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Everything posted by Raziellink

  1. 10 Dollars for last generation software? That's pretty cheap. Prices of 20-30 are standard here....
  2. Is the 27th a worldwide release, or just the American?
  3. Ah, sorry. Misunderstood what you said there.
  4. So, you're saying that DKC2 sucked?
  5. Though AVGN might be repetitive, he actually comes with original stuff. This guy just takes something old, that not everybody might know, and shows it off like it's his. I hope for this guy he was joking, because it was pretty pathetic considering all the flaws. EDIT Rubbish, i'm 20 aswell, and i thoroughly enjoyed it.
  6. I have to say that i'm warming up for this whole Subspace thing. I can't wait to find out how things will work out!
  7. Actually reminded me of Vivi from FF9.
  8. Or even worse, Nekofrog.
  9. I wonder if i would recieve shit about putting this in my sig:
  10. Makes three of us. I'd hate to see Cap. Falcon go.
  11. Yeah, that's it!
  12. Sorry to say this, but: Most.Lame.Update.Ever. I really don't see the point of this.
  13. Lurked for a very long time when i stumbled apon it. Finally had the guts to register a few years ago.
  14. The entire map doesn't vanish. Check out the last photo, you can see DK standing on a platform.
  15. Wasen't that...Bad Day LA or something?
  16. This will most likely become very lame. But i'll still watch it anyway. Simply because AVGN's last appearence proved that he has what it takes to become a action hero, and make me laugh out loud. Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blow-out.
  17. Lol? No way. Like stated above, it's one of those goblins hanging around the bridge.
  18. Good question...Though i didn't see anything about that in the video (i could've fallen asleep), Reggie DID say something about the amount of players playing online. He didn't say anything about the amount, but he did say that more players would mean more fun. He also mentioned online gaming - worldwide. Could a double dash feature work online? Well, worldwide?
  19. You're forgetting Alpha 3 on GBA (though that wasen't done by Capcom), Capcom vs SNK 2 on GC, and the Megaman Battle Network series on GBA and GC. And Capcom had brought some new idea's in the form of Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and Godhand. *cough*Clover*cough*. Though i wonder if any of those franchises will find their way onto the Wii...
  20. let me introduce you to a company called Capcom.... But yeah, i know how you feel. It's not like you can pick a game anymore, and be satisfied with it for weeks at a time. Except for games like (MMO)RPG's. That doesn't happen very often, anymore.
  21. Yeah, i remember that. You could totally mess up the order by making them get lower places in the first race. ASF, snaking is what you have seen in that Double Dash video. It's the continues (spl?) use of the power slide, giving extra boosts. Doing this the entire race, will pretty much ensure your victory. However, it is regarded as something very low/cheap, as it makes sure that un-experienced players have no chance whatsoever. The fact that you go from right to left, to right, to left, resembles the movements of a snake's body when it's crawling around, thus calling it snaking.
  22. My words for this thread: But it surely has amused me so far. Keep up the good work.
  23. I understand what you are saying, but the software/reasons why we bought a Wii in the first place still aren't released. They are still underway. Same happend to the DS. There were some midly fun games with gimmicky factors, and a long time of drought after that. Now that the DS is older, it's library has been filled with same great A+ games, that are not playable on any other platform. So i guess, give it some time, and the Wii will have a wide arrange of games that are only playable on the Wii.
  24. Eek! That was horrible..... I have to say that it really does take some skill to do stuff like this, but it drains the fun for other players that way.
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