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Everything posted by Raziellink

  1. My girlfriend has a PS2, but the price is low enough for me to go and buy one. I already have a couple of games which i play when i'm at her place, but these lists of you guys was just what i needed since i forgot about half of everything mentioned above. These games have already been mentioned, but they deserve more emphasis. Rez Not a real game, but an excellent experience like no other. Castlevania Lament of Innonce Take the endless hallways for granted, since the animations, the story, the bossfights, the characters, the battle-system and the music are all top-notch. Only buy Curse of Darkness if you're a big Castlevania like me, otherwise you'd stop playing the game after two hours out of boredom. Devil May Cry series Two awesome games, and a black sheep. Stay away from DMC2, since it is dreadful game. Part 1 and 3 are among the best i've ever played. I've got more, but the rest isn't as good as already mentiond.
  2. I can vouch for that, although i'm still glad i bought DMC3 for the pc. The extra's are pretty cool.
  3. Last time i checked, art was sorta subjective. You know, that one person might think music/movies aren't art, and another person thinks differently?
  4. Download here: http://media.movies.ign.com/media/605/605467/vids_1.html Does this have ANYTHING to do with the original games anymore?
  5. Crazy Taxi.... Everytime i'm driving and the Bad Religion or Offspring songs come around from my mp3-player, i tend to drive a teeny bit faster (10-15 miles). Then i snap out of it, turn the music down, and check if i haven't killed anybody in the last minute.
  6. Ugh, not Diablo 2 again...It already cost me half of my life .
  7. And more importantly, we would be getting a new Morrigan sprite...after 12 years or something?
  8. You mean, 'Special Agent Nicolai' from Resident Evil Apocalyps. He got mauled by a dog, though.
  9. It looks alright. Maybe that german bastard Boll's retarded movie making might work with this movie. Yeah right!
  10. What else is new? I could give you some more examples of great games that didn't sell.
  11. Yeah i got that one on DVD. His acting suits the cheesy-ness of the movie, but i doubt he could pull of a good snake (besides the voice, naturally )
  12. Hugh Jackman as Solid Snake, and Steven Seagal as Luiqid. Hugh Jackman wouldn't stand a chance though, Steven Seagal never dies, or get's hurt.
  13. As stated before, Capcom of America holds the license. I doubt an American company would make a game, just to release it in the Japanese arcades.
  14. I'd love to see a new 2-d SF game. Maybe something more like the graphics from Guilty Gear?
  15. Wouldn't he be a little bit too old? I just checked IMDB, and it states that he'll be 50 next year... And yeah, Hugh Jackman could do a nice job, but THE Solid Snake...?
  16. I bought a Genesis a while ago just for the sole reason of playing Sonic. I used to play it on my uncle's Genesis when i was little, but a perfectly good Genesis with Sonic 1 and 2 for $ 35 on a flea market wasen't a bad deal.
  17. Time for me to get a PSP then...
  18. Ah, it's a boss! I'm sorry, i've never played earthbound....At least now i understand the drawing.
  19. This happens in Earthbound? What the fuck went wrong then?
  20. Alright, cool. Wait, wut?!
  21. Devil May Cry 2 Oh wait, i don't love that game.
  22. Whatever Blizzard does or creates, it's bound to make them a shitload of money.
  23. Another contribution by me:
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