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Everything posted by Raziellink

  1. I think that the thing about being cancelled in mid-air only means that you should be careful when playing Pikachu, for not falling off the arena. Though it makes you wonder what might cancel a Final Smash...
  2. tencharacterlimit.
  3. The standard overworld theme, the song from the Deku's from Majora's Mask, or the Zora theme from MM.
  4. Why hasen't there been more votes for RE for the GC? I'd expected to see more votes then two. And does this mean i am the ONLY one that owns Wave Race Blue Storm? Ah man, i wish i could vote for some games of which i know are good, but don't own.
  5. The PSP commercials are stupid. They are too long, and start to bore very fast. Not impressive, in the least.
  6. I'll contribute whenever i can, but as mentioned before...it can turn into a chore...
  7. Awesome...The new barrel move seems like alot of fun!
  8. Ofcourse it isn't a bad one! This one rocks because it's so damn good. The Pole Position is hilarious because it's so bad.
  9. Fuck King Hippo. I want Mother Brain in her Captain N form!
  10. Why is Resident Evil 4 under X-box (must-haves)?
  11. The remixed piece of Metroid sounds fantastic. Indeed, this soundtrack has alot of potential.
  12. Skidmarks on your soul? Hilarious.... Watkinzez: What the fuck was that?!
  13. Sephfire, i spotted a typo in the first post !!!!! Playstation 2 Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Wolves (2-0) Oh noes!
  14. ***FINAL ROUND*** Mario Kart: Double Dash!!: Yes....sorta The twist of 2 dudes in a car....sucks. The tracks are standard, the AI is freaking hard at times, and the music forgettable. Why a yes? Get 3 mates over, and you'll have a fucking blast.
  15. ***ROUND TWENTY-THREE*** WarioWare: Touched!: Yes As mentioned before, the experience only lasts short, but it's an excellent showcase for the DS, and a funny game to play. Though it is relatively short, it is an awesome game. It takes about 6 hours to complete, but it'll take two or three times the amount of time for you to get bored with it.
  16. ***ROUND TWENTY*** Street Fighter Alpha III: Yes To my tastes, an easier game then Third Strike. Bordering old school games through it's open-ness, flashy moves, and a huge roster to pick from. But what this game really set's itself apart from other games, is because of all the modes of play. Eight kinds of Survival, Dramatic, Reverse Dramatic, World Tour. Sprites are fluïd, and characters are top-notch. ***ROUND TWENTY-TWO*** Super Monkey Ball 2: No No. It's catchy tunes, great controls, a few fun minigames and nice graphics can't help the fact that the game is impossible. Some stages cannot be completed without the help of a shitload of luck. I wasen't even able to beat it, because i couldn't get through a particular stage... I know it's supposed to be hard, but it shouldn't be impossible. I'd rather beat Super Ghost and Ghouls three times...
  17. My bet is on December. Holiday season?
  18. Wasen't it just for girlfriends, to...you know...?
  19. ***ROUND NINETEEN*** Rez: Yes Anybody heard about the Trance Vibrator? Wicked... I know i was in for a shock when i bought it (gameplaywise) since it only asks you to aim and shoot. However, when i finished the first part of level one, the character got sucked into the next. But not just the character. Through the force feedback, the music and my continued staring at the tv, sucked me in aswell. For a couple of seconds, i felt like I was the main person in the game. No game has done that before, so it makes good on it's promise to deliver a game like no other. Easily a yes.
  20. ***ROUND EIGHTEEN*** Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin: Yes Ouch, a tough call. The game itself differs itself from the rest of the series by adding some new things, but those things are minimal. The whole 2-person play works better then other games who promise thesame, but the music wasen't as good as earlier entries, and the enviroments were...JUST not as high quality Dawn of Sorrow. All in all, i thought; this game doesn't deserve a "must-have status". But, then i recalled what the reviewer of gamespot.com said about this game. It's a great game, not because of what it does different, but it's a great game because it sticks to a tried and true formula that's excellent. OBJECTION! I know what you are going to say. It's alright for Castlevania to stick with thesame formula for over a decade, but not for Zelda? That's a nice contradiction! I know, it is contradicting myself. But i feel that since Symphony of the Night, a lot of progress has been made with the formula of Castlevania (due to additions such as other characters which gives you a different background and storyline and improvements on things as gameplay and graphics), and that Zelda just did thesame thing over and over again since OoT (And some things, even back to ALttP!).
  21. You're spreading a "superiour" vibe. I don't like it. I'll try to explain again, if i'm still wrong, flame me, i'd deserve it. I think Twilight Princess shouldn't be a must-have, simply because it is just a shade of what it could've been. Naturally, that isn't a reason to say it sucks. But the things it did wrong, really, REALLY botherd me. The control scheme (even with the Wii-mote) is still stuck in the past. Thesame happend to the Wind Waker. I constantly had the feeling that i was playing Ocarina of Time. The music was a let-down aswell. Done with techniques that are almost ancient. And the new songs weren't as good as Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. While playing the game, i constantly felt like i wasen't playing a new game, while i did pay € 60 for it. While Zelda games NEVER let me down in the past except WW. I don't think it's a must have, simply because the game says "been there, and done that in a better fashion then this". Maybe it's just me, but that's cool. I can vote "no" if i want to. Hope you can understand why i think this way...
  22. You're forgetting that Twilight Princess uses techniques that are almost a decade old. If it had dated graphics, but killer gameplay, that would be different. Sorta like King of Fighters. But this game has dated gameplay and music, but pretty graphics. That alone isn't enough.
  23. ***ROUND FOURTEEN*** Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: No When i think of some of the designs in this game, i cream my pants. The characters, enviroments, dungeons. And finally, lot's of (big) city's just like in Zelda 2! But wait, the gameplay....sucks. No, it doesn't suck. It just doesn't set itself apart from other Zelda games. Controls were thesame as previous entries, and the pointing with the Wii-mote doesn't add THAT much to the game. And again, you have to switch between worlds/forms. I was sick of that, back in 1993! That guy from Gamespot gave it a 8.8, and almost got lynched. I think he was actually pretty generous... Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millenium 2001: Yes I already wrote something about this earlier, for the x-box version, so i'll keep it short. Excellent 2-d fighter with a big and loveable cast. Hip music, great visuals. ***ROUND FIFTEEN*** Super Smash Bros. Melee: Yes Does anybody actually need to say anything about this game? The most beloved game from the Gamecube, and still stands strong as a game, for professionals and newbies. All your favorites, and some more lesser known characters are in. It's to bad that Smash Brothers Brawl will kick it's ass. ***ROUND SIXTEEN*** Castlevania: Lament of Innocence: Yes One of my favorite Castlevania's ever, and a highly underrated game. People think it's bad because it's only "go in room, kill monsters, go in room, kill monsters". Which is essentially true, but those people fail to see the beauty. It's the music. The music is FAN-TAS-TIC. Due to the music, you'll forget that the gameplay is so flat, because you'll enjoy it alot more. The music fits perfectly to every enviroment: the Ghostly Theatre, the Garden Forgotten by Time, Anti-Souls Mystery Lab: all different sounds that are wonderfully composed. Masterful. The gameplay is SOLID. It's a bit hard, but it can be masterd with a little bit devotion. The different combo's you can dish out are awesome, and the game has a lot of sideways and "hidden" area's that ARE interesting enough to come back, because you need the things you find in hidden area's, to unlock other hidden area's. The voice acting, is a bit "meh", but it suffices. The graphics are a bit "meh" aswell, but the animation of the characters is superb. I think i'll play this game again when i get the chance, i miss it . ***ROUND SEVENTEEN*** Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening: YES!! Oh my, where do i begin? Alright, first of all, it's a throwback to all the fighters we had back in the early 90's. One dude stands up to other things and kicks their asses. Where part one laid down the path, the second screwed us over. The third was the comeback, and badder then ever. 6 Different styles, that ACTUALLY differ, instead of providing minimal change in gameplay. The game itself is hard, and especially in the beginning, but after some devotion, you can get the moves, and the timing about the bad guys down. When you have, it'll give you a BIG rush when kicking their asses and seeing the rank strike "Stylish". The story is a bit second rate, but it get's things along nicely. The bond that Dante and his twin Vergil have is cool to see, and the fights in the cut-scenes are breath taking. And speaking of cut-scenes. Did i mention that Dante is funny? Fucking epic game. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes: Yes (I have never played the original, so bear with me). I was eager to see what the fuss was about Metal Gear Solid, and people weren't wrong. The story is GREAT, and although the cut-scenes were long, and sometimes unnessacry, it really helps the game. The gameplay is some getting used to, but it's exciting. Ryuhei Kitamura is my hero. The cut-scenes are awesome!
  24. ***ROUND THIRTEEN*** Street Fighter III: Third Strike: GOD YES Aye sir. The pinnacle of 2-d fighting games. It doesn't get any better then this. I had my doubts about the gameplay, my doubts about the characters, but those doubts were gone in an instant. I still play it EVERY DAY (mostly because i own it for less then a year). Last Blade 2 - Metropolis Street Racer - Dragon Quest VIII Journey of the Cursed King - Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 - Beatmania IIDX 8th Style - Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge - Psychonauts - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: No Ugh, hardly even worth my time. I was expecting something as brilliant as it's prequel, but it turned me down. It really felt like they tweaked some of the gameplay...in the wrong direction. Unline part 1, i NEVER had a clue where to go to next, and the fights with the Ing or whatever, just seemed pointless. This game just dragged itself on and on. I've read that the ending is cool, but i can't bring myself to beat the game, because there was a glitch or something that prevented me from killing the boss. Nice going Retro...€60/$72 down the drain... Mario Kart DS: No What do we have here? A cool driving game, nice items....nice handling. And that's about it. The online mode get's ruined by snaking-bastards, the tracks are all....meh? And the CPU get's all the good items, way to often! It made some cool additions to the formula, but in the end, if failed.
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