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Everything posted by Antipode

  1. I'd say it's much more accurate that everything from melee got balanced, and not for anyone - just to make it a better game. Seriously, this game is ridiculously well balanced compared to 64 or melee.
  2. I hate how they're asking the question "did video games blah blah blah" but they're only paying for the ones that give them the answers they're looking for.
  3. I might actually be able to put in a track for this one. Unfortunately I can't seem to log in anymore! The forgot password system also always says "failed to send". What's goin' on? Is it possible I can get "unlocked"?
  4. I like having the 1 unread label. I think I'm going to leave it. Haha
  5. Mine still says 1 unread. EDIT: It also looks like they're talking about this here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=390924#390924 Just btw.
  6. It's been awhile! I'm still hard at work on this album, and I've got the second preview set ready to go. This set features about 20 seconds or so apiece of 8 of the currently finished tracks (faded together). This should give you some idea the direction the album is taking. You can get the set from here (just right-click save-as): DOWNLOAD The 8 tracks featured in this mp3, in order, are: Hothead, Fields of Black, Transparent, Arboria, Lightfighter, The Witching Hour, In the Mist, and Oil and Mud. The track portions featured here are different from the portions in the first set (to give more perspective on each), so this is more a new set than a replacement or update - so if you don't have or haven't heard the first set, it's still available here (the order for that set is Hothead, Fields of Black, The Witching Hour, In the Mist, and Arboria). Please, if you check this out, lemme know what you think! I only have 3 tracks left to go, but I'd love to get a feel of how it's coming along from you guys. Thanks, and enjoy. Superscape will be finished this June!
  7. Man, imagine combining this with Electroplankton and Jam Sessions (and any others I don't know about).
  8. Hahaha this was amazing! Thanks for sharing your work with us.
  9. I have a really long third jump, if you know what I mean.
  10. Samurai Champloo is so amazing it hurts (particularly the final 3-episode arc). I tend to like the ending song for the last episode, "Busterdust".
  11. Hmm, your link isn't working for me. Still, that's great news. I'll keep my eyes open.
  12. Just in case y'all OCRemixers haven't seen it - check this out. AQ Interactive is developing the Korg MS-10 synth for the DS! This is going to be pretty amazing. Unfortunately it's also only coming out in japan (this july), but keep your hopes up! http://techdigest.tv/2008/03/korg_ds10_synth.html
  13. I'm really interested in getting good with G+W and Rob. I still don't have them, though.
  14. Sure, but I think he was saying that when you start it is most important because once a track is taken, you can't do it anymore.
  15. I guess the most "notable" thing I've done is having my music used several times in the background for several segments on a local news channel. That was just indescribable. My greatest personal achievement though is probably a song I've just finished recently called Fields of Black. I definitely believe it to be the best thing I've ever written, and that's a great feeling. I'll send it out once I've finished the rest of this new album I'm working on (though I believe there's a bit of it in that preview set I mention in my sig).
  16. I laughed pretty hard at "awkward fanfiction-writing girls that smell like old meat".
  17. I actually have a pretty good idea for the Castle theme. I'd love to jump in if Audix can't make it for whatever reason.
  18. This seems more like an announcement than a request. All the major tracks most people would want are already taken. Why didn't you just personally request people for all of them? EDIT: I suppose it would be a bit odd to PM somebody and beg them to do like a bonus room theme. I guess I can see that.
  19. That's a matter of opinion. I find him pretty funny. While it isn't like something I'd watch for comedic value it's much more entertaining and light-hearted than the average review, so I love it for that.
  20. I've held onto just about 60 remixes that I legitimately love. I'll add one every few months as a new one comes out that I like. I'll go through a bunch of them maybe every couple months for nostalgia's sake (both nostalgia for the game tunes and nostalgia for when I used to listen to remixes frequently) but there's some that are beyond that to the point where I think they're actually really musically great, and I'll listen to those much more often (and yeah, Mustin, po's Electric Clouds is one of those for me). So all in all, I probably get back around to listening to some good old remixes maybe once every three or four weeks or so. That's not bad, considering as I have a pretty huge collection of music overall.
  21. I wonder if this still happens with all items off.
  22. No that isn't specifically what I was getting at - but that's definitely at least a part of it.
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