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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. A few things: I had come across this article via Stumbleupon, and enjoyed it. I also enjoyed the article relating the modes to how a piece of music feels. I loved learning about the different modes because I was finally able to understand why I liked certain pieces of music. Also, the Aeolian and natural minor scales are synonymous. It's the intervals between consecutive notes that make the scale, not the actual notes used. I'm curious to know what some of you think the difference is. :\ You wanted a piece in Locrian, the Sprout Tower from Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal is in C Locrian. I also haven't really analyzed One-Winged Angel, but it has so much variation in it, I would have a hard time classifying the whole piece as a single mode. The thing about your article, is one really needs to have had a music theory course to really appreciate it. You ought to show what the modal differences are before-hand. Let someone hear the Major/Ionian WWHWWWH, and then let them hear, in the same key, the Aeolian/minor WHWWHWW intervals. Go ahead and do the same for all of the different modes, and make it clear that Ionian does not need to start on C, Dorian need not start on D, Phrygian need not begin on E, etc. As a metalhead, I was very happy to see that one of my favorite songs as a kid was in Locrian (sprout tower again). Another thing. That E harmonic minor jingle you think of when you think Luigi's Mansion would be considered a leitmotif, I think. You know, the little bit he whistles.
  2. I don't give him enough credit to assume he's trolling. I really do think he's being totally serious. "I'ma type yo ass" got me laughing pretty good. That whole culture has an ego problem.
  3. You just described my every-day footwear. I feel good about myself now.
  4. I took a quick look. the voice acting and recording is sub-par. Pull the microphone to the side of your mouths so you don't get white noise on your S's and SH's. As far as voice acting, I don't have any experience. I'd say pretend as best you can as if you were right there in that situation. Immerse yourself among your thoughts in the story, and paraphrase your lines rather than read them from a script, so it sounds like you're actually having a discussion between the characters.
  5. You fail to stay diplomatic, and then insist that you are a mature individual in the next paragraph.
  6. Now that I've done more research on LEDs, you can take them off of my wants list. No random person is going to have what I'm looking for, and they aren't worth shipping for just a few. Thanks
  7. Go ahead and kick Resident Evil 2 for the GCN off of my wants list. If you're out of space, you could make a new thread, and reserve a few of the first posts for text space. Then ask a mod to lock this one. Been said many times, but again, thanks for running this thread.
  8. Hate picardy thirds. Just looked up Spanish Phrygian. Cool sound, apparently Wherever I May Roam was done in that mode. One of the first songs I actually liked outside of video game music.
  9. That whole paragraph was sarcasm out the ass. It's just a list of my preferred sounds. I hate Ionian, Dorian, Lydian, and Mixo. Especially when a good Aeolian piece ends on an Ionian note. Makes my blood run cold and boil.
  10. The original poster should have known this would degrade into a "post your favorite music" thread, complemented with "flame others' musical preference". I've noticed that the vast majority of young listeners listen to music for the words, and not for the music itself. "Hate black metal because it just sounds like graah." "Can't listen to anything that isn't in English." "Classical music doesn't "speak" to me; it's boring." I tell them to go to a damn poetry reading, and they can get out of my car if they don't like what's being played. Back on topic, good music is only in Aeolian, Harmonic Minor, Phrygian, or Locrian. Major key tonality is only allowed in phrygian or harmonic minor context. Diminished 5ths/Augmented 4ths are a requirement; brownie points if you also use a minor 9th.
  11. Check to see that the track numbers are in the ID3 tags.. and get into the habit of putting the track number in the filename, too, so they're always correctly organized. Does that one have two CD's? I can't remember. Seperate CD's by directory.
  12. A sig graphic for this thread would be neat, maybe incorporating the Zelda shopkeeper's infamous line.
  13. Nekofrog, I asked a tech buddy of mine the same question about the HDTV's on display at places like Wal-Mart. They look like shit, and they're grainy. What's happening is they're splitting the signal amongst all of their 20 or whatever TV's, and the TV is doing some of its own upconverting to compensate for signal noise... or something like that. So yeah, you're right.
  14. Pixietricks made a thread recently about an album.
  15. Way to promote artists in the community. I thought you got banned.
  16. Thanks to everyone who responded. The main reason I want to stick with sheet music notation is I need to continue to familiarize myself with it. Another friend of mine also had good things to say about Cubase, so I'll probably check that out first. I'll be considering everything listed here too, though. Thanks again.
  17. I played this:
  18. So, I'm interested in purchasing a DAW for myself. To compose music, I've been using Guitar Pro for the most part, which does sheet music and tablature, although there isn't much mixing capability or high-end samples. Logic sounds perfect for me; a friend of mine said it can display sheet music and work with midis, etc. But it looks like it's for Macs only. I looked at FL Studio briefly, but it seems that it only displays piano-roll sort of stuff. I'm taking a music theory class right now, so I'd prefer to work in a sheet-music sort of interface (or even a hybrid of sorts would be nice, I suppose, for parts without a meter). So, looking to the experts for suggestions. Cheers.
  19. The percussion seems to get repetative, and the fact that it's repeating with that tinny snare drum makes it worse, in my opinion. Use the snare sparingly. When using snare, I like it when it sounds like this, at 0:54. Rich, and used (sort of) sparingly. Maybe you could have a crashing snare hit for a "stinger" of sorts, if your music moves into a different section.. or, then again, maybe this is all inappropriate for an accoustic guitar piece. I dunno, I'm brainstorming here. The quality of the guitar, however, sounds great. But there's still too little happening. Put a bass instrument in there to make everything sound richer. Then add some variation to the theme.. a few random notes pop into your head as you're playing? Put those suckers in. Figure out what key this song is in, and mess with the scale. shit like that.
  20. Yeah, I see what you mean. It makes sense. D:
  21. Let me sit on it for a bit. This thread is an impulse-buyer trap, and I don't want to throw too much coin around.
  22. This is a concept I was unfamiliar with, but it makes sense. The only thing that confused me a little bit was your example of the robot being likable for his few human traits, but then using Final Fantasy characters as another example of the peak to the left of the valley. Something about the Japanese style puts it somewhere in-between, because although they resemble humans to a much larger degree than a robot, some of their traits are completely off (big eyes, big hair, no skin texture), but we don't find them revolting.
  23. Luigi's Mansion. Banjo-Kazooie pretty much has one leitmotif per level, and each mood is conveyed perfectly, while using the same theme. @ Kirkhope on that one.
  24. Has it been stored in cases, period? I have played that game on scratched discs, and it gets to be aggravating. If the discs are unscathed, I'll offer you $15 for a shipped copy.
  25. Thanks, Prophet. I also need a power-inverter for this laptop, though that's pretty obscure for this thread. I needed to fix my other laptop with a busted power inverter so I could use it for Halloween. Acting on a ballsy/stupid impulse, I looked at the power inverter from the hdd-less laptop and thought "Well, the model numbers have most of the characters in common.. let's try it!" So I put it in the inverter-less laptop. It worked. Probably because they're both Sony Vaio's.
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