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Everything posted by Raziellink

  1. It did made you hop, but like you said, it had some smooth controls. Doing that in MK64 and DD it felt like you were driving on ice, making it impossible for snaking as in MK:DS.
  2. Yes, 3rd of the December, STATESIDE....Europeans will have to wait. Same shit with Super Paper Mario.
  3. There was power sliding in MK64, but it wasen't as easy to pull off as it was in MK:DS. Same goes for MK:DD. Let's hope this one isn't an exception. The snaking was the reason i stopped playing it.
  4. Yeah, and making a thread like this shouldn't be enough reason to flame the guy this bad....O.o
  5. How did this thread survive 3 pages already?
  6. The manga itself is from 1989. It's still ongoing with 31 tankobon so far. EDIT: Damn, Avatar beat me to it by a long shot. That'll teach me for not reading the entire page...><
  7. Awesome! tencharacterlimit
  8. Same reason why i hated Twilight Princess. Been there, done that.
  9. Sorry for reviving this thread, but i found something you guys might enjoy...IF it's real, and not a hoax. Something i found on the Gametrailers forums: "An official of the Florida Bar proposed late last week that controversial Miami attorney Jack Thompson submit to psychological testing and accept a 91-day suspension of his law license, according to an e-mail GamePolitics received from Thompson himself. The claim has not been verified by the Florida Bar, which did not respond to our request for comment. As GP has previously reported, Thompson is currently embroiled in a pair of federal lawsuits against the Bar. The Bar has moved to hold a disciplinary hearing against Thompson based on several complaints about the anti-game attorney’s professional conduct, including video game cases involving Grand Theft Auto and Bully. A scheduled June 25th hearing was postponed." The poster claims this information comes from ign.com, but i haven't been able to find it there...
  10. Holy crap, Bowser looks scary. Really, really cool update.
  11. I'm so gonna see it. I was anyway, but at least now i have the idea i won't be wasting my money. I'm so going to see it...
  12. I'm surprised nobody said "old" yet. It's been on newgrounds, for a good month or two?
  13. First rule of the OCR fight club: is that we don't make threads about the OCR fight club. Oh wait....
  14. Man, what a sweet update it is. I wonder if they will go REALLY crazy with all the characters that could be summoned...
  15. Our local tv-guide gave it an 1 out of 5, because it was simply a movie with a lot of explosions. It didn't tell anything about the movie other then that, and kept on going about how sucky the director is. Michael Bay should be the perfect director for movies like this. Needles to say, i didn't believe it for one second. I'm planning on watching it in a week or two.
  16. Awesome update. I love the whole bananapeel Illiterate: that's an awesome idea.
  17. I'd say Odama...
  18. Yes, but the general public won't be so happy to hear this. Gaming already has a bad name due to certain school-shootings, WoW, and game-related deaths. After hearing that gaming might actually become an addiction, gamers will be considered to be even more of "outsiders". Well, i am overreacting a bit, but the bottom line is that this might turn out negatively for gamers.
  19. Whatever happend to Peach...? Not that i would miss her, it's just that Zelda has been announced before Peach.
  20. I've read about a rehab clinic in Amsterdam, where they have got their hands full on kids who got send there by their parents. I'm guessing we're talking about real bad cases. But yeah, games were made to be addictive. Being very addictive would make you throw in another quarter in the machine and try again. And although this could be a bit "problematic", i'm sure that there are people that know when to stop. And some who don't. The latter could be considerd "addicted", but isn't that with everything? Like mentioned above, television?
  21. "An insider who has read Hayter's treatment advised us that his take was "Metal Gear as the Apocalypse Now of the digital age, with Snake at the center of a swirling whirlpool of Genomic/military madness." Madness? Solid Snake in Sparta? DAMNIT, how could i have not seen that coming?
  22. Congratulations!
  23. Fixed tententen.
  24. Who the hell revived this again? For the what...3rd time?
  25. It's a bit weird closing up the DS, since it's still alive and kicking...
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