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Everything posted by Raziellink

  1. That Kirby Megaman looks pretty good, and that Clockwork Orange Kirby is the bomb...
  2. Uuuuuh....there's actually something like, 'pie day'?
  3. 3 discs, OverCoat. And i think that IF it is gonna be remade, it'll appear on the platform with the biggest audience. Like DS, or probably PS3 for it's superior graphics.
  4. Don't worry, i'm used to it.
  5. Is Jump Superstars/ Ultimate Stars worth looking into? If not, what game (that currently has been released) is?
  6. I remember Sony saying thsame about the Playstation 2, and NIntendo with their Gamecube. Those two systems were created to last for more then 8 years.... Yeah right... Only reason why i want to see PS4, is to see if it can handle Toy Story graphics in real-time....
  7. Double Dragon 2 for NES....The original wasen't bad at all, but the moves were improved, sound/graphics were better, and best of all, the simultanious two-player mode. Awesome. Can't count the amount of time i spent with that with my brother.
  8. Would be a waste. It looks really neat.
  9. Smells like a hoax, but i hope it'll be the Wii, though i doubt it if you see the graphics...
  10. We even got this in our headlines over here in Europe. Poor kids...
  11. You know, that was the first thing that came to my mind when i wanted to draw a Kirby. But then i looked at some screenshots for reference, and said: "fuck it".
  12. I'd say Simon Belmont, Final Fantasy guy (?), and the alien from Alien Homonid
  13. Your wish is my command...
  14. Good news for you. I've been working on a Kirby-Kyo/Kirby-Iori fight scene in school. I wasen't done, but i hope i'll get it done and up tomorrow. I wanted to draw a Terry Bogard kirby, but i have trouble drawing hats...
  15. Better yet, what are all of us using? Illustrator here...
  16. There. Not the best you'll ever see, but i think it looks alright. Now if only you could reconize him, because that would make my day.
  17. But seriously, really great stuff guys. If it weren't for the fact that i can't draw, i'd submit something myself.
  18. That's nice....wait wut?
  19. That's crazy! I've heared reports of dead birds washing up at out beaches yesterday! .... Turned out that some boat leaked soap, which the birds ate.
  20. Oh boy, i've been away from OCR for a few days, and this happens! Though i didn't participate on any discussion going on in Unmod, i'm kinda sad that it's gone. It was always good for great laugh now and then.
  21. Excellent example why i hate rap. It had nothing to do with Castlevania...
  22. Lament Of Innocence kicked ass. That was the main reason why i wanted to play this game aswell. But in every shop it was either missing, or i had to pay € 67 for it. NO game is worth that much...
  23. Spend the night with my girlfriend on the couch...we popped a bottle of champagne open. Yeah, good times..
  24. An OCR Mii wallpaper? Somebody get out the Photoshop, i'm too lazy.
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