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Everything posted by Raziellink

  1. Dreamcast: Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Street Fighter Alpha 3 Crazy Taxi Bangai-O Mark of the Wolves PS2: Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (I don't care, this was a great Castlevania game, period. GC: Smash Brothers Melee Wave Race: Blue Storm Resident Evil Resident Evil 4 Metroid Prime Eternal Darkness Pikmin F-Zero GX Tales of Symphonia Though i don't think the DS should be included because it's pretty new compared to the PS2. I do think we should include GBA games, since that platform is as good as dead. GBA: Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper Metroid Fusion Double Dragon Advance Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Revival Golden Sun
  2. Who said anything about Final Fantasy? Where were you when Zidane gave that other guy a headbutt during the World Cup last year?
  3. Whoops, sorry. That'll teach me to read the rest of the topic....
  4. Unbelieveable! Kinda reminds me of.... http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/01/25
  5. Who cares if they were over the top? They freaking had me on the edge of my seat numerous times! And isn't that what it is all about? Being entertained?
  6. The cutscenes are still cool to watch, and the dialogue was pretty nice to listen to sometimes. Shame you never did, It partially takes away your involvement in the game.
  7. Seeing that it has been a long time since Blizzard has done something with Starcraft, i'll bet that that's the one. Especially when it is gonna be announced in Korea. But i'd rather see Diablo 3. I've never played Starcraft, and i never will. Yes, it's blasphemy, but i just don't like RTS games, and especially the ones in the future.
  8. Due to the lack of any arcades, i have never played any fighter against another person. I am capable of kicking some ass, but when i see some footage of other players.....well, damn.
  9. I haven't played the original on the PS1, and The Twin Snakes introduced me to the Solid series. Though i cannot compare the original and the remake, i can only say that nothing about the remake BOTHERD me. Like already stated, it's not a bad game, but it was 1: a remake, 2: a remake of an almost legendary game. So naturally it was gonna be a let down, one way or the other. And about the cutscenes, i didn't mind at all. Grey Fox kicking the shit out of Metal Gear? Yeah, they were over the top, but if you want realism, and less badass-ness, play Splinter Cell.
  10. I got SVC Chaos in the PS2, and it's an average game. Alot of people i've seen blam it. Main reason for that is because they were all expecting a CvS3, but this game is completely different. "They just better keep in mind, that luck works in many mysterious ways..."
  11. He probably didn't do that just to help you out....
  12. Hi..uh...back with another problem. I guess... Anyway, i recently bought a G-Con2 for the PS2, along with the games Dino Stalker, and Time Crisis 2. (I actually only did it for the gun and Time Crisis, because i love that game). Now the package came in, and everything looked smooth. Games were crisp, and the gun had little to no wear. The problem is, when the game asks me to calibrate it, i can see the pointer of the gun go ALL across the screen, like being part of a spasmic flash movie, even though i hold the gun quite steady. It reacts to all the buttons, but it doesn't hold still, making it impossible to calibrate the gun. I cheated into getting the game started, but thesame problem arose when playing the game. I can shoot at the exact same point, but the bullets will fly around the screen. Seeing that i didn't get a manual with the gun, and that the Namco site isn't very helpfull, i hoped that somebody here could help me out. Looking at the way the games have been treated, i can only assume that the gun wasen't broken or anything BEFORE it was send. (I realize this might belong in the forum above, but since i'm not a noob, and this isn't a problem with my computer, i figured i'd post it here).
  13. Sorry to have gotten everybody's hopes up.
  14. Some time ago, I bought an anime cel on ebay. The seller was a collector, and had send me the cel right away. When it arrived, and i opend the package, i saw that held more then just one cel. It held a total of 5 cels, of which 4 were familiar, since they were all from the Street Fighter Alpha anime. But one wasen't. I didn't know at all who it was... The reason why he send me this many cels i didn't ask for(nor pay for!) is unknown to me, but i think he didn't think he could sell them. I managed to scan it, and here it is. I honestly have NO idea who this is, but I guess the anime fans here could easily identify him. Anybody wanna help me out?
  15. (Little late here) It was all over on the dutch news. And i've read that that bastard nub thompson said video games are to blame again? What a dork. It's a little scary that these shootings happen every now and then. Though weapons aren't as allowed in the Netherlands as they are in the US, it's still something that can happen everywhere.
  16. Congratulations, Pixietricks
  17. You do? I've played Lament of Innocence for a long time, and it still isn't bothering me. I really think the music matches the enviroments. However, Curse of Darkness's music DOES feel wrong.
  18. I've seen it on Ebay months ago.
  19. Only thing that keeps my Wii spinning is Wario Ware. Europe sucks when it comes to release dates. Though we get lucky sometimes.
  20. What expectations? All of the people i know weren't even aware that there was a Street Fighter 3! When i showed them SF3, they were blown away though.
  21. I'd totally remix the song from the 9th stage from Super Castlevania. You know, the one in Dracula's treasure vault with all the gold? I'm actually surprised nobody has done it yet...
  22. God, i fucking laughed when i saw that. I saw it last friday with my girlfriend. Hotdamn, this movie is excellent!
  23. Gonna watch it with my girlfriend this friday. Reading all of this tells me i won't be dissapointed.
  24. I always thought this RE4 amv was hella good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI-AcKYc9QQ This one from DMC3 is also quite good, but the original file (that is linked in the discription) is far superior to this crappy youtube version.
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