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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. Wait, so is this project dead or what? I was looking forward to a Castle of Hain remix D:
  2. I think VMWare Fusion is just for mac users who are too stubborn to admit they really wish they had bought a PC.
  3. You were all talking about sex appeal earlier. I thought they all pretty much got extremely ugly. They've all become butter-faces since SCII. The only time my dick moved was during a match with a purple-colored Amy in fishnets. And Lizardman of course.
  4. I'd say get a pair of the sony in-ear buds that have those rubbery little earcaps on them. I think they cost about 30-40 bones. They do a nice job of resonating with the bass in your ears, so you get a pseudo bass-boost. They haven't broken for me out of normal use, but you do want to be careful around where the wires meet the buds/plug. That's very, very thin copper that you're dealing with.
  5. uTorrent is the easiest to get used to. It's got a interface similar to Limewire/Kazaa/Ares, so there won't be much learning curve. Then go to thepira-- I mean, go to OCR's torrent section, and download/open the torrent file you're interested in with uTorrent.
  6. I don't know how to describe this in musical terms, but right at 1:42 and 3:37 the key changes or something. Some very minor-key-sounding element. And it's just a few notes. It's very haunting, and very beautiful, all at once. Music theory amazes me, so I'm very curious to know how someone musically talented would describe that brief break. It's something to do with the key the music was in previously and the transition to something different that makes it stick out so much for me, I think.
  7. QFE, I'd like to accent this sentiment. I've told friends of mine about this album and the story behind it, and even they feel the heartwarmth that radiates from this project. It makes me wish that I, too, had some musical talent. Slowly but surely, increasing my skill at the ivory. P.S., posted this while listening to "Kindred". It's a beautiful piece.
  8. Thirty-one dollars for a shipped DMC Collection. ;p I'm also mildly interested in Super Smash Brothers Brawl, but I don't think I'm interested enough to really give you a fair deal. I'll give you $20 for it shipped, knowing full well that it's only an offer for you to take if you're extremely desperate.
  9. I'll throw down 25 bones for your Devil May Cry collection, and I'm curious to hear what sort of game Phantom Brave is. I have paypal. I hope I don't get sticker shock from shipping.. I'd prefer not to spend more than 5 bucks or so on it. Maybe we can split it.
  10. I know from experience that this is correct. However, with an older machine, I did have to wait about 5 minutes for it to do it's thing.
  11. Ah, I learned something today. Cheers.
  12. Help me out here, what does "wet" actually mean? Also, I would not recommend EQing with software on your computer. It's better to do it with your receiver. If you must EQ with computer software, your frequency with the highest decibel setting should be 0, and the others should be lowered with respect to the frequencies at zero. This is because if you crank up a frequency with software, you run the risk of causing the audio feed to clip. With that said, I listen to a lot of dark, heavy music. I tone down the mids so that highs and lows are accented. It gives the music a clearer, sharper, richer sound. Higher mids will make music feel noisy, but will make lyrics more understandable. So if you listen to shit like punk rock, consider enhancing the mids. If you listen to shit like metal, consider my EQ setting. Edit: don't use any of the preset EQ settings. Go ahead and use them as a base for your own custom settings. I often find that the presets aren't dynamic enough for me.
  13. How about a whole genre that nobody has heard of: Dark Electronica (specifically Aggrotech). After a long shift at work, I steal an espresso and blare this in my car. I love this type of music.
  14. I'm part of the group with a computer too outdated to run the COOL games, therefore I stick to older games like W:A. To those who used to frequent WormNet, any clans? House-rules of preference, like the propers and shoppers? There is an insane amount of different house-rule games on WormNet now.
  15. Well, I already made it the same night I posted this thread because I'm impatient. Since I didn't have any decent Zelda images, I made a Psyclon-Nine themed one instead. But, again, there's nothing stopping me from making another. Oh, I should have mentioned. On WormNet, they have a house-rules game called a w2w shopper, that is the type of map I was planning (and did) make. But anyway. W:A and good zelda screenshots, discuss.
  16. So, I play a game called Worms: Armageddon when I feel like it, and I'm sick of the crappy maps out there. And I'm sick of my own, so I'm going to make a new one. I'm going to make it Zelda-themed (although if anyone thinks thats a shitty idea and has a better one, I can always make a couple maps.) So I'm asking for anyone who knows of any good Zelda/Sheik fan art, or generally any good screen shots, to post them. This can also be a Worms discussion thread, too. I have the same username. Cheers
  17. button mashing is one of the best strategies in that game. Similar thing happened when a newcomer joined my little circle of friends. I still whooped her with Link, but she whooped everyone else. My maximum number of juggles with his Up-Vertical attack is four Usually I only get three. I need to pin someone in the corner of the cathedral someday and try to beat it. The cathedral's music is epic, by the way. I'm known to pick favorite stages based solely on the tune in the background.
  18. Just thought I'd pop in here and say I'm looking forward to a few of the tracks in this game, especially Ambi's Tower. I *may* have a clarinet player for you, if you want it, but my recording equipment can hardly be considered par.
  19. Yes, I understand how that works mathematically, but feel free to write it out for anybody else who may read this thread. The only concern is an absolute definition, and if the Harvard Dictionary of Music says 2/4 and 3/4, it's probably accurate. What's weird is a dictionary like that and a person with a B.A. in Music, both, are very credible sources. For them to disagree is unnerving.
  20. Thanks for the responses, I'll have my dad take a look, and see if he still insists that it must be 6/8 time or if there is some musical equivalence between 2/4 and 3/4 with triplets thrown in. Also he'll appreciate your comment too, Atma.
  21. I haven't done it yet; money issues. But I think what I'll do is buy the 3rd party cart that backs up saves, replace the battery without worrying about losing data, and then load from the 3rd party device. But.... what about when it's battery begins to fail?
  22. One of my first OCRemixes was bLiNd's Temple Trance, and upon reading the first post, I opened that piece. It's an appropriately somber one. Best Wishes.
  23. According to my Father, who has a four-year degree in music, a Furiant is a dance in 6/8 time, with alternating accents on the first and fourth of the bar, to accents on the first, third, and fifth of the bar. According to Wikipedia and Answers.com's musical dictionary, a Furiant is a dance alternating between 2/4 and 3/4 time. So, I ask for clarification. Cheers
  24. Avien's "Noumenon". It's not listed individually on the site- you may have to get it in Relics of the Chozo.
  25. I lol'd at snake.
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