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Everything posted by Antipode

  1. I'd love to go, but tough to do so when I don't have a car with me and no one is in the area who will be going...(I'm in Monterey Bay fyi). That said, I will DEFINITELY be going to the July 24th San Diego concert (since I'll be down there during that time), so I'd be happy to meet up with anyone in THAT area.
  2. And a million Patriots fans cried out and were suddenly silenced.
  3. It might be kind of sweet if they included, maybe as an unlockable cd, a Mario Galaxy tune. Something like the Battle Rock/Dreadnought theme would fit really well, I think.
  4. Looks like you gots da contagious eye infection.
  5. Wolf has got to be in this though, and he'd have to go in between Dedede and Lucario - that would line up Bowser with the Mario stuff, Toon Link with the Zelda stuff, Sonic with the single characters, and Lucario to the Pokemon, in addition to Wolf lining up with the Starfox ones. It all fits.
  6. This blew me away! They picked the PERFECT songs, and these are just the starting ones. Ship Deck 2 from DKC2 is the best choice ever and I'd never even thought of it. The sheer number of songs in this game totally makes up for the midi-ness. Also, I second Jam Stunna.
  7. Time to retreat into my internet bunker to avoid brawl spoilers.
  8. My first: http://antipodemusic.googlepages.com/Antipode-Opaque.mp3 This was my very first completed project, made in FLStudio 4, back in 2004. It started out as a test to try a bunch of different styles in one. Without the direction this little thing gave me back then (primitive as it is), the stuff I make now would sound very different - check the link below my sig for a sample the most recent stuff I've done. I've still never attempted to make or submit a remix, but I plan to before I finish the album I'm working on.
  9. Part 2: EA retaliates! Seriously, EA gets brownie points for this. Check it out: http://news.filefront.com/ea-requests-fox-news-correct-errors-and-misstatements-about-mass-effect/
  10. So now wacky you see why everyone wouldn't shut up about this game just recently. I think the writing is probably the best of any game I've played. "We had some fun though, right? Remember when the platform was sliding into the fire pit and I was all like "goodbye" and you were all like "NO. WAY." and then I was like "we pretended we were going to kill you!" That was great..."
  11. An antipode is a polar opposite, or something extremely different from something else. Aside from the actual meaning I just thought it was a cool word, and it stuck. It took on additional meanings when I started making original music with the goal of making something really different from other stuff I'd heard. Also if memory serves it was a cool attack in chrono trigger, but that wasn't where I got it from.
  12. Some games will never outgrow their roots. Just look at mario galaxy for instance - there are many points in that where the perspective shifts to side-scrolling and you play it just like a classic mario game. Plus, New Super Mario Bros. was incredibly successful so I don't think they'll just ignore that - they'll probably make more. As for Metroid, I don't think the 2d games are over. The Prime series is finished and Retro is moving on, and I definitely don't think Nintendo will attempt to create a Prime-like FPA without Retro's help simply because the experience would be very different (and simply because I don't think Hunters-like games are going to completely hold up the series). I don't personally think Nintendo will abandon the side-scrolling metroid format that was so popular even through like 2004 or whenever Zero Mission was. It was a successful format that they left behind only because Retro was making the popular Prime games at the time. Don't be at all surprised if you hear something about this rumored Metroid Dread within the year. I don't know about many other franchises (oh, Contra 4 comes to mind, and the new Sonic Rush games), but I don't think side-scrollers are dead. Perhaps you'll only see them rarely, but they were so popular that I'm sure they won't be left behind.
  13. Slightly slower and less complex songs make the blocks and waves line up almost perfectly with the music. You just have to experiment until you get it to work well. Anyway yeah, awesome game.
  14. Not going to lie - OCR has been a HUGE influence on my life. I first stumbled across it in '03 and immediately dismissed it because I assumed it was a pay site or a collection of MIDIs. Not sure what drew me back, but I came back and listened to everything I could and joined the forums where I met lots of awesome people, and several things occurred as a result. First, I gained a newfound appreciation for game music itself. The second and probably most important was that I realized people like me were making music by themselves and releasing it online for free. This was a huge inspiration and it eventually led to my exposure to various DAWs. Now, four years later, I make my own original music (something which is a great passion for me and may even become a career someday) and have radically changed my own musical tastes. Plus after jumping from unmod to .org to remod I've found lots of awesome people who wouldn't have otherwise come together. In short, OCR was a large turning point for me and it has given me several goals to look forward to. All I have left to do is make/submit a remix! Hopefully sometime this year.
  15. This is a fantastic project. No kiddin'. You've nailed several aspects of that intricate RD atmosphere in this music, and much of it is actually catchy! What this has over many of the other projects on this site is the consistency of style - this "emotional, generally downtempo but wide and atmospheric stuff with a rock edge" vibe comes from all the songs, and I think that's pretty crucial to making a more convincing "real" album. You guys have a pretty amazing piece of work here. Congrats to all! My personal favorites are Days of Summer V2, Scar-Sealing Girl and Hallucinogenic. Those 3 need to all be submitted without question (I'm glad to see one has already been posted) - but I really enjoyed the whole set. This, along with Project Chaos and Rise of the Star, are definitely getting lots of listens by me.
  16. If you have Windows Media Center Edition, that'd be your problem right there - nothing by M-Audio is compatible with MCE. Just saying, because I went through hell dealing with that problem. If you don't have MCE, I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of suggestions for you...
  17. Fantastic! This has jumped to one of my favorite remixes in recent memory. The combination of different textures is just great. The stuttering synth effect is refreshing and catchy, and the excellent work on guitar and piano really "sealed" it for me (pun very much intended). Congrats, you guys! I'm listening to the project right now and I like what I hear.
  18. I've enjoyed Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Full Metal Alchemist and Trigun - that's it. Those four shows are absolutely incredible and are must-watches, as far as I'm concerned. I don't believe I've enjoyed any other show nearly as much, though Evangelion is in there trailing behind.
  19. I think I'm just going to like, avoid the internet that day. Reminds me of the recent Harry Potter when that was new...
  20. Hahahaha very nice. That game had the best boxart ever...
  21. Wiki - but as far as I know, yeah, it's Canadian, and now it's mostly just used for sales at department stores and such.
  22. Yeah, I can see that. That pretty much makes sense - it's more a pre-emptive kind of thing then. I know you guys are trying to make more and more of the site have specific written rules (e.g. the submission standards) so there's less gray area, so I can at least see why you would implement this - it's just a little surprising is all.
  23. Why the restriction about only allowing posted remixers? Is this being implemented because you're getting too many album announcements/releases in gen disc (I mean personally I haven't seen this as a problem but I haven't been here constantly) or is it more intended to be an incentive to get all musicians who visit the site to post a remix? Just curious. Other than that, a suggestion on how to increase OCR WIP and original music viewings might be to take a leaf out of VGMix's book - they have a WIP forum and a Finished Music forum, where both originals and remixes are posted, but each track is designated before the title with an [o] or an [r]. So instead of splitting it into Remix WIP and Other WIP, they split it into WIP and Finished, with each track posted within being organized accordingly between originals and remixes. They seem to attract a lot of forum viewers by doing this. But maybe that would get too cluttered within each, so I dunno - just an idea. That said, I guess I'll have to get going on actually attempting a remix pretty soon here!
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