommend Samplitude over Pro Tools [and I'm sure tons of other people would do the same]. ProTools hasn't changed very much recently and the fact that you need to have "RTAS" synths is kind of ridiculous. Samplitude is also a way better buy. But, are you going to record multitrack audio? Forget ProTools or Samplitude if you aren't.
  13. Sonar and FL Studio have the best ones, in my experience. Also, both are generally fine pieces of software but there's a big difference in workflow between the two. AnywHEY WAIT A MINUTE just download the demos! you're in no hurry, try these things out for yourself. In the interest of time anyway, check out FL Studio or Sonar first. And Renoise. Not enough Renoise love here :[
  14. Don't forget KVR Audio, which has enough free VST hosted to last a lifetime.
  15. http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-thesixthgarden.mp3 Same kinda concept though.
  16. Not really, Double A Ron just thinks it is
  17. http://www.tld-crew.de/c64music/MUSICIANS/R/Randy/Breathe_Remix.sid lol
  18. Shoulda told me you're on linux Renoise will be on Linux soon. Can't tell you exactly when though. When it does get ported, it'll probably be the best music app available for linux :E
  19. Lol, cheesetracker I have no idea why there's a sudden tracker revival but it sure is interesting. Maybe DAWs are overpriced? If you have $70 to spend I recommend getting Renoise, that's what I use and it's bloody amazing. Pretty much has all the features of a major DAW [VSTi support, MIDI input, audio recording, ASIO support, etc] and it's still getting developed heavily. But maybe since you don't want to pay for anything I'll recommend milkytracker which has ASIO support and a cool waveform drawing feature [hint: insta-chiptune!]. A well-refined oldstyle tracker for windows would be ModPlug Tracker 1.16. OpenMPT kind of ruined Modplug, but 1.16 is still a very solid music app, and you'll find a download for it here. Anyway, to answer your question: trackers are based completely on the manipulation of .wav samples. You'll need to get some instrument samples from samplepacks on the internet or other mod music [try not to rip the obvious samples though. like that one voice from Point of Departure]. If you're having trouble finding samples I have a few usable ones for you. RTFM yet? I'm not sure how to map the different samples to an instrument in CheeseTracker, but Reduz [who made it] is usually on IRC all the time and if you get on #mod_shrine on EsperNet you can ask him. It's also a home to many veteran trackers who can help you out with anything else. I'll be there too.
  20. Why not use gif transparency?
  21. I like the comic book theme to the site. Way better than the old one
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